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Eddie Wicker.

check out matthew collins new book. plenty about eddie 'big face' whicker in there. there is also a classic pic of him with frankie 'even bigger face' portinari.

I read that last week...(above)..it was very funny...Portinari was "suppossed" to be the UDA`s man in London..
I think hes in Spain now..
It seems to be mostly around drugs, but there has been reports of Catholics holding quite high positions within the LVF.

Was there not a court case last week in the Belfast high court about a catholic being charged
with possession of explosives being held on behalf of the LVF and membership of that rabble.
Was there not a court case last week in the Belfast high court about a catholic being charged
with possession of explosives being held on behalf of the LVF and membership of that rabble.
Never heard that, but would not be surprised, the amount of catholics involved with the LVF is staggering, especially for some reason in and around Lurgan.
oh! and Hepple's effort which was heavily bolstered by gable. larry o hara has quite a bit to say on that little epistle (which is a far better read than the thing he was criticisng!).
oh! and Hepple's effort which was heavily bolstered by gable. larry o hara has quite a bit to say on that little epistle (which is a far better read than the thing he was criticisng!).
But Larry says Im ex fash and other stuff that is blatantly wrong...so I take stuff with a pinch of salt ...oh and my being at stamford bridge with McIntyre..nooo. Also all this speculation about Porty...why guess...ask MC himself...he might even tell you that Prevent dont monitor B&H as well..
It seems to be mostly around drugs, but there has been reports of Catholics holding quite high positions within the LVF.

basically the top 2 in the LVF for a while ,Robin and Drew "the piper" King were born and raised as catholics . There was quite a stir when a tabloid released photos of little Robin in his Irish dancing costume some years back . There have been others who were less prominent.

He still highlights protests against commemorations from Republican groups opposed to the peace protest, but does attend, loyalist and republican events, through gritted teeth, to stop youngsters from The North from getting involved in paramilitary violence.

His sigs on football threads where I have interacted with him include 'working for peace, but not forgetting the past'
'like Republicans, I have attended too many prison visits and funerals'
we (Ireland and Britain) share a long, troubled, complicated, entwined history.


dont be fooled by this bullshit . They all get well paid for it - all sorts of peace funds for these wankers on both sides - and get to bask in the adulation of the impressionable youngsters who arent capable of asking them an intellectual question . Its a fucking industry over here . A lot of it boils down to " buy our drugs, not the LVFs" . It was the divvying up of this "peace money " that saw one loyalist feud erupt after another . Even today theres different factions jockeying for who gets the biggest slice of pie . They havent finished yet .
But Larry says Im ex fash and other stuff that is blatantly wrong...so I take stuff with a pinch of salt ...oh and my being at stamford bridge with McIntyre..nooo. Also all this speculation about Porty...why guess...ask MC himself...he might even tell you that Prevent dont monitor B&H as well..

They didn't but Prevent 2 pretty much allows Councils and Police to monitor any group ( to deter individuals who a promoting violent extremism or recruiting vulnerable people)which is seen as a potential risk to extremism.Its vague but allows local priorities. to run alongside national priorities.This could include animal rights, white far right, irish republican splinter groups as well as Al Quiad inspired grouplets.

You will recall two/three years ago a number of arrests of the white far right and the claims from CTU that they posed as bigger threat, whilst this was mainly a plea not to touch their budget, that and the need for Prevent not to be seen as just Muslim based changed its direction.

There is a too infrequent poster on here who is doing his MA in Prevent who is a a wealth of knowledge on this matter.
But Larry says Im ex fash and other stuff that is blatantly wrong...so I take stuff with a pinch of salt ...oh and my being at stamford bridge with McIntyre..nooo. Also all this speculation about Porty...why guess...ask MC himself...he might even tell you that Prevent dont monitor B&H as well..

fair enough! i still think his stuff on searchlight was good and opened up a few peoples eyes to their 'anti-extremist' agenda. and the hepple thing was bizarre!
i thought so too!
whats the general feeling about the 'turncoat' books by ray hill, collins, ingo hasselbach?

You have to be careful about the reasons why these people may be publishing their memoirs. As stated in another post, they're not necessarily adopting a sudden far-left analysis. But more or less taking a stance against what they see as "extremism" in general. This usually means they become Pro-State, supporting the police in their endeavors. Or supportive of mainstream parties and organizations that are responsible for the situation in working class communities and that helps Fascism to gather influence.
It's probably wise to also bear in mind that any such autobiographical author may take the occasional opportunity to "score settle", against individuals they feel slighted by in the past. Bending or twisting the facts occasionally.

On a different note. I remember when the Ingo Hasselbach book ('Fuhrer-ex') came out. Interesting read, but some of the AFA contacts we had with people in Germany said that despite him claiming to attend conferences and seminars, and work in the community to dissuade young people from getting involved in the far-right, they weren't aware of him doing any of this.
not sure about Eddie (some have suspicions obviously, as to why he didn't get nicked in the early 90s along with other high profile nationalists / fascists). From the pics above, I'm reminded of how a few of the scouse contingent almost approached him to say 'hi' on a Manchester Martyrs do, as they mistakenly thought he was, well...another 'well known member' on this site and in anti fascist circles!.

As for Frank P, must say, that whilst he remains a nationalist, he seems to have mellowed a little.

He still highlights protests against commemorations from Republican groups opposed to the peace protest, but does attend, loyalist and republican events, through gritted teeth, to stop youngsters from The North from getting involved in paramilitary violence.

His sigs on football threads where I have interacted with him include 'working for peace, but not forgetting the past'
'like Republicans, I have attended too many prison visits and funerals'
we (Ireland and Britain) share a long, troubled, complicated, entwined history.

He doesn't ever give it the 'bigun' over past events (including the Enkell Arms) 'we kept them busy that day'.
Has respect for RA/ AFA..those who've walked the walk. Was definitely buying BTF and apparently writing his own book of events he was involved in, after 'Mr Collins 'sold his soul'.

Seems to not be involved in the EDL marching stuff...did all the parade, marching with the NF decades ago
still looking to support nationalism in more subtle ways; agreed with me ('even the enemies of nationalism' i.e the BTF analysis, says we did far more by the 'putting on suits /knocking on doors approach).

the FP book now available, only from him personally, via DMs / on the football related site he posts on
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