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Films, clips, documentaries etc on Norn Iron/Troubles etc

Panorama, ‘The Spy In The IRA’, 2017.

John Ware reporting on the British Army's prize asset in PIRA, ‘Stakeknife’ - here unambiguously named as Freddie Scappaticci, the former head of the Internal Security Unit, and accused here of involvement in 18 murders, including that of Vincent Robinson - and the recent collusion investigation Operation Kenova.

It's not a new story (it first broke in 2003), but it does go in very hard, where previous reports have tended to tip-toe around it more.

Features former PIRA Volunteer Anthony McIntyre (now a critic of the Provo movement, but not involved in dissident paramilitary groups); Robinson family lawyer Kevin Winters; ex-RUC SB chief Ray White; NI DPP Barra McGrory; Beds Police Chief Constable Jon Boutcher (now leading Operation Kenova); John Stevens (former Cambridge DCC & later Met Chief Constable, and head of the Stevens Inquiry into collusion); Cook Report researcher Sylvia Jones; and ex-Force Research Unit operator Ian Hurst (‘Martin Ingram’).

The Spy in the IRA, Panorama - BBC One

Stakeknife: Spy linked to 18 murders, BBC Panorama finds - BBC News

The Pensive Quill

The Making of a Tout | Danny Morrison

Anthony McIntyre - Powerbase

IRA Stakeknife Investigation

Jon Boutcher
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Panorama, ‘The Long War’, 1988.

Peter Taylor reports, at a time before the ceasefires, the ‘peace process’ (in public, at least), the Good Friday Agreement and the new Stormont etc.

It's at a point when PIRA is engaged in what it calls the ‘Long War’, an attritional conflict with sporadic, spectacular operations - Enniskillen was not long before - but also is facing a panopoly of intelligence-led activity against it by the British state, through the British Army, RUC and MI5. A time of the FRU, Det, SAS, RUC SB and more. A time of pervasive networks of informers throughout the Provisional movement (and other Republican groups, and in the Loyalist ones too). A time not long after the supergrass system broke down, but when Army operations like the Loughall ambush deprived PIRA of some of its most experienced and militant Volunteers. A time before Gibraltar, and Millton, and the Corporals.

There's lots on the smuggled Libyan arms, with interviews with Adams and McGuinness and Alex Maskey from Sinn Fein, and former PIRA Chief of Staff Seamus Twomey; RUC Chief Constable John Hermon; then-Irih government minister Gerry Collins (Fianna Fáil); John Stalker (of the early 1980s collusion/shoot-to-kill inquiry); Tory minister Tom King.

this was what got me started reading about the whole dirty war thing, the idea boggling my mind that the security forces must have known but...

I struggled to believe they could just allow that.
They didn't just allow it.
I know but I can't help but think from what I've read and watched, theres just this nagging suspicion that while the RUC ran murder investigations there were other elements of the state that knew. Anyway I don't want to derail this thread with that itch of mine...
D Company Falls Road (from DVD), 2012.

Starts with the line “D Company, 2nd Battalion, Belfast Brigade, Óglaigh na hÉireann has a proud history, with many brave men and women going through its ranks,” just so you are aware. Places its origins in the 1917 1st Battalion, before jumping forward to the more recent Troubles era, and looks at five Falls Road area Volunteers - Jimmy Quigley, Daniel McAreavey, Patrick Maguire/Pendleton, John Donaghy and Joseph McKinney - who all died in 1972.


Irish Author and Journalist - Danny Morrison - The Side I am on
Bombers, three part(?) TV series, pre-2008?

I can't find anything about this anywhere, but it seems to be a British made TV series, presumably for a commercial channel as it breaks down into three hour-long episodes allowing for ad breaks.

It's very interesting, tracing the development of bomb technology and tactics of the Provisional IRA (and the INLA) from the earliest days of the Troubles through to the Canary Wharf bombing. There are lots of contributors, listed below. Topics include early use of commercial explosives, through to home made fertiliser-based payloads; the move away from hand-planted devices to car bombs; development of command-wire technology; remote control devices, including model airplane controllers; emergence of mercury tilt switches; development of mortars and aspirations towards ground-to-air capability; entry of Semtex to the fray; the use of human proxy bombs; Airey Neave assassination; Warrenpoint; Enniskillen; Omagh; and lots more besides.

If anyone has more details on this it would be most gratefully received.

  • Jim Cusack (Irish Times)
  • Richard English (Queen's University)
  • Former Operational Inspector (Weapons & Explosives Research Centre)
  • Sean O'Callaghan (former IRA engineer)
  • Terry Harkin (former INLA activist)
  • Tommy Gorman (former IRA engineer)
  • Mick Coldrick (senior ammunitions technical officer)
  • Anthony McIntyre (former IRA Volunteer)
  • Sammy Thompson (ambulance driver)
  • Dr W H Rutherford (doctor specialising in A&E medicine)
  • Gerry Murray (Principal Scientific Officer, PSNI)
  • Ian Frazer (businessman)
  • Rita Crawford (survivor of bombing)
  • David McErvine (former UVF Volunteer)
  • George Mitchell (ambulance driver)
  • Bernardette McNally (survivor of bombing)
  • Nicholas Ridley (Brigadier, Queen's Own Highlanders)
  • Raymond McCartney (survivor of bombing)
  • Maureen Mitchell (survivor of bombing)
  • Kathleen Gillespie (widow of proxy bomb victim)
  • Toby Harnden (Daily Telegraph)
  • Charles Shoebridge (former Military Intelligence officer)
  • Una McGurk (survivor of bombing)
  • Marion Radford (survivor of bombing)
William Harford Rutherford
Surgery of violence. II. Disaster procedures.
The Long Shadow Of The Human Proxy Bomb
RUC Special Branch - Powerbase
BBC ON THIS DAY | 27 | 1979: Soldiers die in Warrenpoint massacre
Spotlight, ‘UDA: The Proceeds Of Peace’, 2016.

Slightly annoyingly, this appears to have been nuked for 3PCI - it was here. :( :mad:

A shame, it is a timely look at what the UDA has been up to recently, particularly in the Shankill Road/West Belfast area, plus historical stuff on the likes of C Company.

Stuff on...Adair, Courtney, Dee Coleman, Dennis Cunningham, Matt Kincaid, Ian McLaughlin, Nelson McCausland, Dee Stitt, the murder of Alan McCullough, drug dealing, the Lower Shankill Community Association, UPRG, DUP, Charter NI and more.

Interviewees include: Pastor Jack McKee (City LIFE Centre/New Life City Church); David Ford MLA (former Justice Minister, Alliance Party); George Hamilton (PSNI Chief Constable); Monica McWilliams and John McBurney (Paramilitary Disbandment Panel); Tracey Coulter (cousin of man targeted by UDA for ‘criminality’); Suzanne Breen (journalist); Aaron McMahon (victim of attack after his community assoication turned down request for UDA flags to go up in their community); Arlene Foster (First Minister, DUP)...

Yes, there's that picture of Arlene meeting North Down UDA commander Charter NI chief executive Dee Stitt as she doled out some lovely lucre, too :D
Spotlight, ‘How To Police The Dissidents’, 2009.

