≠consistcy, surely.
Unable to resist the allure of maybe having done something wrong, I've reloaded it with Noodlers and shaken about half the damned ink out of the nib before trying to write anything. And pampered it out with a bunch of blotting paper.
tbh, it is now writing marginally drier; but it's a bucketload more faff than the Diamine and atm I'm definitely preferring the Oxblood as an all-rounder. Think the Noodler might be a goer for me on a Japanese EF nib (in another month or two? ) but for the mo it's a bit on the squelchy side.
Unable to resist the allure of maybe having done something wrong, I've reloaded it with Noodlers and shaken about half the damned ink out of the nib before trying to write anything. And pampered it out with a bunch of blotting paper.
tbh, it is now writing marginally drier; but it's a bucketload more faff than the Diamine and atm I'm definitely preferring the Oxblood as an all-rounder. Think the Noodler might be a goer for me on a Japanese EF nib (in another month or two? ) but for the mo it's a bit on the squelchy side.