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First-person vs Third-person

And sex. I want sex in games. None of this fade to black vibrating controller bollocks..

Vintage Paw said:
Third person


Has no-one recommended Mass Effect to you yet?

Would seem to be the answer to all your problems:

1) RPG epic gameplay - great script and story
2) Third person gameplay
3) Arcady shooting but with RPG system backing it up
4) Alien sex - you can work the storyline to get it on with your crewmates...

Look, it too takes a little time to grasp the complexities of some of the combat, managing your items is unnecessarily tedious and getting the hang of instructing your teammates in battle rather than letting them auto-resolve is a must.

Still I reckon it would suit you to a tee.

I love the dialogue system especially: Normally in an RPG you select the answer "No varlet - I reject your offer" and then your character says "No varlet I reject your offer" which leads to getting weary of the dialgoue and skipping through...

Mass Effect would offer you various dialogue options, but the actual way your character plays them out is in the spirit, rather than the letter, thus meaning you watch it all, thus meaning immersion is maintained.

Example: During a tense stand-off, one option might be "I have had enough of your crap!"

Selecting that actually leads your character to smash the NPC in the face with your rifle, thus ending the conversation.

It's great.
To add: sex in games is still one of these ridiculous issues that causes a furore in the media whenever it rears it's cock.

Mass dismemberment? Fine. Bit of loving? Nuh-uh.

Mass Effect itself suffered from this - lots of idiots were up in arms, whilst admitting they hadn't played the game - because it contained (pretty tasteful - sorry VP) sex which was integral to one of the storylines.

Makes me really fucking annoyed.

They did eventually issue a full apology too - but of course, that wasn't as well publicized...
Sorry, just seen this. I was too busy playing Mass Effect to notice it :D

Yes, it was recommended. I fucking love it. Brilliant game. I didn't find the combat hard to get to grips with at all, but then I played on Easy :p Gonna play on normal with a ladyShep next, so I get to sex Kaiden (manShep sexed Liara, btw). I'm keeping my original manShep for ME2.

The sex was weak. Very weak. A vague shot of alien sideboob. I might check out youtube to see the others.

Look, I'm a perv, I want sex, dammit.

It is really fucked up, like you say, the way the goriest of gore-fests is fine but the slightest bit of imagined side boob gets bitch-slapped. Meh.
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