Stephen Dempster reports on the challenges faced by the PSNI in the post-GFA world, at a time when “a deal to decide policing sits on the table”. The programme focuses entirely on Repubican dissidents, or rather the Real IRA, and the pressure they were bringing to bear during a period when the military were withdrawing, the PSNI were taking over all aspects of security, and there were fewer material resources or funding to back them up.

The programme doesn't speak to any of your actual dissident Republicans, but there is footage right at the start showing a community policing meeting being disrupted by Republican Forum for Unity activists, which sort of sets the tone. (The RFU comprised the INLA-linked IRSP, the RIRA-linked 32 County Sovereignty Movement, and the - by some - ONH-linked Republican Network for Unity.) We then have all manner of rank-and-file PSNI officers (voiced by actors) and a Fed rep and top cops explaining how dangerous things are for them. It gets weirder when Shinners (who were pro-policing agreement) throw in with the PSNI. Scattered throughout are the observations of residents from up and down the 6 Counties that the PSNI seem to be holed up in their fortified stations, rarely venturing out.

Incidents covered include the October 2009 boobytrapping purportedly by dissidents of a car belonging to the partner of a PSNI officer in Kingsdale Park; the Massereene barracks killings by RIRA and the killing of a PSNI officer by CIRA in March 2009; the escalation in size of bombs - from the 100lb Jonesborough bomb in September 2008, through January 2009 (300lb at Castlewellan), to September 2009 at Forkhill with a 600lb payload; the RIRA's August 2009 Meigh propaganda incident; and all that business in Lurgan.

Features interviews with various anonymous PSNI police officers (words spoken by actors); Brian Feeney (political commentator); Derek Johnston (pub owner); Hugh Orde (PSNI Chief Constable); Drew Harris (PSNI ACC); Tony O'Hare (Forkhill resident); Terry Spence (Chair, Police Federation); Martin McAllister (former Republican prisoner - now Fianna Fáil); John O'Dowd (Sinn Féin MLA); Joyce Graham (resident); Harold and Esther Andrews (UUP local councillor and his wife); Arlene Foster (DUP); Matt Thompson (Ardoyne resident).

BBC One - Spotlight, How to Police the Dissidents

‘Dissidents’ – they mostly didn’t think so

BBC News - Woman injured in car bomb attack

BBC NEWS | Northern Ireland | Car bomb found in security alert

Car bomb found near Northern Ireland school - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

BBC News - Bomb 'was left to kill officers'

lurgan dissidents riot - Google Search

Timeline of Real Irish Republican Army actions - Wikipedia

Timeline of Continuity IRA actions - Wikipedia
Dispatches, ‘The Committee’, 1991.

A curious one, this. A film by Sean McPhilemy which ultimately appears to have destroyed his career (certainly judging by his IMDb profile).

The gist is, collusion between the British state, Loyalist paramilitaries and Unionist politicans was formally managed by an actual committee, a reformulated iteration of the post-Ulster Workers' Council strike Ulster Loyalist Central Co-ordinating Committee. McPhilemy later expanded his research into a book. He based both the film and the book on claims made by a source within ‘The Committee’ he imaginatively calls ‘Source A’. Subsequently this was revealed to be a Unionist by the name of James Sands.

Now, without getting in to the specifics of the allegations (watch the film, read the links), Sands through McPhilemy was claiming that this shadowy ‘Committee’, made up of local captains of industry, Unionist politicians, renegade sections of the RUC (a so-called ‘Inner Force’, controlled in turn by an even more renegade, militant group called the ‘Inner Circle’...), ex-British Army officers and Loyalist paramilitaries, all clubbed together and figured out who to kill. As McPhilemy puts it, they “...controlled the Loyalist death squads which murdered, among others, [...] eighteen Republicans and Catholics.”

Let's consider the onscreen participants in the film:
  • ‘Source A’ (presumably) (face concealed)
  • ‘Former RUC Reservist’ (face concealed)
  • Billy Wright (‘Portadown Loyalist’ - then Mid-Ulster UVF, later LVF)
  • Hugh Ross (Ulster Independence Movement)
  • ‘Former UVF Informer’ (face concealed)
  • John Coulter (journalist)*
  • Father Michael Hackett (curate, Lurgan)
  • Francis [sic] McCaughey (sister of murdered Catholic Sam Marshall)
  • Ignatius Nugent (Cappagh resident)
  • Anthony McGonnell (SDLP local councillor)
  • Denis Carville (father of murdered Catholic, also called Denis)
(One area where it falls down is in describing the ‘Committee’ as being committed to Ulster independence, a fairly esoteric minority aspiration, whilst simultaneously claiming various Loyalists and Unionists are part of it.)

Anyway, in 1993 the Sunday Times ran a front page story accusing the programme of being based on a ‘hoax’. McPhilemy launched a libel action, which was heard in 2000. During the trial, McPhilemy actually withdrew his claims that David Trimble, the then-leader of the UUP, was involved, as “he could not maintain the claim that Mr Trimble knew who was behind the killings because he had no evidence.” Nonetheless McPhilemy won the case, with the jury awarding him £145,000 after unanimously finding that “the Sunday Times had failed to prove, on ‘the balance of probabilities’, that the secret committee of Protestant dignitaries, loyalist terrorists and RUC officers had never existed.” On the other hand, in 1999 McPhilemy settled a lawsuit brought against him in the US by two businessmen, car dealers David and Albert Prentice, whom he had accused of being Committe members in the book on the same subject. The price was $1 million. So, swings and roundabouts.

Well, enough rambling. Plenty of stuff for you to get into.

Red Action: The Committee
The Committee
The Committee - Political Assassination In Northern Ireland
Document:The Committee - Wikispooks
One of the most dangerous men in Ireland? - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
Republic of Pain

PS Is McPhilemy's ‘Source A’ the same Jim Sands as the UUP chap recently suspended from the party for his fondness for burning the tricolour?

* Elsewhere Coulter describes himself as “...a life-long member of the Ulster Unionist Party...chairman of the radical Right-wing Unionist think-tank, the Revolutionary Unionist Convention, which wants loyalism to embrace the concept of One Faith, One Party, One Commonwealth...an unashamed and unrepentant Radical Right-wing Unionist...a born-again Christian, [whose] first loyalty is to Jesus Christ as my Saviour and political mentor...a journalist and commentator [who has] grown up in a political era where loyalist and unionist indulged in the luxury of splitting and fragmenting Unionism, Loyalism, Orangeism and Protestantism.”
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IRA kill SAS men in counter ambush - Cappah - 24th March 1990, unknown source, unknown date.

Commemoration of PIRA Volunteer Martin McCaughey, a member of the East Tyrone Brigade, who was killed in an SAS ambush along with fellow Volunteer Dessie Grew in a farm shed in October 1990 when they went to check on a small cache of rifles.* whUnbeknownst to them the shed had been under surveillance by the British Army's 14 Int Company. McCaughey had been involved in a prior incident in the Tyrone town of Cappagh the previous March, when PIRA ambushed a British Army unit, leading to a sustained exchange of gunfore. McCaughey himself was wounded, and was evacuated across the border to the Republic of Ireland for medical treatment and recuperation. PIRA claimed that at least two British soldiers, characterised by them as SAS, were killed in the ambush.

