I thought if you guessed right you don’t get to see subsequent frames?
How would you know?I thought if you guessed right you don’t get to see subsequent frames?
How would you know?
I thought if you guessed right you don’t get to see subsequent frames?
I do it on PC rather than phone so that might make a difference, but you can click the grey buttons to see whichever frame you like once you have guessed it.
Non spoilery image as an example, I got it in one but am looking at frame #5:
View attachment 327690
Which one was near and which one was far away?You forgot that I’ve seen Indiana Jones and also Back to the Future!
Which one was near and which one was far away?
I think you know what I thinkYou think I can do cryptic?
I know what you're thinking.Framed #99
Framed - The daily movie guessing game
Guess the movie from 6 frames. Come back each day to see if you can guess the daily movie, or visit the archive to answer the days that you missed!framed.wtf
Never heard of it
No Clint, no clue
Same.Pah! I've heard of it but only vaguely. Absolutely no chance on that one.
Turns out there are no official REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT or INADEQUATE logosWell, none of this is boding well for Urban's next OFSTED inspection