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Great Musical Hair

Inspired by the couple of Metal thread that started recently, I started thinking about great hair in music. So post up your awesome hair.

I will give one to start, although I realise that this is so awesome that you may not be able to compete.

Its Wayne X from Static X. High rise gelled hair? Check. Metal Beard? Check. Not being metal enough to grow a moustache and the bits that link the moustache and beard together? Check. Beads in Beard? Fucking CHECK.

Who the fuck has better facial hair in music (Geri Halliwell does not count btw)

I thought this was going to be a thread about the great musical 'Hair' which a saw too many years ago to admit to. It was a great musical.
At least two of these should've been locked up for crimes against hair (as well as against music).
I remember when I once went to Palais de Versaillles and me and my brother went around laughing at how important Brian May was in French history

It was all wasted on us

My mum took us to see The Tempest in Oxford and we just laughed at how the fairy was a gay man and not a hot bitch
: Kaka Tim said:
Very very silly. Even by 80s standards.

Came about when another band member flattened his then mohican when they were about to go on stage. Decided it was cool and that was it.
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