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Eye Friendly Monitor Recommendations

Karl Masks

Birds Angel Delight
I think i need to improve my screen experience while using computers and streaming.

Are there any good, hopefully low cost, monitors? What settings and options do i need to look out for?

I think i need to improve my screen experience while using computers and streaming.

Are there any good, hopefully low cost, monitors? What settings and options do i need to look out for?

Even cheap screens are pretty damned good these days. It's good to look for "IPS" technology, as that gives a wider viewing angle and you won't find yourself moving your head about as much. But even then, I have a lesser tech on my screen and it's just fine. For easy on the eyes, it's best to get the biggest thing that there is at a particular resolution. Eg: for 1920x1080/1200 27" is about the largest they go. 34" for 2560x1440. Getting a 16:10 screen instead of 16:9 can help with reading, but quite frankly they tend to be a lot more expensive than is warranted. 1920x1200 is nice, but you tend to pay upwards of £100 extra for it and I can't justify it.

The most important thing isn't the screen itself. It's where the screen is located, its height relative to you, the chair you're sat, etc. The ergonomics trump any difference in screen tech.
Returning to this as I really do think my laptop screen is a bittoo small.

Don't really want to spend more than 70 quidpounds if possible. Probably shouldn't even do that, but needs must as they say.
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