Anyone remember the mini hog...or Frank Minogue? Used to come into the swan in Stockwell every sunday night and sing 'Come down from the mountain katie daly'....and get a few drinks bought for him. Irish, maybe from kerry and lived Camden/Highgate way.He'd save me a seat in the pub
and then sit with us all night. He told me it was his birthday coming up and I told him i'd take him wherever he wanted to go...we made an arrangement to meet at Highgate tube one Sunday afternoon , but when i got there he was nowhere to be seen, i thought I'd been stood up. I walked down the high street a bit and he was standing in a shop doorway, he was holding a polystyrene cup of tea and had one for me on the floor next to him. He had a half french stick with ham in it shoved in his coat pocket, that he'd take out, have a bite and then offer it to me...i declined, just couldnt face it.
He was holding a brown paper bag with a vinyl album in ( yes it was the 80's) I asked him what it was and it was the Italian opera Cosi Fan Tutte
...I asked him where he wanted to go, mindful that some places may not have taken kindly to him, he said he wanted to show me Highgate Woods...we walked around for a couple of hours, he showed me where foxes slept and birds nested and named every plant and tree. I took this photo of him, he often had this captains cap and for the occasion he wore a tie...gravy stained but a tie nevertheless. He spoke in a strange lulling sing song way, really strong accent. I tried to ask him about his life, and he told me he lived in a car? I remember he wanted to use the gents public loo and he entrusted me with the ham french stick when he went in, I stood holding it like the olympic flame.
I moved abroad and never saw him again...asked loads of people when I came back to the Uk and no one had seen him? Years later i went to a funeral in Highgate , of a banjo player we both knew - Tommy McManamon, and hoped the mini hog would appear in the crowd...he didnt. Sadly I'd guess he is no longer with us - but would love to know for sure.