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Framed - daily film guessing game

Still thinking about todays.
I got yesterdays, it's such a great idea for a film and yet so unbelievably shit :D
I watch pretty much anything involving time travel though, you could show me a turd and stick a flag in it with the words time travel and I'd watch the fucker.
Which pretty much describes yesterday's Framed.

Going to have to think about todays however.
I love time travel stuff too. Have you seen this?

If not I recommend it. Stick with it it's worth it. (Not to be confused with Flight of the Navigator)
Today was very much SWYS so we both got it in one.

Yesterday's very much wasn't, which would have been nice with such an obscure movie (we both failed).
Another nope.

Actually surprised I've not seen this, N tends to like films about restaurants and chefs, maybe it's just not been on one of the streaming services we have access to - will have to have a look!
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