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Five players sent off as PSG VS Marseille turns into a 70s-style feast o'fisticuffs

i wonder what makes a football brawl 1970s style, whether the 1997 fight at the chesterfield v plymouth match which saw five red cards after bruce grobelaar feigned injury counts, or whether the 20 red cards after a 10 minute fight at a match between paraguayan sides sportivo ameliano and general caballero in 1993 would meet the criteria
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How does the ref keep an eye on all of that? Could they have sent more off?
Yeah, I was wondering that too. Obviously he got a word in his ear about Neymar, but with the others I guess he just sent off the initial two and then the other two who had a kick at each other? Kinda curious where general shoving tips over into "right, you're off, son".
Presumably these are highly fit young blokes. I'm fairly sure I've been hit harder in fisticuffs and managed to not behave like that. And I'm not exactly an elite sportsman.
How does the ref keep an eye on all of that? Could they have sent more off?
Should be...

With any multiple player incident like this the game should be paused. VAR should then review the the incident and advise the referee of action.

It will be hard to prove the allegation of racism Neymar retaliated too sadly. If there was a way to prove it without doubt then at least a 6 game ban for the player plus a 6 point deduction for the team.
I also don’t understand how sport is going ahead like this with Covid. They’re in each other’s faces. How does that work?
These are the sort of things that everyone condemns but secretly enjoys watching. The guy in white who first went to the ground deserves an Oscar
Presumably these are highly fit young blokes. I'm fairly sure I've been hit harder in fisticuffs and managed to not behave like that. And I'm not exactly an elite sportsman.

Would like to see retrospective punishment for simulation etc but it is hard to get it right.
I also don’t understand how sport is going ahead like this with Covid. They’re in each other’s faces. How does that work?
Regular testing, and the like, supposedly.

It's tricky, because I'm definitely glad sport is back and they do seem to be taking it relatively seriously, but also not sure it sets the greatest example (I have loads of mates who are regularly playing football now, without testing, but still claiming it's 'Covid-responsible' because they're taking down peoples' details) or the best allocation of resources.
Top marks for doing a roly-poly after the lightest of slaps.
That's one of the things I've always found really weird; everyone knows when you've taken a real hit (whether a fight or just a regular coming together in football) you don't roll around at all.

I once busted my nose headbutting the back of someone else's head (trying to head the ball and missing, I must stress!) and I just went straight down and stayed there, really wasn't in the mood to roll around.
Regular testing, and the like, supposedly.

It's tricky, because I'm definitely glad sport is back and they do seem to be taking it relatively seriously, but also not sure it sets the greatest example (I have loads of mates who are regularly playing football now, without testing, but still claiming it's 'Covid-responsible' because they're taking down peoples' details) or the best allocation of resources.

OK, so they're being tested before each game? That kinda makes sense. But yes, I imagine there's loads of people out there watching their heros playing and thinking if it's good enough for them..

I've seen groups of guys playing in my local park. Not cool.
OK, so they're being tested before each game? That kinda makes sense.
Honestly don't know the exact details of testing regimes (imagine it's different depending on club or league), but there's definitely been constant talk of testing and reports of positive tests leading to isolation.

One incident emphasised why I feel it's irresponsible to be playing football right now: two City players - Mahrez and Laporte, I believe - tested positive without showing symptoms. So, without testing, there's no way of knowing if you or the people you're playing with and breathing all over are contagious.

I did make this point to two different groups of guys I usually play football with in WhatsApp chats, but was met with silence and I know they're still playing football.
Should be...

With any multiple player incident like this the game should be paused. VAR should then review the the incident and advise the referee of action.

It will be hard to prove the allegation of racism Neymar retaliated too sadly. If there was a way to prove it without doubt then at least a 6 game ban for the player plus a 6 point deduction for the team.
Racism is obviously disgusting, but I would have thought that the correct procedure for a player who's been racially abused would be go directly to the nearest official to register their complaint rather than slapping the offending player around the head a few times and then going for a bigger punch later on.
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