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Feral cat needs a home

David Clapson

Well-Known Member
This little fellow lives around Rushcroft Road and Vining Street.
He's very sweet and wants to be my cat's friend. She tolerates him, which is most unlike her. This almost certainly means they have the same father, Popeye, who resides in Bookmongers. He likes to spray near my door, to impress her I suppose. He also sits up like a meerkat, and croaks instead of miaowing. He's very friendly and will take food from my hand, if my cat permits it, which she doesn't. I'm intending to catch him and, if appropriate, get him chipped and neutered. (I'm reading up on cat charity sites about all this.) He doesn't seem unhappy on the street. He has several cat friends, and seems to be getting enough to eat, but maybe he'd be happier as someone's pet? Anyone interested?
He'd probably live longer as a pet cat, because of inoculations etc. And I think he's the sort of cat who would enjoy affection from a human. And maybe winter is a miserable time for a feral cat? They can't be happy if they never get warm, can they? What do you reckon?
It depends how he reacts to being indoors.

I’ve hosted feral cats in my flat for the time it takes for them to get neutered and vaccinated. One of them adapted to being indoors and was adopted to a house with a garden, via the rescue doing the TNR. One of them kicked off, every single day and night, never adapted, she was settled at a stables. That all happened because the location they’d been living in had become unsafe. But ideally they’d have gone back to where they’d been living. If they’ve got someone feeding them regularly and there’s spaces for them to keep warm they’re quite happy. They find places to hole up.
We had a great time on the library steps, one cat at each knee, feeding Croaky (my temporary name for him) with my left hand and my cat with my right hand. If I feed them simultaneously she doesn't get uppity. Croaky looks quite old...maybe 10? I suppose it's hard to tell with ferals, perhaps they age more rapidly than pampered pets?

My cat is obsessed with food, always eating as if it's the last meal of her life, always wanting more. She'd be as fat as a barrage balloon if I gave her as much as she wanted. She's also unusually hostile to other cats. Does that suggest that cats stole her food when she was a kitten on Market Row? Croaky isn't that fussed about food, and he's definitely kept his figure. Does that mean that he was well fed as a kitten? He was probably born near Market Row where his father lived. Maybe, being a tomcat, he was stronger and stole food from female kittens?

This is our feral Dexter took him in a few years ago. When we took him in he eat non stop as though there would be no more food ever. Quite a few people said he would never be domesticated.
He’s done really well goes out into the woods out the back or lazes around in the house rarely goes out in the bad weather


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Update: I misunderstood about the volunteer at Feline Friends, so Croaky is available for rehabitation, or will be when we can catch him. We also had to confirm various stories involving crazy people alleging ownership. Turns out that nobody wants responsibility for him. He disappeared for a few days but reappeared an hour ago, with a big, deep hole in his head, limping and skinny. Don't know what happened but I think he's been resting up for a few days while his wounds heal. We dashed indoors to get cages and boxes and chicken and gloves, but he's disappeared again. I've left my cat out as bait. He'll probably come back and they'll sit there for hours under a car with him mooning at her, and her looking the other way. I've got to find a way to grab him by the scruff of the neck, but he's quite wary, because I tried it once before.

Edit: he's also been visiting his Dad, Popeye, in Bookmongers. They stare at each other through the back gate. Naturally he sprays there, and stinks out the whole shop. Any customers reading this can be reassured that it's not Popeye's fault, and that the aroma should be abolished quite soon.
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Hopefully you can catch him and get him checked out at least

sounds like he hurt and in need of care if he skinny and limping
I just had him licking chicken off my hands, but couldn't catch him! There's no loose skin to grab on his scruff I'm going to have make one of those traps from the films - a net with ropes on the corners or something.
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I just had him licking chicken off my hands, but couldn't catch him! There's no loose skin to grab on his scruff I'm going to have make one of those traps from the films - a net with ropes on the corners or something.

cat welfare organisations usually have a few cat traps they can lend, either for trap-neuter-release schemes for ferals, but if you tell them kitty is injured would have thought they would try and help
We have two visiting cats at one of my work places apparently one was chipped and the other wasn't. Anyway the one that wasn't appears to have vanished now and I suspect someone has taken it home. Which has pissed me off a bit but maybe it's for the best? Or maybe it died. Fuck knows. Looked in good health to me and was super friendly.
It’s worth contacting other rescues tbh, if this one is over busy. They’re not very big iirc & personally my experience with them wasn’t great. I’m sure they’re doing their best in the circumstances but your cat may need help sooner than they can provide… is there another rescue who can come to your area?
Finally got him. He let me pick him up for a cuddle, and we had a very nice interlude.

Then I got my neighbour out with a cat box, we tried to put him in it, and he went into beast mode. Blood everywhere (mine). God knows what sort of bacteria are living in me now. He's at another neighbour's home, apparently very happy, wandering about. I'm glad it's not me who'll be putting him back in the box for his trip to the vet.
Sounds like a great pet if you were allowed to pick him up. I have my ex’s little lad staying with me while she’s on hols.
He’s a handful, but I could see myself taking in a rescue.

Edit: this pic isn’t even exaggerating the cuteness. I could do without being woken at 5:45, though. Going to the office tomorrow because he wants to play all day and I’m getting fuck all done.
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