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Gearing centric enthusiast clubs


Well-Known Member
Have you ever rode or driven something that may or may not have a 'conventional' gear system? Have you ever joined a club on the basis of this?

Are there clubs for people who drive, say, automatic cars? Do they meet up? Do they have a style of dress? Certain areas that they hang out, types of music?
Have you ever rode or driven something that may or may not have a 'conventional' gear system?

My T25 may have once had a conventional gear system; now it's a broom in a bucket which, to get into reverse, requires actually standing up (i kid you not) on the clutch and forcing the lever across, at the same time punching the headunit - usually ejecting the CD at the same time.
I haven't joined any club for that :)
It sounds like that is merely misfortune.

As a T25 owner, I sympathise. And I was going to say that us van owners don't have sub-cliques, but then I've just remembered - there *is* a special group for 4wd.

Maybe I should have titled the thread "Transmission Centric Enthusiast Clubs"

Anyone here a member of club based on the transmission of your vehicle or other means of transport?
I used to drink at a London pub where some cyclists turned up, once a month, solely based on the gearing of their bikes.
Unfortunately there isn't a club for people who have more than one gear. People like you, and I, are scattered to the wind. There is no club for us.
I ride a bicycle with a five speed Sturmey Archer hub gear and I once drove a Ford Capri that had a detachable gear lever (i.e. most times it would come away in my hand as I changed gear)

Can I join?
i vote in. just waiting on paolo.

sturmey archer. classic.

i had a grey leather gear knob in my capri.
why is it that when the knob is fully tightened, in any car i've owned, the little diagram on the top doesn't actually line up properly? i find this infuriating.
Have you ever rode or driven something that may or may not have a 'conventional' gear system? Have you ever joined a club on the basis of this?

Are there clubs for people who drive, say, automatic cars? Do they meet up? Do they have a style of dress? Certain areas that they hang out, types of music?
I had a 2CV many years ago - strange push/pull gearstick through the dash, and yes I was a member of the owners' club :oops:

Does that count?
There is a club for cyclists with 'fixies'. They meet every Saturday and Sunday at the Brixton Village.
People meet up, because of their specific bicycle transmission?

Where do the Sturmey Archer hub gear people meet? (an untapped demand, I hear)
LFGSS - "stuff we do to kick back or to party" :hmm:

Fixed gear specific club? What happens if someone, say a mate of a member, but with a single speed freewheeling rear hub turns up? Presumably this is not ok.
LFGSS - "stuff we do to kick back or to party" :hmm:

Fixed gear specific club? What happens if someone, say a mate of a member, but with a single speed freewheeling rear hub turns up? Presumably this is not ok.
London Fixed Gear And Single Speed. I guess if you show up on a derailleur geared bike they run you out of town with pitchforks though.
I can think of many people I'd rather have dinner with than someone who'd join a club based on what gear arrangement their car or bike had, tbh.
Everytime I see this thread in new posts I read 'Geriatric enthusiast club' which is a little...erm... :D

Sorry, I'll leave now I have gotten that off my chest..

/gets coat
My friends old van (like an Escort van but something like a Morris) not long before it died had only first and fourth gear operational, so you had to rev it ridiculously in first before jumping it over to fourth. Going up hills was a chuckle too, wait until it almost died in fourth before dropping down. I think eventually it lost first too, but was still somehow drivable.

About two of the cogs on the back of my Raleigh Record will work (as in stay in gear without jumping or slipping), think it's the second smallest then one of the larger (2nd and 5th out of six?). Both cogs at the front work. It's kind of an interesting selection.
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