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First-person vs Third-person

Vintage Paw

dead stare and computer glare
It's well documented I'm having issues getting into fps games on my lovely new shiny xbox. Which saddens me because so many of the great titles are fps.

I lose all sense of spatial context (I have wondered why I'm not moving anywhere when pushing the stick forward, only to realise I'm looking up at a ceiling and not at a wall).

Having to use both sticks to both move AND look in the same direction seems counter-intuitive to me.

I keep dying all over the shop because I can't see that evil fucker around the corner to my left who's shooting me.

I seem to gel much more easily with 3rd person games. You turn to face left automatically when you move left. Plus the ability to see a little way around you is very useful to someone who gets killed easily. You can see the buggers coming.

I'm throwing sandbox vs linear narrative into the mix too. It just so happens that the 2 3rd person games I've played to death and liked since I've had the xbox were both sandbox style games, and the 3 fp games I've played weren't. I can't play Bioshock for more than an hour because I can't handle being alert and mildly freaked out 100% of the time. I like downtime where I can run around and explore or interact in other ways with the game environment that isn't part of a main mission.

Is there any hope for me? Is it possible to re-wire your brain to find fp more intuitive and usable? I feel like I'm going to miss out on so much the xbox has to offer otherwise.

And in the meantime, can anyone recommend any cracking 3rd person games? All I've really played properly so far is GTA IV and Fable II. Obv GTA is the daddy, but I liked Fable II a lot as well, even if it was rather twee. My friend mentioned Fallout 3 and Mass Effect. I haven't checked them out yet, I was looking for other recs before I jump in.

Ta muchly.
I have the solution.

Get a PC and use a mouse and keyboard. Your FPS experience will improve dramatically :D
buy fallout three you can do first and third person and its quite fpsish and is probabley the best game ever made.

I'm really not a fan of fps games without a mouse and keyboard either, im very used to that set up. Fallout 3 is the only game of that ilk i have got on with and that beacuse you get an auto traget mode type thingy which helps a hell of a lot manual aiming is a bit of a bastard still.

I'm not buying a PC Tits :mad:

Had a quick gander at Fallout 3's website. It sounds pretty darned great actually. Plus sounds sandboxy. I'm going to get that :) I guess if I'm any good at it in 3rd person mode I can switch to fp mode and have a bash.
I'm not buying a PC Tits :mad:

Had a quick gander at Fallout 3's website. It sounds pretty darned great actually. Plus sounds sandboxy. I'm going to get that :) I guess if I'm any good at it in 3rd person mode I can switch to fp mode and have a bash.

tis much much more sandboxy then any of the gta games, which is pretty danm snadboxy. Other then the main say 9 missions you can litterally do anything you want and anytime you want and every bit of the ridiculously huge map is open to you the second you have finished the first few missions.

No waiting for them to fix a bridge or any of that shite.

Its cool.

tis much much more sandboxy then any of the gta games, which is pretty danm snadboxy. Other then the main say 9 missions you can litterally do anything you want and anytime you want and every bit of the ridiculously huge map is open to you the second you have finished the first few missions.

No waiting for them to fix a bridge or any of that shite.

Its cool.


Oh that's pretty excellnt :cool:

Indefinite postal strike round these parts starts tomorrow, so I'll check out my local cex and game for pre-owned.
you can pick it up first hand for 20 quid these days without much hassle so make sure the deals a good un.

I know what you mean. There a few FPS I would like to try for PS2 (Black, Timesplitters and XIII), but I can't get my head working around the control scheme of such games on a control pad.
I know what you mean. There a few FPS I would like to try for PS2 (Black, Timesplitters and XIII), but I can't get my head working around the control scheme of such games on a control pad.

