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Got a new Venus Fly Trap - now I need a pot

We normally have loads of flies as the house gets so much sun, so the flys sit on the warm bricks, then pop inside through the open windows as it cools outside. Hopefully the VFT will help dispatch some of them.

And for downstairs, we got a couple of these meat-eaters:

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Just don't let them get too big so they end up escaping.
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I've used this place loads. For plants and they also do compost mixes for each type of carnivorous plant. The ones in the butler sink are all about 7 or 8 years old now

Edit: oh right Venus, you do need to keep wet

You still shouldn’t have to large saucer
I use a mushroom tub for mine(the ones the supermarket put mushies in), they really DO need a lot of water. I've had a fly trap for a good few yrs now, and a trumpet plant. They can handle a few days without water if the temperature is mild ime. Mine can also handle tap water but I live in Scotland, which may affect it. I never use water straight from the tap though.

I second checking a couple of charity shops for suitable cups/saucers, plant holders
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Also, I was worried it was dying as lots of traps went black, but it looks like it might just be acclimatising to the new window. Loads of new traps coming through. I snipped off the black ones to give the new fellas some space to grow.
Update: one side is growing really well, the other (which seems like a different plant), not so good.

There's been a few flowers popped up, which I think are actually the sun dews that stowed away in the pot.

Still don't have a proper pot...


Also on the closest trap, you can see the remains of a crane fly. It obviously decided it had bitten more than it could chew, as it opened again after a few days with the partially digested crane still there.

Or maybe it just didn't like the taste?
With regard to surviving winter, they need to be a lot less wet, but not dry out. I think thats what I read about them overwintering. They are not frost tolerant as you can't grow them outdoors as far as I'm aware but they will rot if kept too wet. Also don't want to be too warm.. Ie heating on
Update: one side is growing really well, the other (which seems like a different plant), not so good.

There's been a few flowers popped up, which I think are actually the sun dews that stowed away in the pot.

Still don't have a proper pot...

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Also on the closest trap, you can see the remains of a crane fly. It obviously decided it had bitten more than it could chew, as it opened again after a few days with the partially digested crane still there.

Or maybe it just didn't like the taste?
Have you got any other carnivores? You'll love the pitchers and monkey cups if you like VFTS
With regard to surviving winter, they need to be a lot less wet, but not dry out. I think thats what I read about them overwintering. They are not frost tolerant as you can't grow them outdoors as far as I'm aware but they will rot if kept too wet. Also don't want to be too warm.. Ie heating on
The people I bought mine from said they keep them outside all year, which surprised me.
Have you got any other carnivores? You'll love the pitchers and monkey cups if you like VFTS
Yep, got these two the same day: Got a new Venus Fly Trap - now I need a pot

Don't know what a monkey cup is... Off to Google
A last hurrah before a wintery death no doubt. Good luck though.
Survived the winter. Just. I let it dry out a couple of times and almost lost it. Looking a bit healthier the last few weeks with the reappearance of the sun, though.

Also got some flowers! I know some people don't let them flower, but I've never seen a VFT flower before so decided to leave it.

It's pretty cool. The flowers grow high so the traps don't catch the insects they need to help with pollination :cool:

Cat for scale and extra likes

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