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Family sex show cancelled

Dunno. But I can’t imagine that the parents who take their kids to see things like this will be the ones who want their teenagers to be ill informed.
sure, but it's not just about this show is it? anyone who attempts to do something like this - make sex ed relevant to kids, interesting, even fun - runs the risk of getting this kind of pushback.
sure, but it's not just about this show is it? anyone who attempts to do something like this - make sex ed relevant to kids, interesting, even fun - runs the risk of getting this kind of pushback.
I I’m not aware of any other theatre groups who want to talk to primary school aged children about pleasure and boundaries. Are there loads of them?
I I’m not aware of any other theatre groups who want to talk to primary school aged children about pleasure and boundaries. Are there loads of them?
the post you're replying to says that I think this this furore has consequences beyond this very specific example?
as an aside from my past posting on this one , i can comment that sex ed for kids has always been a prickly subject even without the aid of facebook and other insipid wankers comdening it for the own personal reason or religious agendas ,

so that i'll quote something that happened in my lifetime due to a catholic school system that i mentioned last year

hmm true story but my older sister got sex ed in school around about 9 years old and came home and told my little sister age 4 1/2 all
the details, little sister happly went into school the following day and told her class mates

the school took it slightly badly and me , the little sister and the older sister sent an afternoon with the police whilst they investigated the knowledge obtained
whilst my mom tried not to kill anyone


it a touche subject for most parents but its need in most situations its the when is the eduction approrate thats the issue,
every parent will think differently and you also have people with their own weird agendas about it
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This critique, written by somebody who seems to know about safeguarding and RSE, is quite damning about the show in question. It seems that they know nothing about safeguarding, and have not taken expert advice.

"The Family Sex Show repeatedly claimed that they had taken advice from child safeguarding experts, however the show contravened NSPCC guidelines. After they were contacted, the NSPCC also said that not only had they never heard of it, they also had no input into devising it."
Corisande Pick must be a pen name, 'cause whoever it is doesn't come up on google. I'm not sure I'd take anything written by some anonymous random on Graham Linehan's blog at face value though.
Nobody is asking you to take it at face value. You can assess the arguments made for yourself.
Sorry, what I meant was I'm not going to read an article by some anonymous random on Graham Linehan's blog - just the single paragraph you've quoted is enough to show me the cut of their jib. Where have the family sex show claimed to have consulted the NSPCC?
I think what we do know is that you shouldn't advise children to google masturbating animals.
What age can we start doing that then? Because me and my kids have a game where we Google for videos of different animals doing a poo and that's going to get old eventually.
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