The video comprises for the most part of interviews with:
  • Brother of Martin McCaughey [Peter McCaughey]
  • Sister of Martin McCaughey [Sally Gribben]
Peter McCaughey is said elsewhere to be himself a prominent local Republican; you may draw your own conclusions from his rather detailed account of the Cappagh ambush, and his whole “as has been reported in the press/An Phoblacht” shtick (see below for the rather brief contemporaneous AP report of the incident).

Definitely an interesting watch, though.

Text from video said:
A gun battle in Cappagh between members of the IRA's East-Tyrone Brigade including IRA volunteer Martin McCaughey in which a number of SAS men were killed. The counter ambush was witnessed by dozens of locals in the village. The entire operation was played down by the British government. On 24th March 1990, there was a gun battle between an IRA unit and undercover British security forces when a civilian-type vehicle driven by an undercover agent was fired on by IRA volunteers without warning, according to Archie Hamilton, then Secretary of State for Defence. Republican newspaper An Phoblacht claims that a SAS ambush was thwarted and at least two undercover soldiers in the car were killed. Hamilton states that there were no security or civilian casualties. These claims by the British Government were very common as they wouldn't allow the IRA gain a propaganda victory. Shortly after, McCaughey's family recieved death threats from RUC members claiming that "the SAS never forget". In October 1990, Martin McCaughey and another IRA man Dessie Grew were shot dead outside a mushroom shed near Loughgall as they attempted to obtain some weapons they were storing there. It's believed the SAS had shot them prior to them opening the shed and getting the weapons, therefore shooting them unarmed.

Martin McCaughey - Wikipedia

Inquest decision a devastating blow for McCaughey and Grew families

An Phoblacht: Back issue: IRA ambush stings Brit assassins

Provisional IRA East Tyrone Brigade - Wikipedia

Arthurs attacks SF leadership

Former IRA members in ‘deadly’ new global terror organisation (£)

Former IRA members in ‘deadly’ new global terror organisation

The Police Service of Northern Ireland and the British intelligence service have dedicated extra resources to fighting the fledgling group’s activities

John Mooney
July 10 2011, 1:01am, The Sunday Times

Security services in Northern Ireland suspect that former members of the Provisional IRA have set up a terrorist organisation funded by a global smuggling operation.

The paramilitaries, said to number about 150, include gunmen and bombmakers, but senior police officers say there may be hundreds more sympathisers providing support. The group, which is centred on former IRA members from West Belfast and mid-Ulster, is believed to pose a serious threat. To avoid infiltration by spies, it is understood to be handpicking terrorists who have already carried out attacks or proven their credentials.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and MI5, the British intelligence service, have dedicated extra resources to fighting the fledgling group’s activities.

It is believed to be reconnoitring targets, intelligence gathering and importing weapons, and it is feared it has the potential to become more dangerous than the Real IRA, the Continuity IRA or Oglaigh na hEireann.

There has been an upsurge in republican terrorism. In April, republican dissidents murdered Ronan Kerr, a Catholic member of the PSNI, by planting a bomb under his car in Omagh, Co Tyrone.

MI5 is trying to recruit informants to provide details on the group’s activities and members. Peter McCaughey, a republican activist from Dungannon in Co Tyrone, was approached last month by the British security service during a visit to Dubai. “I know a lot of republicans and what they do is their own business. I don’t ask them. I hear rumours about a new IRA but it has nothing to do with me,” he said, adding that he does not support any republican paramilitary group or endorse violence.

McCaughey, whose brother Martin, 23, was shot dead in 1990 by the SAS at a remote farmhouse near Loughgall, Co Armagh, was approached by two MI5 agents in the lobby of a Dubai hotel last month.

He said the agents promised to prevent the British Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) from proceeding with an investigation into his wealth if he agreed to work as a spy. He refused and was last week notified that he was under investigation by SOCA.

McCaughey said after the approach he flew back to Ireland via Birmingham where he was stopped for questioning by immigration officers, who took him to a room where he was confronted by MI5. His solicitor is to lodge a complaint to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, a British body which oversees the intelligence services.

At least two republican hard-liners with links to the new group have been targeted in similar operations by the British security services.

Garda headquarters are also monitoring activities south of the border. “This faction have put out feelers everywhere. They are not interested in the other dissident groups.

“Their modus operandi is best described as one which involves smoke and mirrors. They have carried out operations in places like Tyrone, with the express intention of making it look like the work of another paramilitary outfit,” said one garda source.

* Not to be mixed up with the November 1982 ‘hayshed shooting’ that killed Michael Tighe and seriously wounded the similarly-named Martin McCauley, which involved surveillance by the RUC Special Branch E4A unit and MI5, and was executed by RUCSB's Special Support Unit (SSU), later the Headquarters Mobile Support Unit (HQMSU or HMSU).
Above The Law, RTÉ One, 2015.

Grim, powerful documentary from the RTÉ Investigations Unit (journalist Niall McCracken, data journalist Kathryn Torney, editor Paul Maguire, producers Eimhear O'Neill and Mary Curry, director Trevor Birney) about the estimated 6,000+ ‘punishment’ shootings and beatings administered by paramilitaries to those they considered hoods both during and after the Troubles, traced back to the no-go areas of August 1969.

Interesting bits of analysis include noting that:
  • ‘Punishment’ began in Republican areas, but that the system was soon replicated in Loyalist areas, even though in those areas there remained an official system of law and order
  • The profile of Republican victims tended to be male in the late teen to early twenties age range, approximately analogous with the wider offender profile, whereas Loyalist victims were older and tended to be those caught up in internal feuds or inter-organisational disputes
  • There was a steady rise in punishments in the 1990s, and a dramatic increase in shootings immediately before the ceasefires
  • Shootings then decreased whilst beatings increased
  • This led to a change in injury pattern away from ‘minimal’ soft tissue damage caused by low velocity rounds shot from hand guns, to ‘significant soft tissue disruption’ and fractures associated with blunt object beatings
The film ends on an astonishing statistic:

In the last six years alone, there have been 491 punishment attacks, including almost 200 shootings.

Loyalists were responsible for 12 shootings. Dissident Republicans were responsible for 176 shootings.

Only one person was convicted of involvement in these attacks.
Interviewees and library footage
  • Professor Liam Kennedy (author, They Shoot Children, Don't They?)
  • Paul Nolan (trauma & orthopaedic surgeon)
  • Dr Brian Feeney (historian)
  • Harry Maguire (ex-IRA prisoner; Community Restorative Justice Ireland)
  • Eleanor King (brother shot in 1998 - alleged crime: punching IRA leader)
  • Gary White (former PSNI Chief Superintendent)
  • Alex Maskey MLA (Sinn Féin) (plus library footage - 24 July 1998)
  • Dr Heather Hamill (author, Crime And Punishment In Ulster)
  • Thomas Marley (son attacked twice - alleged crimes: car theft and taunting IRA man)
  • Unnamed Loyalist punishment victim aged 13, 1999 (library footage)
  • John Hume (SDLP) (library footage)
  • Tom Winstone (ex-UVF prisoner; Northern Ireland Alternatives)
  • Andrew Peden (shot by UVF in 1998 aged 35 - alleged crime: took wrong side in personal dispute) (plus library footage - September 1998)
  • Unnamed punishment victim (22 at time) (voice only)
  • Joe Austin (Sinn Féin) (library footage - 1988)
  • Unnamed punishment victim aged 17, 1988 (library footage)
  • Gerry Adams (Sinn Féin) (library footage - The Late Late Show, 1994)
  • Mo Mowlam (Labour; Secretary of State for Northern Ireland 1997-1999) (library footage)
  • David Ervine (Progressive Unionist Party) (library footage)
  • Adam Ingram (Labour; Victims' Minister 1997-2001) (library footage)
  • Tony Blair (Labour; Prime Minister 1997-2007) (library footage)
  • Gerry Kelly (Sinn Féin) (library footage - 20 July 1998)
Above the Law: 'Punishment' attacks in Northern Ireland

Murder of Andrew Kearney - Wikipedia

The Hoods

Scourge of `joyriding' still haunts west Belfast as young `hood' takes his life

What ceasefire?

