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Giving away a Windows pc without my login


Well-Known Member
I'm planning to put an old PC running Windows 8 on local social media for someone to have.

Thing is you login with your Microsoft account details, so if I just give it away, the recipient will be able to access my Hotmail and so on.

Anyone able to tell me what I need to do to wipe my identity from the PC and leave it in a state where someone can start again with their own login?
Just bumping this really. I think you need to do a multiple-type data wipe to make sure your data's gone but then I presume you'd have to reinstall windows. Someone else should confirm/deny though.

Well, unless you give them your password, they won't be able to login at all.

So just wait for someone to claim it, then set up a new user in their name.

Remove your data from the hard drive as well of course, but they won't be able to access any of your Microsoft stuff (eg Hotmail) if you don't give them your details.

Hope that makes sense!
Here's a link to how to create a new user, they also don't have to be linked to a Microsoft account (I assume that still holds as it such an old version of Windows)

Sorry, incomplete data!

When you set up the new account, be sure to make them an Admin, so they have full rights. (You should already have admin rights. If you don't then we're doomed :D)

Then when they come to pick it up, get them to login and ask them to delete your account.

Just bumping this really. I think you need to do a multiple-type data wipe to make sure your data's gone but then I presume you'd have to reinstall windows. Someone else should confirm/deny though.

Yes. This. Belt and braces is get rid of the hard drive, but I'd be happy with using a USB key with this on.

However there is some value to having a machine with Windows on, so I'd save the key using this.

And download a clean copy of Windows from MS and install it.

Do a clean install of windows 10 from a USB drive before you give it away.

Or take out the hard disc and they have to get one and then install windows themselves.
Yes that article I linked to pointed out that it's not just credit card and bank details that need to be kept confidential - private photos, videos, emails, and chat messages can be too. Also address and anything scammers can learn about you.
Feel free to correct me but ISTR that it's a piece of piss to hack the login password for older versions of Windows. I've done it for people who forgot their passwords and if I can do it, anyone can.
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