If you're used to mouse and keyboard it can take a bit of practice, but won't take you too long to get the hang of.
Yeah, perhaps my brain just isn't wired to work like that. Perhaps it depends on your gaming background too. I'm 31, grew up with the growth of computer games, so pong, C64, Amstrad, Spectrum, then the last proper console I had was the original playstation in 1997. FPS just wasn't prevalent then. The only games I've played on a PC have been strategy games like the Civs, Alpha Centauri etc. And of course, even though the original GTA was completely different to GTA IV, I reckon it's a pretty natural progression, in the third person. I guess if you were introduced to fps at a relatively early stage you'll find it easier, perhaps.

Or maybe I'm just shit :D

Anyway, can I just say Mafia II looks excellent.

I'm going to dl the Lost and the Damned to eek out GTA IV. I'll persevere with Bioshock. I've also looked at reviews of Oblivion, after Fable II I reckon I'll like it so I'll hunt around in town or a copy. Perhaps before I go for Fallout 3.
I'm going to dl the Lost and the Damned to eek out GTA IV. I'll persevere with Bioshock. I've also looked at reviews of Oblivion, after Fable II I reckon I'll like it so I'll hunt around in town or a copy. Perhaps before I go for Fallout 3.

Have you started Fable II yet? I reckon it's excellent (the original was my favourite game on the xbox), though the main story is a bit on the short side.

Plus, it has Stephen Fry! :cool:

e2a: I should read the OP better :oops:
Have you started Fable II yet? I reckon it's excellent (the original was my favourite game on the xbox), though the main story is a bit on the short side.

Plus, it has Stephen Fry! :cool:

e2a: I should read the OP better :oops:

Heh, yeah. I finished the main story just a couple of days or so ago. (I chose the dog. Hammer was annoyed.) I bought the castle afterwards, then got stuck for the first time in the whole game because I couldn't work out what to do to those annoying balls of whatever in the tombs. I found out online, so I'll go back and have another bash at it. I'll carry on with a few of the side quests, it's a fun game :)

Fry was excellent for Reaver. What a smug bastard :D I really liked the whole tattered spire part when rescuing Garth. I'd been putting it off for a while, going about amassing great wealth, good weapons, loads of potions etc, only to find I was stripped of everything once inside lol. I love those fucking Hobbes, when they run away with their arms flailing, then play dead :D I never really explored Wraithmarsh because it scared the bejeebus out of me, so I could do that. I only got about 35 smarmycunt gargoyles, so there's still that to do too. It took me a while to get into it as it was quite slow going before you got some money together and could level up a bit, but it was great by the end.
Heh, yeah. I finished the main story just a couple of days or so ago. (I chose the dog. Hammer was annoyed.) I bought the castle afterwards, then got stuck for the first time in the whole game because I couldn't work out what to do to those annoying balls of whatever in the tombs. I found out online, so I'll go back and have another bash at it. I'll carry on with a few of the side quests, it's a fun game :)

Fry was excellent for Reaver. What a smug bastard :D I really liked the whole tattered spire part when rescuing Garth. I'd been putting it off for a while, going about amassing great wealth, good weapons, loads of potions etc, only to find I was stripped of everything once inside lol. I love those fucking Hobbes, when they run away with their arms flailing, then play dead :D I never really explored Wraithmarsh because it scared the bejeebus out of me, so I could do that. I only got about 35 smarmycunt gargoyles, so there's still that to do too. It took me a while to get into it as it was quite slow going before you got some money together and could level up a bit, but it was great by the end.

I chose the dog, too :D
I chose the dog, too :D

Heh. I was already mega rich, so I didn't need the money. And quite frankly, when posed with the choice of either bringing dead members of my family back or bringing back all those who died at the hands of evil-doers in all the wars ever fought ever, I'd choose my dad every time. So it had to be the dog. No contest. Cute little bugger.

(I called him Niko because I was mourning having completed GTA IV :p)
Heh. I was already mega rich, so I didn't need the money. And quite frankly, when posed with the choice of either bringing dead members of my family back or bringing back all those who died at the hands of evil-doers in all the wars ever fought ever, I'd choose my dad every time. So it had to be the dog. No contest. Cute little bugger.