A View North A brutal reminder of whose in charge — Irish Echo

CAIN: Issues: Violence: Prof. Liam Kennedy (2001) 'They Shoot Children Don't They?: An Analysis of the Age and Gender of Victims of Paramilitary "Punishments" in Northern Ireland'

Direct Action Against Drugs - Wikipedia

They shoot children, don't they? Part 1 of report on paramilitary attacks on children in Northern Ireland from 1990 to 2013 - Michael Nugent

They shoot children, don't they? Part 2 of report on paramilitary attacks on children in Northern Ireland from 1990 to 2013 - Michael Nugent
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The dead SAS soldiers at cappagh is an urban myth to rival the scores of secret ira funerals that every unit claimedhappened after the slightest contact on the border:facepalm:.
The dead SAS soldiers at cappagh is an urban myth to rival the scores of secret ira funerals that every unit claimedhappened after the slightest contact on the border:facepalm:.

Except, unfortunately, the ones at Cappagh were seen by lots of civilian witnesses. Same as the one on Newry Street in Crossmaglen.
The Docklands Bomb: Executing Peace, BBC One, 2016.

Straightforward talking heads-and-library footage the 1996 PIRA bomb attack by Canary Wharf in the heart of London's Docklands financial district, which ended an 18 month-long ceasefire, caused £150 million-worth of damage, and led to the British government dropping its no-negotiation-before-full-disarmament position. Put together by the team that did Above The Law: director Trevor Birney, editor Michael Paisley and producer Mary Curry.

Interviewees and library footage include:
  • Sir John Holmes (advisor to John Major 1996-1997)
  • Justin Urquhart Stewart (Seven Investment Management)
  • Lord [Robin] Butler (Cabinet Secretary 1988-1998)
  • Gerry Adams (Sinn Féin) (library footage)
  • Niall O'Dowd (editor, Irish Voice, New York)
  • Lord [David] Trimble (leader, Ulster Unionist Party 1995-2005)
  • Toby Harnden (journalist)
  • Det Insp Alan Mains (RUC SIO, Docklands bombing investigation)
  • Nancy Soderberg (White House National Security Advisor 1993-1997)
  • Sir Patrick Mayhew (Conservative Northern Ireland Secretary 1992-1997) (library footage)
  • George Mitchell (US envoy for Northern Ireland 1995-2001) (plus library footage)
  • Bruce Morrison (Democrat Congressman 1983-1991)
  • Bill Clinton (US President 1993-2001) (library footage)
  • John Grieve (Met Police Anti Terrorism Branch 1996-1998)
  • John Major (Conservative Prime Minister 1990-1997) (library footage)
  • John Hume (SDLP) (library footage)
  • Michael Howard (Conservative Home Secretary 1993-1997) (voice only, library audio)
  • Jonathan Ganesh (security guard in Docklands)
  • Ihsan Bashir (newsagent, brother of victim Inam Bashir)
BBC One - The Docklands Bomb: Executing Peace

Docklands Bomb: IRA bombed its way to talks table with Canary Wharf, claims former US Congressman Bruce Morrison - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

1996 Docklands bombing - Wikipedia
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[This one has two film reports and a studio discussion posted up under the title ‘The Real IRA’. Only the first bit is relevant here - the second package is just one-on-one interviews with David Trimble and Martin McGuinness.]

Spotlight, ‘Dissident Ranks’, BBC Northern Ireland, 4 March 2003.

Report on dissident Republicans from 2003.

‘Dissident Republicans’ is a wide-ranging term usually given to physical force Republicans who are outside of, or who have split away from, the ‘Provisional Movement’ (Sinn Féin and PIRA). Following disagreement at the 1986 PIRA Army Convention over a change to the long-standing policy of abstentionism in relation to seats contested in the Irish Parliament the Dáil, veteran Republican Ruairi O'Bradaigh formed Republican Sinn Féin. A military wing, the Continuity Army Council, was also formed, though this was only active from the period of the PIRA ceasefire in 1994, with a public statement made in its name only being released in 1996. In 1997 there was a further split in the Provisional Movement, with opponents to the new ceasefire announced that year walking out and forming what would become known as the ‘Real IRA’. An allied political group was also established at that time, the 32 County Sovereignty Movement.

Dissident Republicans from both the Continuity and Real IRAs, and their respective political analogues, were critical of the Provisionals' political negotiations with the British government, which had by 2003 included the establishment of a weapons decommissioning oversight body, the signing up to the ‘Mitchell Principles’, and multi-party talks beginning at Stormont (all 1997); the signing of the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ and the first elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly (1998); and the start of the decommissioning of IRA weapons from 2001 onwards.

CIRA had been militarily active since 1994; RIRA from early 1998. In 1998 RIRA was responsible for the Omagh bomb, which killed 29 civilians and wounded scores more, and led to a hastily called ceasefire. This lasted until a new leadership began a renewed military campaign in 2000, which included a rocket attack on MI6's headquarters in London.

The report begins with footage of an RIRA statement from January 2003 being read out by a masked representative, filmed by Derry local journalist Damian Okado Gough, who later also received a copy of a video of RIRA military training. A former Irish Army officer shown the footage confirms that it shows basic military training, including weapons handling and the use of improvised explosive devices.

There follows a brief explanation of the Omagh bombing, and of the demand by the Provisionals that the RIRA disband immediately. Mentions the August 2002 RIRA boobytrapped device which killed Protestant construction worker David Caldwell. Former Provo Marian Price s interviewed in her current role as 32CSM spokesperson.

Next comes a section on CIRA, with footage from an event at RSF's headquarters, complete with CICA colour party and an oration by Ruairi O'Bradaigh. Discusses the political differences between Provos and Contos. Mitchel McLaughlin (Provo) is then a talking head, denouncing dissident Republicans as a shitkicker minority of 2%. Veteran Republican Geraldine Taylor (interned as a Provo in the 1970s, by now a senior member of RSF) asserts that her group represents the legitimate Republican movement.

After this Mooney notes that Provo antipathy towards them both has led CIRA and RIRA to move closer together and in some instances work together.

Armagh Unionist Danny Kennedy puts across the view point that whatever the name or the group, to Protestants in his area militant Republicans remain a threat, and that despite the ‘Peace Process’ Provos have been involved. The report notes that there has been evidence that individuals Provos have assisted dissidents in operations. Footage is shown from the previous month of Shinner MP Michelle Gildernew providing a boiler plate denial of Provo involvement in a car bombing.

