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Easy Acid

it wasn't even a 303 fella- it's digital fucking around on a Kaoss Pad - they were all at it in the early teenies

Tbf one of the SFA was a decent techno DJ. Went to a few sfa raves when i lived in Cardiff. They defo knew what a 303 is 👍
Tbf one of the SFA was a decent techno DJ. Went to a few sfa raves when i lived in Cardiff. They defo knew what a 303 is 👍
fair enough but there was no 303 on that record and it was also shite on account of it being by SFA
One of Jesus Jones was a fairly decent techno DJ. I think I've made my point.
I've got a nice chilled D&B track with a 303 on it, sounds great so I dunno why it wasn't more widely used - can't find the track online except on this mix (starts at 46.17 if it's not already there)

(it's Bitch Trip on this EP Various - Nu Emotions EP)
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