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Egypt anti-government protests grow

How convenient.

Egypt 'finds killers of Italian student Giulio Regeni' - BBC News

Egypt says it has found the criminal gang who killed Italian student Giulio Regeni in Cairo earlier this year.

Police found a bag belonging to the student during a raid on a flat in which all the members of the gangs were killed, the interior ministry said.

The gang specialised in abducting foreigners while posing as policemen, it added.

Giulio Regeni's body was found beside a road on the western outskirts of Cairo, a week after he had gone missing.

His body showed signs of torture.

"The security forces on Thursday managed to track down a gang in New Cairo that used to pose as policemen. It specialised in abducting foreigners and robbing them," the ministry said in a statement.

"There was an exchange of fire with the police and all members of the gang were killed."
Health Ministry attempts closure of Al-Nadeem, center remains open

A joint task force from the Health Ministry and the police attempted to close Al-Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence on Tuesday.

Magda Ali, one of the founders of Al-Nadeem, told Mada Masr that a Health Ministry representative came to the center with three members of the local police to try to enforce its closure. She confirmed that the center remains open after Nadeem staff members refused to leave....


Egypt protesters call for downfall of the 'regime'

About 200 protesters called for the downfall of the Egyptian "regime" in protests on Friday triggered by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's decision to hand over two islands to Saudi Arabia, Reuters witnesses said.

The same slogan was used in the 2011 uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak.

Sisi, who once enjoyed widespread support, has faced mounting criticism in recent months over a range of issues, including his management of the economy.

According to a number of tweets protestors have been arrested at various locations.


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Egypt and Bahrain now Human Rights Priority Countries: FCO acts following Committee’s recommendation - News from Parliament

Encouraging words from the chair, however imo whether this translates into real actions particularly in Bahrain where the UK establishment has traditionally had close connections both financial and personal remains to be seen:

...The continuing failure to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Italian government over the torture and murder of Cambridge doctoral student Giulio Regeni sends the wrong message to the Egyptian leadership as they seek to confront the culture of impunity infesting the Egyptian internal security forces and police. Regeni’s case provides the opportunity to exercise leverage to make things better for ordinary Egyptians, for whom the experience of a tea seller, shot dead by a police officer in a row over the price of his tea on 19 April is symbolic of a security system crushing Egyptian human rights....
While it is not clear how many people were detained, the Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression, an Egyptian NGO, released a report this week putting the total at 387, with at least 98 people facing charges, Mada Masr reported.

The detentions came a day after the privately owned al-Shorouk newspaper, citing an unidentified person, reported that President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi told the police to stop the planned protest. The report was pulled after the president’s office issued a denial.

The demonstrations, planned for this coming Monday, are in protest against Egypt’s transfer of two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia and a follow up to those held last Friday that saw thousands of Egyptians take to the streets.

They were some of the biggest demonstrations seen since Sisi took office in 2013.

Though authorities said that the Muslim Brotherhood had organised the demonstration, several groups had called for the it, including the banned April 6 movement, some political parties and former presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi, who is suing Sisi over the islands deal.
Dozens arrested as Egyptian police crack down on anti-Sisi protests
Predictable bollox

Egyptian Police Official Files Complaint Against Reuters

An Egyptian police official filed a criminal complaint against Reuters after the news agency published an article last week connecting the police to the disappearance of an Italian student, Giulio Regeni, prosecutors said on Saturday.

The article, citing security officials, said the police detained Mr. Regeni days before his brutalized body turned up on the outskirts of Cairo — contradicting government assertions that he had not been arrested.

The complaint, filed Friday, accused Reuters and its Cairo bureau chief of spreading false news and harming Egypt’s image, raising new alarms about a crackdown on journalists in Egypt....
Comedy followup to that:

An Egyptian interior ministry email was mistakenly sent to journalists on Tuesday stating that the ministry could not backtrack on its position regarding its ongoing feud with the press syndicate because it would have to admit wrongdoing.

The email, detailing what seemed to be a suggested plan on dealing with the situation, was sent due to a "technical error" to all journalists on the ministry's mailing list, an anonymous security source from inside the ministry was quoted as saying by Al-Ahram's Arabic website.

The email stated that "the ministry must have a steady position… backtracking suggests a mistake was made, and if there is a mistake, who is responsible for it and who will be held accountable?"

The ministry email suggested that a number of police veterans should make TV appearances to stress that "sheltering fugitives" is illegal and that the press syndicate cannot be above the law.

Mistakenly sent email reveals Egypt ministry's intent not to admit wrongdoing in press feud - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
The MOI do indeed produce (for us at least) moments of Keystone cops comedy but the reality for activists is pretty grim. Her statement is worth a read.

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