Longstanding Derry Republican Micky Donnelly, a former ally of Martin McGuinness, is interviewed. He had been attacked by Provos and hospitalised for expressing dissident views. There is discussion of a campaign of Provo attacks against dissidents of both political and military wings. Leading Shinner McLaughlin denies this.

Next is a bit on dissidents targeting Catholics recruiting into the ‘new’ police service replacing the RUC, the PSNI. Tim Pat Coogan avers the opinion that the Provos will avoid an all-out feud with dissidents, but presciently notes that if SF joined the Policing Board (it had not at that point, and would not until 2007), then it would use the PSNI against its Republican opponents. 32CSM's Price offers a very similar opinion. McLaughlin points to the removal of British Army observation posts and general withdrawal of units as a sign that the Provos' political strategy is bearing fruit. Kennedy calls it political expediency.

Non-dissident anti-GFA Republican Tommy McKearney critiques CIRA and RIRA for their lack of a broad political base, and notes that if the Provo Movement was incapable of defeating the British state, then no way could these far smaller groupuscules manage it.

Last word goes to McLaughlin: “If we deliver on the Good Friday Agreement, then the political changes that flow from that will completely dry up whatever reservoir of support these people have.”
  • Reporter: Vincent Kearney
  • Film editor: Gordon McCullough
  • Producer: Brendan McCourt
Interviews & library footage include:
  • Damian Okado Gough (journalist, Channel 9 News)
  • Commandant Paddy Trears (former Irish Army officer)
  • John Mooney (journalist, then writing a book about RIRA founder Mickey McKevitt)
  • Mavis McFaul (victim's partner) (library footage - 4 August 2002)
  • Marian Price (32 County Sovereignty)
  • Ruairi O'Bradaigh (Republican Sinn Féin)
  • Mitchel McLaughlin MLA (Sinn Féin)
  • Geraldine Taylor (Republican Sinn Féin)
  • Danny Kennedy MLA (Ulster Unionist)
  • Michelle Gildernew MP (Sinn Féin) (library footage - 11 February 2003)
  • Micky Donnelly (former Provo, now anti-GFA Republican)
  • Tim Pat Coogan (writer/historian)
  • Francis Mackey (32 County Sovereignty)
  • Tommy McKearney (former Provo, anti-GFA Republican, but not involved in dissident groups)
CAIN: real Irish Republican Army (rIRA) Statement, 28 January 2003

Continuity Irish Republican Army - Wikipedia
Real Irish Republican Army - Wikipedia

Real IRA blamed as bomb kills civilian at Territorial Army base
Divided We Stand

The Pensive Quill: Search results for "mickey donnelly"

John Mooney | LinkedIn

CAIN: Peter Heathwood's List of Television Programmes, 1981-2005

Tommy McKearney - Wikipedia

Home | Tommy McKearney
Last edited:
The Shankill Butchers, BBC Northern Ireland, 2011.

Reporter: Stephen Nolan.

Placed in context of 1972 as year of most deaths in the Troubles up to that point, with the Bloody Sunday killing of unarmed demonstrators by the British Army in January, and the Bloody Friday bombings happening in July. Discusses ratcheting up of tension, with escalation in tit-for-tat killings not just between Republicans and Loyalists, but also between different Loyalist groups (i.e. UDA and UVF) as bloody feuds took hold.

Mentions 1972 murder of William Edward Pavis, a Protestant probably killed by Lenny Murphy, and mentions how Murphy's co-accused, Mervyn Connor - who had been remanded to the same prison - died in suspicious circumstances having left a ‘suicide note’ which exonerated Murphy of any wrongdoing. Notes that on release in 1975 (despite acquittal in the Pavis case in 1973 Murphy faced other charges) he quickly assembled a UVF-affiliated, twenty-strong gang based around the Shankill Road area of West Belfast, which included his brother William Murphy, and William Moore. They committed many brutal murders of random men they identified as Catholics whom they typically picked off wandering alone late at night returning home from pubs or bars close to the Shankill.

Nolan speaks to the detective hunting the Butchers, and to relatives of various victims. Towards the end we quickly rattle through the end game: the Butchers failed to kill one victim, Gerard McLaverty, who was able to escape, report it to the police, who then drove him up and down the Shankill, whereupon he spotted several of his attackers. Cue arrests, trial, convictions. All convicted Butchers are now out of prison. FIN.

Includes extracts from the Connor ‘suicide note’, and excerpts from Spotlight's ‘Resurrecting The Butchers’. Not a particularly great or insightful programme, and doesn't really dig deep into the political or the psychological - all very much is at a superficial true life crime level.

Interviewees include:
  • Baroness May Blood (Protestant trade unionist, later Labour Party peer)
  • DCI Jimmy Nesbitt (ex-CID chief, Belfast RUC)
  • Jim Campbell (journalist)
  • Maureen Curran (sister of Shankill Butchers victim Stephen McCann)
  • Delia McCallum (sister of Shankill Butchers victim Stephen McCann)
  • Robert McCann (brother of Shankill Butchers victim Stephen McCann)
  • Charlotte Morrissey (daughter of Shankill Butchers victim Joseph Morrissey)
  • Prof Thomas Marshall (pathologist)
  • Prof Geoffrey Beattie (psychologist)
Shankill Butchers - BBC One

Lenny Murphy - Wikipedia

Shankill Butchers - Wikipedia
Panorama, ‘The SAS’, BBC One, 1988.

Reporter Tom Mangold looks at the involvement of the SAS in Northern Ireland, in the wake of the inquest into the deaths of three PIRA Volunteers shot dead by the British special forces unit in Gibraltar. “There have been SAS arrests in Northern Ireland, but playing policemen is not their greatest skill,” notes Mangold with understatement.

Bizarrely we have Enoch Powell arguing that the SAS need to be held responsible for their actions, and in a transparent and public fashion, condemning the proposition put to him that it is enough that those suspected of terrorist offences be summarily executed without a fair trial.

There follows discussion of British Army rules of engagement, and the ‘Yellow Card’ that governs their use of force.

The death of unarmed farm labourer Patrick McElhone in 1974 at the hands of a British soldier, who was acquitted on the grounds that he reasonably believed McElhone might be a paramilitary, is covered. Next up is the Loughall ambush, in which the East Tyrone Brigade of PIRA was all but wiped out by the SAS, who had foreknowledge of an attempted attack on a police station. Apparently Loughall was an example of how the SAS could fight “by the rules”, which must be news to civilians Anthony and Oliver Hughes, who were allowed to drive into the firefight and were then shot by SAS soldiers - killing Anthony.

Then we get a bit of a history lesson about the SAS ‘fighting by the rules’ in earlier conflicts, illustrated by some MovieTone footage. Not sure their gloves-off work during the Malayan Emergency, in Borneo and at Aden really qualifies as top notch evidence of their adherence to rules, but still. Oh look, it's a bit of PR from Princes Gate! BANG! Sexy black boilersuits and respirators! BADADADADADADA!!! Take that TURRIST SCUM! And so forth.

Now back to Northern Ireland... 1976, and the Labour government decides to bring in the boys from Hereford after the Kingsmill massacre. Mangold insists the SAS's bread-and-butter in the Province is looking for arms caches, then using their training to keep them under surveillance for days on end from hidden observation points. No mention of the involvement of touts and undercover agents in providing the intelligence that tells them where these magical arms dumps are, though... Then the Drumnakilly ambush (1988).

