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Yup, had originally taken today off but now need to work. Was trying to sign in late last night/v early this morning, but don't know which timezone they were going on as I still couldn't get back on after they shut the beta.
I've heard its like fallout 4 more than anything else, which is another nail in the coffin for me.

The internet tells me obsidian and betheseda won't be working on fallout together ever again, which is a shame, cos new vegas really is the dogs tits
I'm waiting to hear more about it before I buy it. Not keen on the multiplayer online aspect but love the idea of a first person post apocalypse settlement building game so this might be something I like but I definitely want to know more and maybe try before I buy.
The multiplayer aspect was surprisingly ok, it wasn't full of levelled up people dropping nukes on newbies or anything, and you can disable voice chat.
It's fine, with max of 24 people per instance on a MASSIVE map, it's as solo or multi-player as you want it to be.

If you have people on your friends list, instead of clicking PLAY, look at the social tab and join a server that a friend is on. Or just solo it - I've been playing fairly heavily since launch and during beta, I've actually run into very few people unless it was a deliberate decision to play together. You can see dots on the map for other players so it's easy to avoid people if you want to go it alone.

If you want to PvP then go for it, there are workshop resources that can be claimed and defended from NPCs and other players (including building your own defences etc). If you don't, then set yourself to pacifist mode - you can't hurt anyone, and all anyone can do to you is follow you around and slap you for virtually next to no damage - it's little more than an annoyance. If someone persists you can block them and relog to a different instance.

And yeah, disable global voice chat unless you want to trade - team or friends only is best, or just turn it off entirely in game if you use an external utility like Discord with your friends already.
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Quite enjoying it. It's quite intense though; wher you'd maybe switch into pipboy to change weapons in the other games you can't do that efficiently or you'll get gubbed because it's in real time. Quite like how vats works though. I need to get all my shortcuts on the dpad set up properly, as a result. Ran into some super mutants near my camp last night and almost died as I ran out of ammo and had to hide while I switched weapons. My machine gun turrets on the base were next to useless (level 4 machine guns, I'm on L8 just now), so I guess I need to find better plans.
I don't know how it works with a controller, but on keyboard any weapons you mark as favourite are given a hotkey, you can then switch weapons at the press of a button. I imagine with a controller you'd use the radial menu to switch between favourites, which I guess takes a fraction longer.
Yeah, I managed to do that this evening. It's faster, but I like the dpad way of doing it, even if it meant fewer options. If you push down you get the emotes radial and up gives you the favourites one.

Managed to kill two batches of five or six supermutants earlier so feel I'm getting better. (Level 9 now)
Can I just check whether you can play this without going on line?

OH loves these games but he doesn't go online for any games and we don;t have a subscription or anything. Can he play it normally, or is it not worth it?
It's very buggy, still. (In terms of glitches while you're playing, dropped frames (PS4) and temporary freezes). It's not as bad as is being made out, but that's hardly high praise. I bought it on pre-order, and wish I'd waited tbh. It's fun exploring and building stuff, but the missions feel very secondary, and the servers only have 24 players on them, so are very sparse (almost, in fact, like a post apocalyptic world). I'm enjoying it, but it has the potential to be a *fantastic* game, and it's just ok right now. I think they'll patch it up over the coming months (think of the difference between No Man's Sky at launch and the Atlas Rising update), so maybe wait.
On PC, the performance is smooth (at least for me)

I want text chat - I'm hearing impaired so have in game voice chat turned off, I only do voice chat with a few friends on our DIscord (they are ok with me asking them to repeat what was said)... I would like text chat to be able to trade stuff, say hi to someone when they appear at my camp etc
I don't think it is anywhere as bad as the reviews make out - I am having a lot of fun.

It is not all it could be, but that doesn't mean it is bad.
I do think there are some problems with the game.

I also think that a lot of the complaints are from folks who started characters at the start of the beta, rushed them through leveling and are now going "what is the end game?" I have not run into this because I have characters at level 20 and level 12 - have been taking it as a long-haul exploration game, rather than ramp it up and hit max level ASAP (possibly through exploits) and then find there is not a lot to do. Beth have mentioned possible faction based PvP for endgame
Hahaha, ouch.

Yeah they seriously fucked it in terms of data security, this week has been an utter disaster for the game so far. A patch at 6 hours of downtime on Tuesday, followed by half the playerbase unable to log in, and those that can able to use an exploit to duplicate high end items, while the lower end players are battling with all sorts of bugs (and not of the bloatfly/stingwing variety! At least they drop meat that can be cooked or used in some way!) and then a serious breach in terms of personal data which they could potentially be prosecuted for - not the best week they have ever had.
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