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Grrrr - my flat smells of fish

Is it OK to walk past going 'Nah Nah Nah', or is that a bit childish?

Well done Memespring and Nipsla, we, the residents of Electric Avenue, thank you. How long do they have to do the remedial work?
zuszsa said:
Is it OK to walk past going 'Nah Nah Nah', or is that a bit childish?

Well done Memespring and Nipsla, we, the residents of Electric Avenue, thank you. How long do they have to do the remedial work?

Tempting I know but probably best not to antagonise them - they may be a little pissed off at the mo ;) :D

They've got 90 days so by the end of June hopefully :)
memespring said:
The full decision came through yesterday and they have to put everything back exactly as it was: www.memespring.co.uk/files/decision.pdf

This is potentially a very important decision for the market as it sets a precident for the council. The market traders federation are very happy also. :)
mmmm, hate to piss in your piano but Living (previously Coach & Horses) on Coldharbour Lane ripped out the old windows in contravention of the conservation area status and put in ghastly ones that look like MDF and perspex, got an enforcement order to replace them to put them back as they were before. Years have passed and they still haven't done it......as far as I'm aware they just totally ignored the order with no comeback :(
I awoke this morning to the dulcet tones of a jackhammer (always nice on a Sunday morning), I had hoped it meant that the council were starting work on the potholes in Electric Lane. However, as I peered out the kitchen window, I realised that the smelly fish shop was replacing the removed shop front. There are now windows and walls again. Woo Hoo. Well done Nipsla and Memespring - tenacity pays off.
Some friends of mine lived above a fish shop. It didn't smell of fish untill one of them left the bath taps running, and the whole bath fell through their floor and into the shop.
zuszsa said:
I awoke this morning to the dulcet tones of a jackhammer (always nice on a Sunday morning), I had hoped it meant that the council were starting work on the potholes in Electric Lane. However, as I peered out the kitchen window, I realised that the smelly fish shop was replacing the removed shop front. There are now windows and walls again. Woo Hoo. Well done Nipsla and Memespring - tenacity pays off.

Woo indeed :) Was a nice surprise when we got back from Glastonbury.

Still smells of fish mind but we're getting there slowly :)
Hi everyone,

I'm aware that this is an ancient old thread but I was wondering what the out come of the situation was. As we have had exactly the same situation happen to us this week.

A new Meat & Fish shop has moved in beneath our flat on Electric Avenue and have just begun trading. Within one day the smell has penetrated three floors, and I'm guessing when I get back from work tonight that it'll be twice as bad.
They have also installed extractor fans/condenser units or whatever they are, and kindly used a little table on our balcony at the rear to permanently perch one unit on without asking.

I too could do with a little information on the legality of this, and whether there is any way you can force them to do the work necessary in order to stop the flats smelling like the inside of a mackerel. If they don't sort it out soon I'll be doing a runner.

Many thanks
I apologise I hadn't read this thread properly.

"The national planning inspectorate decision came through on this today (after 18 smelly months) and we won!! 100%"

There is no way I'm waiting 18 months to sort this issue out - I'm speaking with Planning & Enforcement today. I'm guessing my time in Electric Avenue has come to an abrupt end.
I apologise I hadn't read this thread properly.

"The national planning inspectorate decision came through on this today (after 18 smelly months) and we won!! 100%"

There is no way I'm waiting 18 months to sort this issue out - I'm speaking with Planning & Enforcement today. I'm guessing my time in Electric Avenue has come to an abrupt end.

Hello harcy. I think we may well be very close neighbours as I have an idea which flat you may be in from your description! PM me or memespring for some advice on this as we can point you in the right direction. You need to be very thorough and persistent to get this sorted.
Hello guys - cheers for quick responses.

Sadly no we don't own it, we are tenants, with very little power to complain really. We have never met our lanlord, who I'm pretty sure doesn't exist now. The building is sub let to someone, then sublet again to another guy and then sublet again to us upstairs and the shop below. Daisy chain.
I've been on the phone to Lambeth Council and been redirected all over the place today.

We would need to arrange for an Environmental Health Officer to pop over, and judge whether the smell is strong, they'll also look into whether or not the fish is actually fresh. Which it may not be, but that's not my issue. They would then take a few weeks before it reaches court even if they believe this to be a significant problem, and not just one of the downsides from living above a meat/fish shop.
Another issue is the smell of the cleaning products they will be using each night. Also as our house hasn't the best air flow, it cooks up pretty hot in summer, and that combines with the smell of raw meat/fish will be lethal. The main air vent out of the building is right below my friends bedroom window also, which he won't be able to open all summer now. The fans are the least of the worries, but there are about 6 around the property now, and you'd probably have to get a few residents on the avenue to all complain together.

Electric avenue is a great laugh, and you can sit looking out at all the goings on and banter each day, it's particularly fun in summer. We have huge space and cheap rent. The only draw back being is that you are living in a market, and you will have to suffer some of the downsides of that.
I'm not sure how long I'll have to complain for until someone just turns around and says something like "If you cant bear the smell of meat and fish near or in your house, why are you living on the market street?" They would have a point.

Why Electric Avenue is in need of ANOTHER meat and fish shop I'll never know.

I'll keep you all posted on what happens, I'll get the EHO to pop down and see what he says out of interest, and also for the benefit of whoever may move in if we split.

Thanks again.
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