Brief red herring discussion of shoot-to-kill vs shoot-to-wound, then notes that two SAS soldiers did once face murder charges after they shot and killed a sixteen year old boy John Boyle in 1979, and seemingly dressed the scene to suit their story after the event.

Nice bit where Jim Prior is asked, as a follow up to whether, as NI Secretary, he would routinely be told by the Army or RUC chiefs of impending SAS operations; “did you ever ask to be told?” To which there is a very noticeable pause before he collects himself enough to say “No, I, I'm not aware that I ever asked...” Discussion of collective Cabinet responsibility - and the implication that the SAS are placed within “the same security bracket that protects MI5 and MI6” in terms of awareness by ministers of their operations.

Then it's another ambush by the SAS at another arms cache, this time leading to the deaths of West Tyrone PIRA Volunteers Charles Breslin and brothers Michael and David Devine at Strabane in 1985. Fishy goings on with the forensics, it is suggested.

Bit more talking heads, then a wrap-up. Overall, some interesting points made, and some less well known incidents covered, but nothing earth shattering.

Interviewees include:
  • John Hume MP (SDLP)
  • Merlyn Rees MP (Labour Northern Ireland Secretary 1974-1976)
  • Ken Maginnis MP (Ulster Unionist security spokesman)
  • Enoch Powell MP (Ulster Unionist 1974-1987)
  • Lt Col Charles Wakerley (Asst Dir Army Legal Services Northern Ireland, 1972-1974)
  • Brice Dickson (Committee for Administration of Justice)
  • Lord [Jim] Prior (Conservative Northern Ireland Secretary, 1981-1984)
  • Gen Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley (Commander Land Forces Northern Ireland 1970-1971)
  • Lord Scarman
  • John Fahy (Breslin family solicitor)
  • David Trimble (member of Ulster Unionist executive)
"Panorama" The SAS (TV Episode 1988) - IMDb

Calls for shooting of unarmed Pomeroy man to be reinvestigated - The Ulster Herald

Loughgall ambush - Wikipedia

Drumnakilly - Wikipedia

John Boyle (SAS victim) - Powerbase

Charles Breslin - Wikipedia
Keep up the work mate seen all them docus myself but great for the keen learner.
Cheers dude - as can be seen above I'm trying to make sure there's background material and brief explanations of various concepts or events that might not be familiar to the general reader, but which to many others like yourself may be rather superfluous :D
Bombers, three part(?) TV series, pre-2008?

I can't find anything about this anywhere, but it seems to be a British made TV series, presumably for a commercial channel as it breaks down into three hour-long episodes allowing for ad breaks.


Thanks to the Peter Heathwood database on CAIN:

Bombers, RTÉ1, 2003 - three part series.

Series Title:
Programme Title:
Part 1:
Former IRA men and British army ATOs review the development of IRA and loyalist bombs. Incidents profiled include the first loyalist bomb attack in 1966, then the 1971 McGurk's bar attack, the 1978 La Mon bomb, and the Dublin / Monaghan bombings. Views from former paramiltaries A.McIntyre, T.Gorman, S.O'Callaghan, and D.Ervine.
Type of Programme:
Broadcast Company:
Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE)
Date Broadcast:
Tue 14th Oct 2003
Duration: minutes
53 mins
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Part 2:
This programme discusses the IRA border landmines and the technology war between the British Army and the IRA; it includes the killing of Lord Mountbatten, and the Warrenpoint bombing both on 27 August 1979. The 1973 Old Bailey bomb; the 1994 mortar attack on Downing Street; also the 1974 Birmingham pub bomb; and the INLA's bobby-trap killing of Conservative MP Airey Neave on 30 March 1979.
Type of Programme:
Broadcast Company:
Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE)
Date Broadcast:
Tue 21st Oct 2003
Duration: minutes
51 mins
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Part 3:
Includes Provisional IRA arms buying in the USA and FBI counter measures. Also a profile of the PIRA's Libyan link. Then follows a look at the use of human bombs as in the case of Patrick Gillespie on 24 October 1990; and the development of new detonation techniques and the huge PIRA bombs in London; and lastly the Real IRA's Omagh bomb.
Type of Programme:
Broadcast Company:
Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE)
Date Broadcast:
Tue 28th Oct 2003
Duration: minutes
51 mins
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.
Spotlight, ‘UVF: Abusing Peace’, BBC Northern Ireland, 29 October 2013.

Reporter Stephen Dempster looks at a resurgence in UVF activity in East Belfast, despite the Loyalist paramilitary group having ‘decommissioned’ (but not, as promised, disbanded) as part of the ‘peace process’. Starts with the shooting of Jemma McGrath, a 24 year old woman who had been the girlfriend of East Belfast UVF boss Stephen ‘Mackers’ Matthews. The “motive remains unclear, but it is rumoured to be connected to drugs”. The gist is that PSNI believe the UVF shot her, in a year-long escalation in activity by the group which has included other shootings, attempts to kill police officers, and new paramilitary murals appearing.

The East Belfast UVF Battalion is portrayed as the most hardline and dangerous in the organisation. An identity-hidden UVF whistleblower spills the beans: that they have refused to allow members to stand down; that they continue to levy subscription payments from members; that they coerce members into taking part in street confrontations; that they continue to recruit new members; and that the East Belfast unit is inextricably linked to the drugs trade - either by directly trafficking, or ‘taxing’ other smugglers and dealers.

Dempster then brings the two threads together: in early 2013 there was “a spate of drug deaths”, and McGrath was personally connected to two of of those who died, including Alio Mackenzie, the son of a prominent UVK figure Alan ‘Bloodnut’ Mackenzie. Whilst McGrath's family denies she was involved in drugs, there is evidence she had been threatened and left the area in the summer, only to return after some weeks later, whereupon she was shot.

Then discussion of parades, UVF recruitment, punishment, intimidation within Protestant community, new murals going up and so on. Then exposure of PUP spokesman Winkie Irvine (and member of the police-affiliated Community Safety Partnership) as the Woodvale UVF commander, who had organised the punishment shooting of Cathy McIlvenny's nephew Craig in 2002. UVF whistleblower ‘Jim’ names Irvine as his B Company commander. He recalls a B Company meeting with 300 UVF members in the wake of the 2010 murder of former Red Hand Commando prisoner Bobby Moffett, at which Irvine told them they would not be stood down. (It was the Moffett murder which led to then-PUP leader Dawn Purvis leaving the party over the UVF's involvement in violence.)

There's also look at other leading UVF figures, Joe ‘No Neck’ McGaw and ‘Harmless’ Harry Stockman (said to be the UVF number two), as well as John ‘Bunter’ Graham, reputedly the leader of the UVF since 1976. In solicitors' letters to the BBC all four denied ever having been in the UVF. Footage of Irvine from the early 1990s is shown, with him leading a colour party and holding a wreath addressed from the UVF. A photograph of Graham with UVF A Company (Shankill) colleagues in the 1970s - including Shankill Butchers boss Lenny Murphy - is shown. Affadavits from various people naming them all as UVF commanders are mentioned. Sources claim the UVF are heavily involved in flag and parade protests.

