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Filums that were critically panned but you enjoyed

of late

The Dressmaker- Aussie one with Kate winslett- an antiopdean take on a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western kinda vibe. Long but by grimly dark . I enjoyed it. Critically slammed.
of late

The Dressmaker- Aussie one with Kate winslett- an antiopdean take on a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western kinda vibe. Long but by grimly dark . I enjoyed it. Critically slammed.

I saw that (is it that it was on recently that prompted the thread?), I liked it. Quite a lot. It was a bit quirky, and IMO a good watch.
Levity, with Billy Bob Thornton and Kirsten Dunst, about a man attempting to atone. Thornton's great in it.
The Boondock Saints - a glorious mess, but rather fun. considered one of the worst.

Only God Forgives - violent soaked neon nightmare set in Bangkok. I loved it. Critics hated it.

A lot of great movies were panned by Critics. It's a Wonderful Life, The Shining, Blue Velvet, Bonnie and Clyde (so bad it was withdrawn from cinemas on its initial run), Buster Keaton's The General, Wizard of Oz, the oft cited best movie ever Citizen Kane, and The Third Man, Apocalypse Now (and most of Coppola's films met with shitty reviews)......loads of now considered classics....Psycho was considered 'gimmicky' and 'low budget' and had a very lukewarm response....
Waterworld got a kicking... probably because it cost so much. But I quite enjoyed it.

I loved the aesthetics and world building in Waterworld a lot, Kevin Costner and the little kid... not so much. Hopper was of course glorious.

The remake of dawn of the dead and the first star trek movie.

I think I liked the Dawn of the Dead remake more than the original.
Dune had a pretty poor reception, iirc. But even the inclusion of Sting in the cast didn't stop me enjoying it. To be honest though it would have been pretty incomprehensible if you hadn't read the book.
The Boondock Saints - a glorious mess, but rather fun. considered one of the worst.

Only God Forgives - violent soaked neon nightmare set in Bangkok. I loved it. Critics hated it.

A lot of great movies were panned by Critics. It's a Wonderful Life, The Shining, Blue Velvet, Bonnie and Clyde (so bad it was withdrawn from cinemas on its initial run), Buster Keaton's The General, Wizard of Oz, the oft cited best movie ever Citizen Kane, and The Third Man, Apocalypse Now (and most of Coppola's films met with shitty reviews)......loads of now considered classics....Psycho was considered 'gimmicky' and 'low budget' and had a very lukewarm response....
saw a kubrik documentary the other day, was saying how pretty much every film he did got panned at first.
Starship Troopers
Basic Instinct

Paul Verhoeven could win this thread by himself :D

Also - Face Off, it makes no sense whatsoever, but I can't not watch and enjoy it thoroughly.
not seen EWS. Its my dislikin' for Cruise holding me back. Who, annoyingly, narrates the Kubrik docu I watched.
That was my problem with it. I like Kubrik but I want to slap Cruise. But I watched EWS, the first time it didn't make much sense but trying it a couple of more times I thought it wasn't bad. It isn't great, but it does make sense when re-watched. Knowing that it is about a disfunctional relationship, and that Cruise and Kidman where going through a bad time in their marriage, which lead to their divorce, makes it almost voyeuristic.
not seen EWS. Its my dislikin' for Cruise holding me back. Who, annoyingly, narrates the Kubrik docu I watched.
For completeness sake, I would say watch it. You can see it was made by Kubrick. But it's the only Kubrick film I know I won't be watching again. It transplants turn of the century Viennese society social mores to the present day. It just doesn't work.
Sorry, but I've liked every Transformers film that's been done - They always get panned and most people I mention them to hate them. I just love the effects, massive machines, Decepticons being deceptive (who would've thought), Optimus Prime's voice on my surround sound is awesome. There's helicopters in them, what's not to like! They go out into space, come in from space, all good. The only thing I don't like about them is the stupid little transformers.
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Also I really liked Batman v Superman, I couldn't believe it when Superman was being killed, how can that happen? brought a tear to my eye. :oops::(
Allied - the Brad Pitt/Marion Cotillard wartime spy drama from 2016. There were a few points where the suspension of disbelief failed to operate but overall it was far better than I would have expected from the press it got.
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