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Far Cry 5, out in Feb 2018, will be set in the US

I got the PS4 version - I was unaware there were different versions when i pre-ordered it

Anyway, two thumbs up from me, played it all evening and am now late for bed.
I decided yesterday that I was going to wait on to spend such large amounts of money, choosing instead to buy Titan Fall 2 from Xbox Live for 5 quid. When I was shopping earlier today though, I saw the Gold version of FC5 for 60 quid & I gave in!
Has it got much on FC4? Has anyone tried the classic edition of FC3 you get with it? Will wait till it gets real cheap anyhow because my 1TB drive on the PS4 is kinda full... :oops:
It's more of the same really, but that's why I like it.
I didn't get a free copy with mine. :confused: there was only one edition available at Game on pre-order
I got this yesterday but didn't play til this morning , more of the same and this ,like Orang Utan is what I wanted , I've barely touched the surface , found a sea plane , took it out for a spin then parachuted out into the path of a bear and a wolverine , little fucker that one was....

Re fc3 I think it's only with the season pass , not quite ready to get that yet though.

I think this is a good way to spend a rainy bank holiday , apart from raving tomorrow that is
I'm enjoying it a lot.

I thought it was pretty in-yer-face at first, too: it certainly kicks off with lots of action right from the start. I like trying to attack stealthily - I say 'trying' because it's rare I take down a base without being discovered/all hell breaking loose. But even trying this, it didn't take long for me to be 'marked' and the cult were sending helicopters and all sorts after me so not sure if stealth is as big an option in this one. I've had some less frantic moments out in the forest with some bait, a machine gun and some bears. I got a plane pretty early on, too. Ended up in Faith's region. That didn't turn out well. Distinct impression that was meant for later in the game.

Weaponry in this one looks incredible. I'm already on to shotguns and pretty heavy-duty stuff and I've only had it a couple of days. Recommend the Magnum style handgun: one shot drops most people and you can take a bear out with a few well-aimed shots. Also threw a shovel at a deer for longer than is strictly necessary. The stunt challenge with appalling cheesy hair metal soundtrack is ace. 'Baptism Of Fire' is a right laugh.

Ended up twatting my gun for hire with the shovel because he kept getting in the way when I was trying to nick cars. I hope that sends a message out to any other prospective employees of mine.

Very good game - looks like there's a fair bit of it, too. The enormity of it/amount of stuff to do is a bit overwhelming at first.
Turkey's. Are. Fucking. BASTARDS!

Other than that, the games all good so far.
Still not a hundred per cent sure, but I only played last night (albeit until 3am), but I really like the setting, it's just some of the voice acting (especially in the side quests), that annoys me. Plus some if characters seem like they were stolen from GTA.

But yeah, Turkeys are cunts.
I'm in faith's region , tripped out for a bit
which was odd , Ive just met the flamethrower bloke who keeps on talking about wearing no pants, even odd , but stuck on this mission , might have to run away...

I'm enjoying it a lot
Well this is excellent.

It's still very action-packed but it is possible to escape the frenzy and head off for a spot of quiet hunting and fishing. The hired gun bloke in a plane is deadly if you get him when his aim's good. I managed to take an entire compound out undetected by getting him to pick off the cultists one by one. Then I sent the dog in to mop up any stragglers - job done without me firing a single shot. The other thing you can get him to do is the ultimate 'sledgehammer to crack a nut' approach of ordering a bombing run on a couple of deer. Deer have been getting some really quite shabby treatment from me in this game, I must admit. I had a great half hour where I teamed up with him in a plane of my own and we both took on the roaming militia convoys. Pretty tricky to fly and strafe/bomb but I'd get the lead truck and he's get the others. Very satisfying.

I like the trippy bits in Faith's region. 'Aaargh I'm being attacked by a bear. Oh no, it wasn't a bear, I was hallucinating, it's just a wolf, that's OK. Oh I'm still dead.' The prepper stash bits are a nice bit of peace and quiet away from the killing frenzy too: reminds me of Tomb Raider a bit with the puzzle solving.

Played it all of this afternoon/evening. Battery ran out on my controller I played it so long - never had that happen before so that's a pretty good sign of how enjoyable it is. I haven't even tried the Arcade mode yet.

Is it much different to 4? Never got into 4 for some reason.

It's more of the same, but better. It's bigger, there's more stuff to do, the backstory is a bit more involved, there's more action, lots of hardcore weaponry right from the start, more guns for hire/animals to tame and fight for you. Best one of the lot, I think, but don't expect a radical departure from any of the others. I really liked 4 so not sure if you'll like this one.
I am still undecided on this. the annoying angels. zombies keep on popping up when you don't really need them. the compounds are far far easier to conquer than the FC4 forts and posts. Still have not yet worked out how to get the extra things on my wheel of guns unlocked for more firepower/ throwing things.
Still have not yet worked out how to get the extra things on my wheel of guns unlocked for more firepower/ throwing things.
I think it's called 'Extra Holster' on the perks menu. I'm saving up perk points for it right now. You need 9 points. I'm getting totalled in firefights just now. A machine gun and a pistol just isn't enough. I need a rocket launcher as well.

I used up all my money buying all the extras for a good sniper rifle so am finding it hard right now too. On the plus side, my sniper rifle can bring a helicopter down with a couple of well-aimed shots.
I've stuck to mostly just the one area so far, while following the main story. Prefer to 'complete' area by area
Knock knock
Who's there?
Far Cry 5's interrupting plot
Far Cry 5's interr-
I've stuck to mostly just the one area so far, while following the main story. Prefer to 'complete' area by area
I think that might have been a better way for me to do it, too. Faith's interruptions that mauvais mentions could've been avoided a bit more, I think. I had a fine plan involving planes, a bombing run and a boat patrol that was ruined by being whisked off to the 'Power of Yes' blokes evil lair, presumably because my resistance level had hit a trigger. It feels like it's trying to push you on through the story - that's not what open world games are about, for me.

Minor gripe, though, I played about 4 hours again today and really enjoyed it.
I'm not buying RPGs or FPSs any more, as I never get round to playing them (I've a skyscraper that isn't going to plan it's own utilities and cafeteria-provision, goddamit!), but I'm watching Yogscast Hannah play, so I shall try to keep up.
Not totally engaged with this yet. I just don't find Montana that interesting tbh. Plus, I found some bugs at the weekend with the game freezing and also constant respawning in the plane at altitude but with zero speed.

Still good though.
I've only had one bug. I cleared an enemy base but it didn't recognise that I'd done it. Annoying, because I'd done it stealthily and managed to be undetected until right at the end. Quickly rectified it by going back and doing it with the bloke in the plane and my new pet cougar.
Just finished taking John Seed's base last night. It was frenzied, felt knackered at the end of it! Quite looking forward to some more leisurely bear hunting after that then I'll think about taking that hippy woman out.
Just finished taking John Seed's base last night. It was frenzied, felt knackered at the end of it! Quite looking forward to some more leisurely bear hunting after that then I'll think about taking that hippy woman out.
I'm at about the same stage. Gonna finish all the side missions in Holland Valley before exploring the other regions.
I have unfortunately encountered a bug that's preventing me from finishing a mission involving a Dr. I dived into a lake to get a bag for him, but I can't give it back to him. :(
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