Interviewees (& library footage):
  • Gavin Robinson (DUP councillor)
  • Brian Rowan (journalist & author)
  • ‘John’ (UVF whistleblower)
  • Asst Ch Cons Drew Harris (PSNI)
  • Alex Bunting (Forum for Action on Substance Abuse)
  • Winston ‘Winkie’ Irvine (representing PUP, revealed to be UVF commander) (plus library footage from May 2013)
  • Rev Chris Hudson
  • ‘Jim’ (UVF whistleblower)
  • Cathy McIlvenny (aunt of victim of UVF ‘punishment’ killing) (plus library footage, November 2010)
  • Naomi Long MP (Alliance Party)
  • Terry Hoey (Palmerston Residents' Association)
  • Raymond McCord (campaigner for victims; father of man killed by UVF)
  • Jim McDowell (Northern editor, Sunday World)
  • Matt Baggott (PSNI Chief Constable, library footage - January 2013)
29/10/2013, Spotlight - BBC One

Jemma McGrath shooting: Man released on bail - BBC News

Outrage at brutal shooting of Jemma McGrath sparks UVF feud fears - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Jemma McGrath survived a UVF bid to kill her, but has no intention of returning to her east Belfast home - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

UVF murder bid victim tells how she rebuilt her life after gun attack - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Criminal goes into hiding after learning he tops UVF death list - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Ulster Volunteer Force - Wikipedia

Murder of loyalist Bobby Moffet ‘is to show UVF won’t be messed around’ - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Unmasked: Winston 'Winkie' Irvine is UVF terrorist in balaclava - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Winston Irvine and UVF's Stockman and Graham to be outed by Ombudsman

UVF parade: Shankill Butcher and ex-terror chiefs join anniversary march - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Harry Stockman (loyalist) - Wikipedia

Winston Irvine and UVF's Stockman and Graham to be outed by Ombudsman

UVF rackateer 'No Neck' McGaw stood down

Inside the UVF: Money, murders and mayhem - the loyalist gang's secrets unveiled - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Joe McGaw Denies UVF Claims - Belfast Telegraph | HighBeam Research

John Graham (loyalist) - Wikipedia
Spotlight, ‘An Unholy War’, BBC Northern Ireland, 20 April 1999.

Reporter Chris Moore looks at dissident Loyalist groups the Red Hand Defenders and the Orange Volunteers, but also touching on Billy ‘King Rat’ Wright's Loyalist Volunteer Force, and links to the ‘mainstream’ paramilitaries the UDA/UFF and the UVF.

Starts with the murder of Lurgan solicitor Rosemary Nelson, who was murdered by way of a car bomb in March 1999, for which a claim of responsibility was made by a group calling itself the ‘Red Hand Defenders’. (Context: the mainstream Loyalist paramilitaries - the UDA/UFF, the UVF and the UVF-associated Red Hand Commando - had been formally on ceasefire since October 1994; the UFF ‘reinstated’ its own ceasefire in January 1998.)

Nelson began receiving threats and suffering harassment from RUC officers and Loyalists after she represented Colin Duffy, a dissident Republican acquitted of murder, and later for representing the Garvaghy Road residents. Accusations are made that particular police officers fingered Nelson to Loyalists as a ‘Provo fellow traveller’.

Fellow lawyer Patrick Fahy describes a similar situation he faced, when a Protestant client told him that when at an RUC station after being arrested he had asked for Fahy to represent him, he was told that he was “some fucking Protestant to be asking for a Provo bastard like that” and that he was “a senior member of the IRA” who gave the movement £20 of every £25 he was paid. Fahy regularly made complaints about this behaviour to the RUC but they were not taken seriously. Flanagan denies that such complaints were treated seriously, a position not helped by noting that Nelson had herself made similar complaints.

Back to the RHD - Nelson was their third victim of their “campaign of sectarian attacks on Catholics”. Other victims by this point were Catholic civilian Brian Service and (Catholic) police officer Brian O'Reilly.

Moore claims that “Spotlight has established that the Red Hand Defenders and the Orange Volunteers are one and the same,” using the two names to “disguise their true identity and to cover the activities of some members of Loyalist groups on ceasefire, including the LVF.” He notes that the RHD/OV milieu involves the leadership of “religious zealots”, a view concurred with by Ervine, who describes them as a mix of “[Protestant] fundamentalists, drug dealers and low life, amalgamating to prosecute ‘holy war’.”

Next is a sequence on News Letter journalist Jeanette Oldham, who was picked by the OV to attend an interview with three of its masked members around a table on which grenades were placed. One of the men, described as the ‘Brigadier’ of the Orange Volunteers, held a bible and quoted scripture. Moore notes that a pro-LVF leaflet put out during the 1998 referendum campaign by “a self-appointed pastor” carried the same passage from Deuteronomy which the ‘Brigadier’ had quoted at Oldham. He states that Spotlight has identified a number of Protestant pastors who have aligned with the OV and RHD. According to Oldham, members of the OV pray together before operations, and that a pastor - not present at her interview - blesses the weapons. Ervine and McMichael condemn the actions of the RHD/OV, and dismiss the notion that they represent a legitimate dissenting view within Loyalism or Unionism. “It appears to be violence for violence's sake,” says McMichael.

Moore goes on to suggest that the RHD/OV as a discrete group would not have the experience or technical knowhow to have built or deployed the bomb which killed Nelson. According to him there is evidence that the device closely matched one used by the UDA to murder Glenn Greer in Bangor in 1997. Spotlight's sources claim that this “could narrow down the identity of the bomb maker to one of two men regarded as having the expertise; one from Belfast, and one from County Down.” Those sources say the explosive used was of a commercial variety, but that “it was not Powergel, as was widely believed.”

McMichael notes that whilst the RHD/OV currently are not a major threat in themselves in terms of their level of support, their reach or their abilities, that they appear to be motivated by attempts to provoke a reaction from Republicans, and to stimulate the wider Loyalist movement into action.

Dublin trades unionist Chris Hudson fears that the voices of those who voted ‘no’ in the 1998 referendum are not being heard, and that this risks pushing more people into the orbit of the dissident Loyalist paramilitaries. He calls for ‘no’ voters not to be treated as a single homogenous group.

Moore says that the RHD/OV are highly hostile to the UVF and their political wing the PUP, considering them both part of a ‘Pan-Nationalist front’(!). Ervine points out that Loyalists “must come to terms with the fact there are 600,000 Catholics in Northern Ireland, and they're not going away”, and that there must be a political accommodation. Hudson believes that whilst the RHD/OV have no political wing, there is a political vacuum around “the ‘no’ camp” which must be resolved if they are to be pulled back from violence.

Moore claims that the Red Hand Defenders has “access to the Ulster Resistance arms dumps”. (UR was the anti-Anglo-Irish Agreement militia set up by Ian Paisley and others in the mid-1980s which set up a tripartite arms deal with the UDA and the UVF.) Moore says that whatever the status of the UR weapons, the RHD had recently acquired its own guns - Kalashnikovs and pistols - independently, delivered to Portadown.

