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Feral cat needs a home

Our cat Mr Best was feral/stray for a cpl of years around our 'hood gardens.
He used to keep his distance (from us as he played with the cats) and occasionally we'd catch him having a sneaky dip in our other cats food bowls - their bowls are close to the back door which we always have open.
We fed him with his own bowl outside and built a couple of temporary waterproof structures (using cardboard boxes and plastic sheets) for him during the winter months.

Then about a year ago he got really ill and we started letting him sleep in the kitchen on a bed, we were able to bring him to the vet to get antibiotics, when he got better he went back outdoors so we bought him a wooden hut but he came in more and more, he'd even start coming into the living room.

Our other cats weren't bothered by him and vice versa so we brought him to the vet for his jabs, got him chopped, tagged etc. and after the chop he came in more and more.

Now he sleeps on our bed every night and is a fully fledged member of the Fam.
Here he is at his foster home. Doesn't he look well and clean and relaxed? Such a poppet. He's had a second trip to the vet for his jabs, and coped better than before. But he peed in the box. Poor love. Probably better than peeing on the vet.

Here he is at his foster home. Doesn't he look well and clean and relaxed? Such a poppet. He's had a second trip to the vet for his jabs, and coped better than before. But he peed in the box. Poor love. Probably better than peeing on the vet.

That's great! Thanks for the update. Well done for helping him out!
His fosterers have taken to him. They say he's not ready to be adopted yet because he has still got to be "brought up to speed". His speed looks ideal to me. You don't sleep with your paws in the air unless you're extremely content!

There are worse things in the world than a "foster fail" :D
I hope wherever he ends up (although he does look very much at home where he is!) he is loved and happy :)
I would love to have him. But mine wouldn't let him into the building. Not even an inch. I think she'd have a nervous breakdown in a two cat home. It's a food security issue I think. She panicked when I gave Croaky food in the street. She has to have me and my cat food stash all to herself. I'm her mother, and she's the clingy child. That's just the way it is.

I would love to have him. But mine wouldn't let him into the building. Not even an inch. I think she'd have a nervous breakdown in a two cat home. It's a food security issue I think. She panicked when I gave Croaky food in the street. She has to have me and my cat food stash all to herself. I'm her mother, and she's the clingy child. That's just the way it is.

Current feline resident is always the highest priority, I am sure the handsome boy you helped will find a lovely home somewhere, he's looking very well and lovely!

Your floofy girl also very gorgeous!
She is one of the loveliest cats in the whole world. I tell her she's lovely so often that she even knows the word. She replies with a tail twitch.
She is one of the loveliest cats in the whole world. I tell her she's lovely so often that she even knows the word. She replies with a tail twitch.

❤️ They do learn a lot of associations for words for sure - my Jakey responds in different ways to a number of words and phrases and although I know that he doesn't have a sense of language in the intellectual way that we might, he certainly associates plenty of vocal sounds that I make with events that tend to go with them - they are just as good at that as dogs or any other domestic pet (with the possible exception of parrots, some species of which seem to have more advanced skills in that area, demonstrating not just mimicking behaviour, but use of words and phrases in context).
It's the way you say them! Mine knows No, Move, Lovely, Babycat (her name), and What Are You Doing? It's not really a long list, I'm sure other cats know more. I would like to train her to jump on to things. There are lots of free resources for cat training which I've not read.
It's the way you say them! Mine knows No, Move, Lovely, Babycat (her name), and What Are You Doing? It's not really a long list, I'm sure other cats know more. I would like to train her to jump on to things. There are lots of free resources for cat training which I've not read.

My remaining cat is not the sharpest knife in the drawer (probably in a lower cognitive bracket than most cats bless his little cotton socks!), but he recognises his name, recognised the names of the other cats, knows the associations for things like dindins, want a cuddle, do you want to sit on my lap, water, NO, and a whole load of compliments like "who is my lovely purry boy?" Some of those I always say in a certain way of course, but he certainly knows his name whether I say it lovingly or "oh ffs Jakey!" (He crapped on a pile of socks I had left in the bedroom not long ago).
Bad Jakey! Was it because you'd been out for a long time? I read somewhere that 'inappropriate evacuation' is caused by them stressing that you might not come back.

No, he just likes crapping on piles of fresh laundry, always has, I normally remember to put it away but forgot they were still there, what can you do? 🤷‍♂️
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