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Full English with veggie options London Bridge


Does anyone know of a good greasy spoon/ full English cafe. Everywhere I look on line seems to include smashed avacado. One meat eater and one veggie who doesn’t want spinach or avacado on their breakfast!
Does anyone know of a good greasy spoon/ full English cafe. Everywhere I look on line seems to include smashed avacado. One meat eater and one veggie who doesn’t want spinach or avacado on their breakfast!
There's Terry's in Great Suffolk St although it's a short walk away. I went there once many years ago after seeing it recommended on here. It was fine.

I mean, Borough is THE home of wanky food. I would go and have coffee and a nice pastry personally if you don't want avocado.
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There's Terry's in Great Suffolk St although it's a short walk away. I went there once many years ago after seeing it recommended on here. It was fine.

I mean, Borough is THE home of wanky food. I would go and have coffee and a nice pastry personally if you don't want avocado.

I have to say that does look excellent, although somewhat pricier than I'm used to :D It's the area it's in I suppose (compared to the area I am in :D )

I'll have to try it though if I'm ever over that way and have the dosh, have made a note, thanks for the tip!
I have to say that does look excellent, although somewhat pricier than I'm used to :D It's the area it's in I suppose (compared to the area I am in :D )

I'll have to try it though if I'm ever over that way and have the dosh, have made a note, thanks for the tip!
I honestly don't remember it being particularly amazing. I'm sure you could get a great fryup closer to home.
There's Terry's in Great Suffolk St although it's a short walk away. I went there once many years ago after seeing it recommended on here. It was fine.

I mean, Borough is THE home of wanky food. I would go and have coffee and a nice pastry personally if you don't want avocado.
Looks a good option - thanks
maria's cafe used to be the least wanky option in borough market - she and her cafe had been in a proper building in park street before the whole area got yuppified. (i worked round the corner from borough market about 35 years ago...)

although looks like maria has now retired and it's changed hands and they have discovered rocket. no obvious mention of avocado, but i wouldn't put it past them.

bankside cafe (just the other side of southwark underground if you're starting from london bridge) is still fairly traditional. can't remember if they do veggie options but suspect they don't do avocados.
I honestly don't remember it being particularly amazing. I'm sure you could get a great fryup closer to home.

Unfortunately our really good local greasy spoon, The Abbey Café, closed many years ago now and is much missed. :(
I haven't been there for years, but the Cat and Cucumber on Tower Bridge Road would fit your criteria. About 10 minutes walk from London Bridge.
I haven't been there for years, but the Cat and Cucumber on Tower Bridge Road would fit your criteria. About 10 minutes walk from London Bridge.
Looks good - nice to see the veggie option doesn’t include “fake meat”
I haven't been there for years, but the Cat and Cucumber on Tower Bridge Road would fit your criteria. About 10 minutes walk from London Bridge.
Was just about to post the same. Was in there recently and it's still decent, reasonably priced considering it's location and has the usual veggie options that you'd expect from a greasy spoon.
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