Discussion of the issue of official collusion with Loyalist paramilitaries. Macgeean notes that the apparent lack of firm evidence of such collusion may not be overly significant, given that in the immediate aftermath of the Pat Finucane murder there was a similar dearth of direct evidence. Rogers hedges her bets. Moore points out that the Nelson murder inquiry is being led by a police officer from England, Colin Port, involving officers from at least six different mainland forces, and will be reliant on cooperation from local communities - though most of the personnel will comprise RUC officers. International interest in the case is noted with comments made by UN Special Rapporteur Param Cumaraswamy, who hoped that the RUC would not hinder or taint the murder investigation.

Interviewees include:
  • Brid Rogers MLA (SDLP)
  • David Ervine MLA (PUP, former UVF prisoner)
  • Sir Ronnie Flanagan (RUC Chief Constable)
  • Fr Kieran McPartlan (Lurgan priest)
  • Paul Macgeean (Committee on the Administration of Justice)
  • Patrick Fahy (solicitor)
  • Jeanette Oldham (journalist, News Letter)
  • Gary McMichael (UDP, son of UDA leader John McMichael)
  • Colin Port (Deputy Chief Constable Norfolk Constabulary, leading Nelson murder inquiry)
  • Chris Hudson (Dublin trades unionist who helped broker UVF ceasefire)
  • Param Cumaraswamy (UN Special Rapporteur - library footage, 12 April 1999)
Red Hand Defenders - Wikipedia
Orange Volunteers - Wikipedia

Combined Loyalist Military Command - Wikipedia

Rosemary Nelson - Wikipedia

Frank O'Reilly, the catholic RUC officer killed by loyalists in 1998

Man killed when his car is wrecked by booby-trap bomb blast


Ulster Resistance - Wikipedia

Homepage – CAJ

The Rosemary Nelson Inquiry Report - GOV.UK

Cory Collusion Inquiry - Wikipedia
Panorama, ‘Gangsters At War’, BBC One, 22 June 2003.

Reporter Kevin Magee looks into the shitstorm that was the C Company feud and diaspora. There's a quick look at Bolton, where La Famille Adair decamped to after being invited to leave Belfast by former chums, attracting in their wake visitors with assault rifles, much to the chagrin of their Lancastrian neighbours. Then there's a run down of some of the main players: ‘Hard Bap’ (Jackie McDonald), ‘Doris Day’ (Jim Gray), ‘Grug’ (John Gregg), ‘The Egyptian’ (Andre Shoukri) and ‘Mad Dog’ himself, before a quick potted history of the UDA in general and Adair's cohort in particular.

The gist: ‘Mad Dog’ - or as Magee prefers it, “glue-sniffing, house-breaking, former National Front-supporting Adair” - got a bit too fond of publicity, came to believe his own hype, and thought he was untouchable. There's footage from the 2000 ‘day of Loyalist culture’ he organised on the Shankill Road, when he effectively ambushed his fellow UDA Brigadiers into a show of ‘unity’ whilst simultaneously provoking a feud with the UVF, bolstered by support from the LVF. Obviously it all started to go tits-up not long afterwards, with the rest of the UDA - and the Brits, and the UVF - ranged against West Belfast's C Company.

There's a quite detailed step-by-step explanation of the course of the feud, right up to the enforced exile of Adair, his family (wife ‘Mad Bitch’ Gina, son ‘Daft Dog’ Johnny), and hangers-on like Alan McCullough, the C Company military commander during the feud. McCullough is then fingered as the person who orchestrated the gun attack on the house of the ‘Bolton Wanderers’ on behalf of the UDA mainstream as part of a desperate attempt to come in out of the cold. On his return to Northern Ireland he was - surprise, surprise - murdered.

Former Adair associate Mo Courtney, and Andre's brother Ihab Shoukri, found themselves arrested and in the frame for that one. Postscript: having scuttled out of the 6 Counties with the Adair exodus party John White is said to have “found God” and was last heard of in Salford; Wayne Dowie was released after being arrested for the hit on John Gregg and ended up in Bolton; Adair acolyte Herbie Miller also in Bolton; and ‘Daft Dog’ and his peers did a photoshoot with balaclavas and Kalashnikovs for a UDA calendar. And there it stops - the story unfinished, because the feud was not yet over. Overall a pretty decent overview of the intra-UDA Loyalist feud (if less so on the UDA-UVF one) up to that point.

Interviews include:
  • Various Bolton locals (unnamed)
  • Mark Langhammer (Rathcoole local councillor - Irish Labour Party)
  • Johnstone Brown (former RUC Detective Sergeant)
  • Chris McGimpsey (Shankill local councillor - Ulster Unionists)
  • John Gregg (library footage - Inside The Maze, 1990)
  • John White (UDP, former UDA prisoner, Adair advisor)
  • Sammy Duddy (former UDA Brigadier)
  • Dr John Reid (Labour Northern Ireland Secretary 2001-2002 - library footage)
  • Prof Ronald Goldstock (government advisor, Northern Ireland Office)
  • High Orde (Chief Constable, PSNI)
  • Denis Cunningham (Ulster Political Research Group/UDA)
  • Jim McDowell (Sunday World)
"Panorama" Gangsters at War (TV Episode 2003) - IMDb

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | Gangsters at war

Adair held as loyalists implode | An Phoblacht

Johnny Adair - Wikipedia
Jackie McDonald - Wikipedia
Jim Gray (UDA member) - Wikipedia
John Gregg (UDA) - Wikipedia
Shoukri brothers - Wikipedia
John White (loyalist) - Wikipedia
Mo Courtney - Wikipedia
Alan McCullough (loyalist) - Wikipedia

Why the streets of Bolton echo to the sounds of a loyalist vendetta

Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair's Hallion Battalion - where are they now? - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
‘INLA leader Dominic McGlinchey captured’, ITN, 17 March 1984.

Brief TV news package by Terry Lloyd on the capture by forty members of the Garda Siochana's Special Task Force (STF), of on-the-run INLA (formerly PIRA) Volunteer Dominic ‘Mad Dog’ McGlinchey in 1984. He was captured after a shoot-out in which one guard was injured.

Dominic McGlinchey - Wikipedia

Never before seen photos of the capture of Dominic 'Mad Dog' McGlinchey 30 years ago - Independent.ie

Obituary: Dominic McGlinchey

McGlinchey sons seek answers to murders of parents — Irish Echo
I really want to see the documentary about Bernadette Devlin McAliskey, Notes on a Political Journey, was shown at film festivals, doesn't seem to be available on dvd.
‘INLA leader Dominic McGlinchey captured’, ITN, 17 March 1984.

Brief TV news package by Terry Lloyd on the capture by forty members of the Garda Siochana's Special Task Force (STF), of on-the-run INLA (formerly PIRA) Volunteer Dominic ‘Mad Dog’ McGlinchey in 1984. He was captured after a shoot-out in which one guard was injured.

Dominic McGlinchey - Wikipedia

Never before seen photos of the capture of Dominic 'Mad Dog' McGlinchey 30 years ago - Independent.ie

Obituary: Dominic McGlinchey

McGlinchey sons seek answers to murders of parents — Irish Echo

I had a neighbour in Mayo who went to school with the McGlinchey boys. He said they were deeply damaged and demented as a result of their experiences.
I had a neighbour in Mayo who went to school with the McGlinchey boys. He said they were deeply damaged and demented as a result of their experiences.
I suppose watching your mum get shot dead as she bathed you doesn't really bode well for growing up well adjusted; and for Dominic Jnr to see his dad popped too... :(
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