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Film Quiz - Picture Rounds - Weddings

Nanker Phelge

Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
I'm doing Pop Culture Quiz for a wedding and need to do a 20 picture round with famous wedding scenes from films.....

Therefore I call upon urban for help....

I have these for starters:


The Godfather


The Deerhunter

All help very welcome......
Bride of Chucky? I'm struggling to find a good photo on google images, but I'm sure there's a scene where Tiff is in a wedding dress.
My friend and horror film fanatic says this IS a wedding as there are wedding bells in the background! "The Bride of Frankenstein" (just "Frankenstein" should NOT ne allowed as an answer :D!)

Ooh, ooh:


Buster Keaton and 500 hopeful brides in 'Seven Chances'.

You'll have to crop out the name of the film on the side there.
I can't find a picture of the wedding ceremony between Ming the Merciless and the human female from the end of Flash Gordon. :(
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