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Festivals 2023

mx wcfc

Well-Known Member
What are we all planning for this year's fun then? I see a couple of individual festival threads starting up, let's hear your plans.

I may be over-doing it this year, but this may be the last big year I do, and now I don't work on Mondays and Fridays, I just thought, yeah.

5-7 May - Ey up mi duck - escaping from coronation bollocks.
12-14 May - Going Feral Birthday bash for someone - not the main Feral. Lots of luverly punk rock.
2-6 June - Glastonwick - the one I go to every year - punk rock AND real ale (and poetry, comedians, ska, folk etc etc).
14-16 July - Tolpuddle. Never been. It felt like I should.
9-13 Aug - Boomtown! "cheap" local residents tickets. No idea why we are going, but should be fun.
18-20 Aug - Blyth Power Ashes - tiny, more like a big party, with a cricket match thrown in.
29 Sept - 1 Oct - Something Else End of Season Bash.

There's a couple of other "possibles" but I suspect this will be it.

I also double booked Convoy Cabaret's Naughty Corner. Same weekend as the Blyth Power Ashes. Ticket available for a small donation to the server fund if anyone is interested.
I've got Bearded Theory at the end of May,then I'll be stewarding with Oxfam at Glastonbury and Beautiful Days and also stewarding at Moseley.Folk Festival. Will have a few other gigs added through the year depending on what comes up and takes my fancy.
Glastonwick for us and a ‘wild fest’ in aug which is more about camping less about the music.
first time doing glastonwick in a tent (campervan for a couple of years then stayed at a friends in Brighton last year).
Glastonwick for us and a ‘wild fest’ in aug which is more about camping less about the music.
first time doing glastonwick in a tent (campervan for a couple of years then stayed at a friends in Brighton last year).
Excellent - there's an Urbanite performing too, so the boards will have good representation this year.
I bought a ticket for ArcTanGent 16-19 Aug during a brief moment of madness when I forgot the reason I've not been to a festival in 16 years is because I hate them (too many people)
I've got bearded theory at the end of the month and then shambala and mucky weekender in a few months. I was intending to do nozstock again, but annoyingly it falls in term time this year so none of my usual crew can make it due to working in education or having kids
Doing kids' stuff at Shindig, Green Gathering and Shambala. Also doing Shambala's family camp Starry Skies. We've not done Shindig before, but have heard good reports and they are keen to have us
Already done Incider

28-30 April - Northern Kin which has a cracking line-up and is, for once, not a ridiculous distance from home.
25-28 May - Bearded Theory. Making this our last one due to the disproportionate ticket price hike (with massive add-ons) and the apparent way they treat long-standing staff. I don't like the flavour of the change in ownership.
21-26 June - GLASTONBURY/ First time crewing there. Nervous and excited about it all. Back home for a few days and then:
29 June-1st July Settle Down Festival
4-5 August - Gig in a Field
25-26 August - Stonedead. \m/

Thinking about going to Crawfest and Lindisfarne too.
Already done Incider

25-28 May - Bearded Theory. Making this our last one due to the disproportionate ticket price hike (with massive add-ons) and the apparent way they treat long-standing staff. I don't like the flavour of the change in ownership.
Mates of mine who have been going to BT for ever have given up after last year's increased numbers.
Mates of mine who have been going to BT for ever have given up after last year's increased numbers.
Ah, that's a good point as well. It went from 10K to 8.5K one year following traffic issues. Then I think it returned to 10K if memory serves me correctly.

From what I've read since, the new owners found out that the licence had always been 15K and exploited it accordingly in 2022. I must say that it did seem more crowded last year and the queues for the Woodland Stage were noticably longer than previous years.
From what I've read since, the new owners found out that the licence had always been 15K and exploited it accordingly in 2022. I must say that it did seem more crowded last year and the queues for the Woodland Stage were noticably longer than previous years.

There was an increase last year, but isn't this year the first with the new organisers?
There was an increase last year, but isn't this year the first with the new organisers?
No, it's their second. If you look on the Companies House website, you'll see the previous directors resigned at at the same time the new ones were appointed last January.
No, it's their second. If you look on the Companies House website, you'll see the previous directors resigned at at the same time the new ones were appointed last January.
ah right, I didn't realise that (or I'd forgotten!) It definitely felt a bit different last year, but I just went with a mate rather than my usual festi-family, so was going to be different anyway. I wasn't impressed with the queues for the woodland though. I hope that is sorted this year. I was a bit gutted at missing Bob Vylan due to that
I bought a ticket for ArcTanGent 16-19 Aug during a brief moment of madness when I forgot the reason I've not been to a festival in 16 years is because I hate them (too many people)
I might go to this as its so close to me. If I do I will let you know in case you fancy a meet up.
Nothing domestic appeals to me this year as I’m more of a raver who wants to hear DJs rather than bands. FreeRotation is having a fallow year, and I can’t afford to go to Croatia. Also shit at planning and there aren’t many in the UK that sell tickets at the last minute
I'm definitely not going to Bearded Theory this year. I want to see all my mates and meet new ones but something tells me it's just not gonna be quite right. I shall wing it with the rest apart from my mate's festival in September where I help with setting up.

I fancy this one literally a bus ride from me on the outskirts of Derby. Plus after party in the city centre.

I've got into a bit of a routine/rut with the same festivals.. but if its not broken etc

Bearded Theory (end of May) - been going since 2010 - but more bands i've wanted to see this year than any other
Boom (Portugal - July) - epic hippyfest in the scorchio heat
Shamabla (August) - 20 years since i first went - and though its a bit gentrified now - still my fave festival

I'm also trying out Noisily thsi year for first time. Lots of mates go and I used to go to the Glade every year (which its meant to be similar too) - so looking forward to it
I have a family do the weekend of BT so that nicely solves the issue...

Given current elderly cat shenanigans I'm assuming that weekend festivals are off my radar without heroics to prepare, so if anyone has any good one day things accessible from London by public transport let me know. Strawberry Fair on 3 June seems likely.
I have a family do the weekend of BT so that nicely solves the issue...
Shame. It would have been nice to catch up with you.

Hope you find some nice day festivals to get to. Not living in the south east, I've no idea of the festivals down there.
Well I shall be seeing some of you at Glastonwick then! I'll be the one on stage on Saturday affy, right after Fossilheads :thumbs:

For me, it's Bearded this weekend, then after Glastonwick I've got Beatherder in July and Solfest in August.
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