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Ghana v Uruguay


Sitting on the bok of the day
Anyone watching? It's been an exciting first half with a missed penalty and two goals.

Rooting for Ghana who I believe can qualify with a draw, but not looking very hopeful.
I hate Suarez with a passion, but he did the right thing in 2010 and it's very funny seeing people (not Ghanaians) who are still upset about it.
That was a very dull WC. The image of Suarez going berserk on his way to the dressing room when the pen was missed is one of the few memorable moments for me.

This WC has been way better football-wise thus far.
S Korea lead Portugal.

As I understand it if it stays as it is Suarez and co are going home (crosses fingers).
He didn't do the right thing. He cheated.
Of course he did. You handle the ball and you take the penalty - it's clearly laid out in the rules. He'd have been an idiot if he hadn't punched the ball off the line.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you and I argued this exact point 12 years ago, and I've got no love for Uruguay, so probably best not to labour it. Good riddance to bad rubbish, glad they've been knocked out.
Seems it's a WC in which creaking oldsters aren't quite cutting it. Bale and Ramsey. Half the Belgian team. Suarez and Cavani. A WC too far for all of them.
It's been a great group stage - lots of upsets and shocks, but I don't think we've actually really lost anything of value through losing the teams we have so far.

Very glad that Belgium and Uruguay have been knocked out - not really arsed about Germany, and fingers crossed Cameroon can spring a surprise against Brazil tonight to dump out Serbia and Switzerland.
I think I'm in a small minority here. Despite everything, I can't quite bring myself to hate Suarez. You can't say he doesn't care.
He's definitely a 'love to hate' character for me. Glad we've had him for the last 12 years, if only for the moments of genius and rage inducing behaviour. Shame about the racist bits mind.
Perfection would have seen Costa Rica clinging to their lead against Germany. Spain are just dull. But that's being greedy.
Cavani tried to buy a penalty. In that moment he wasn't looking to score or cross, he was concentrating fully on slowing down and getting his leg to touch the defender's so he could fall over, just as Cristiano did in Portugal's first match.
Uruguay are one of those teams I always want to do well, but never quite do (probably because I like their strip, I actually ama that shallow). Same time, the post final whistle stuff was petulant, petulant on steroids, petulant on tiptoes. As well as all the stuff reported and seen straight after the game, there's now footage (or maybe stills) of Giminez elbowing a Fifa official in the head after the game. This is in addition to a shove in the back of a linesman or 4th official that you could see on telly:

Part of me thinks they should get a major ban for all of that, the team or the individual players. But then this is Qatar 2022. Perhaps the whole thing should be expunged from the records and the collective memory.
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