(I called him Niko because I was mourning having completed GTA IV :p)


Your love for the Serbian Sociopath does you few favours :p

Your love for the Serbian Sociopath does you few favours :p

We decided he was a Bosnian Croat. Is there final word on this anywhere? Not that it matters. Roman gets married in a church, so that rules out Bosnian.

I love him very much. I'd marry him. Fuck Kate.
If you're used to mouse and keyboard it can take a bit of practice, but won't take you too long to get the hang of.

Yeah, by then end of Ghost In The Shell (third person, but requires accurate aiming) I could already move the crosshairs instinctively, but still lacking the quickness and accuracy of mouse+keyb. I may try one of those, eventually. It's not like I'll lose money.
I hunted around town a couple of days ago and picked up Fallout 3, Mass Effect and Oblivion. All Pre-owned, plus 2 of them were at HMV so I got my employee discount on top.

Only had a bash at Oblivion so far and (bashes head against wall) am playing it pretty much exclusively in first person mode :D I'm also finding it incredibly tedious when wandering about in the countryside because the going is so fucking slow. There either isn't a sprint button or I can't find it yet. It also seems incredibly complex, when compared to the simplicity of Fable II at least. I keep getting weighed down as I steal dead goblin armour to sell at the market place. And I prefer being told where quests are rather than hoping I might one day stumble across one as I walk, sloooooooowly, from one place to the next. And if I have to boast/coerce/admire/joke to one more flaming person ... :mad: I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. Fable II took a little while to get going for me.

I might play a bit of Fable later, I dl the Knothole Island expansion.

In other news, I'm not greatly enamoured with The Lost and the Damned. It seems like an endless parade of 'follow Billy on your bike to kill a group of AOD bikers then listen to Billy say it's great to follow a leader'. There's very little story there to make me feel anything other than apathy towards Johnny. It was a nice touch going on that mission with Niko and Playboy though. I don't remember Johnny from doing that mission as Niko. Seeing Niko early on in the game push past someone on the street was pretty cool, and the same news is on the radio about Roman's cab firm burning down and stuff. Hopefully it'll perk up a bit as I get into it more, and I'm looking forward to the ballad of gay tony when that comes out.
I found Oblivion awful, really dull.

Couldn't get into it at all :(

Plus Patrick Stewart's character in it (the Emperor at the beginning) looks like David Icke.
I found Oblivion awful, really dull.

Couldn't get into it at all :(

Plus Patrick Stewart's character in it (the Emperor at the beginning) looks like David Icke.

Oh god, he did, didn't he! :(

Well, I like my RPGs, and Oblivion seemed to be rated highly by lots of RPG folk. And it's the same ppl as Fallout 3 wot made it. But I want to gnaw my trigger finger off it's that uninspiring so far. I will persevere though.

You know what I'm like? I'm one of those people who likes what they like and wishes people would just keep making new versions of the same game but with different storylines. So I want a game that is exactly the same gameplay as GTA IV but with a new character and story to fall in love with. I want New adventures and quests and storyline for Fable II. The downloadable content schtick just doesn't seem to cut it.
Oh god, he did, didn't he! :(

Well, I like my RPGs, and Oblivion seemed to be rated highly by lots of RPG folk. And it's the same ppl as Fallout 3 wot made it. But I want to gnaw my trigger finger off it's that uninspiring so far. I will persevere though.

You know what I'm like? I'm one of those people who likes what they like and wishes people would just keep making new versions of the same game but with different storylines. So I want a game that is exactly the same gameplay as GTA IV but with a new character and story to fall in love with. I want New adventures and quests and storyline for Fable II. The downloadable content schtick just doesn't seem to cut it.

Can't argue with that :D
And sex. I want sex in games. None of this fade to black vibrating controller bollocks. If it's rated 18 then let's see some action, dammit. There's been some cock in TLATD, but it's just not good enough :mad: It can be an optional extra in the options menu.

Invert Y Axis: Yes/No
Auto-aim: Yes/No
Auto-save: Yes/No
Cum-shot: Yes/No

God, there's more sex in the Sims.
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