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Dundee is Delightful.




minnie the minx.

And if you want unique....

Dundee is the ONLY city in the UK that still has red squirrels, so I'm told.
It's got Scott's ship, the Discovery, and an observatory, and a Debenhams.

The Beano and The Dandy are from there.

And so is Grand Theft Auto.

They should combine all those in the next edition of GTA. Plus the red squirrels.
The Beano and The Dandy are from there.

Yes & their publishers are grade-A cunts.

Dundee is the ONLY city in the UK that still has red squirrels, so I'm told.

Balls - Aberdeen & I'm pretty certain Inverness, both have resident populations. Although Aberdeen's is a fairly recent recolonisation (last decade or so). It was one of my former students who first observed & then went-on to study them for a couple of years. When he finished, he had identified well over 250 individuals. :)
Yes & their publishers are grade-A cunts.

Balls - Aberdeen & I'm pretty certain Inverness, both have resident populations. Although Aberdeen's is a fairly recent recolonisation (last decade or so)

Which is why I added so I'm told. As I was typing it I thought, ''What about Inverness? It's a city now.''

Never gave a thought to Aberdeen though. :)
My BIL is visiting this weekend. He's from Dundee. I'll pass on your compliments.

To continue the theme, Bob Servant* is a great watch (might still be on iPlayer).

* I know it's BF not Dundee but Brian Cox ftw.
My BIL is visiting this weekend. He's from Dundee. I'll pass on your compliments.

To continue the theme, Bob Servant* is a great watch (might still be on iPlayer).

* I know it's BF not Dundee but Brian Cox ftw.

Bob Servant is an excellent follow on Twitter...
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Your first picture there, editor, (the Caird Hall?) suddenly reminded me of a time I had gone over to Dundee and was vaguely wandering along, thinking about 18th birthday present for my younger brother, when I glanced toward that whatever-its-name concert hall building and was struck by the fact that it was festooned with a whole load of hammer and sickle banners and couple of very big pictures of Lenin.

"Oh", I thought, "has the revolution happened and news has not reached me?"

Glanced around at others passers-by but all seemed just to be walking along about their business and finding nothing unusual about this at all. I remained at bit flummoxed, so my bemused internal dialogue sort of continued:

"Well, it's at least theoretically possible, I suppose, given that St. Andrews is not really in the red-hot vanguard of anything, and nobody* has a telly. And there's radio for news, but realistically have radio news on while also doing the lazy-person mad dash to-and-fro about washdresscoffee, then mainly get the news by reading newspapers much later in the day."

"That's very dimwitted and stupid of me. Oh well. :( Probably I should hail a random person or two in the street and ask them. It's the normal thing to do, after all. But it's not quite the same as asking in an unfamiliar town 'excuse me, sorry to bother you, but could you possibly tell me how to get to Bloggs Street, please?'

"What to do?" Or, I suppose "what is to be done?"

Oh, the temporary confusements! :D

It was all just stuff put there for making a film.
My BIL is visiting this weekend. He's from Dundee. I'll pass on your compliments.

To continue the theme, Bob Servant* is a great watch (might still be on iPlayer).

* I know it's BF not Dundee but Brian Cox ftw.
Brian Cox, yeah! :)

So this Bob Servant, sounds good, but is BBC thing? Damn. :( I can't see it. Oh well.
The Tunnock's Caramel Wafers and Tunnock's Teacakes and T's Snowballs etc have really nothing to do with Dundee. The company is based in Uddingston in Lanarkshire, which doesn't have quite the same world-class grand glamour as Dundee. :)

And Boyd Tunnock is a bit of a Tory. However, to be fair, he hasn't upped-sticks and removed the company and local jobs to any random country where production costs are cheaper and workers' rights non-existent. So there is that.
Though it did, back in the late 1980s, have the first chip shop I was aware of that did a vegetarian lasagna supper. Uddingston will always have a special place in my heart because of that.
Ah, that is very charmingly wonderful and touching. :) When you are dead and opened, your grieving family shall find Uddingston lying in your heart.
Also, I did not know till just now that a lasagna supper existed. And forbye that, even a vegetarian lasagna supper.

And I have never even been to Uddingston either. :( I am a failure of life. Still, I'm not dead yet. (Makes note: get on train or bus, go to Uddingston.)
Unctuous uddingston thread that way >>>>>
Righty-ho then! :) Why is it unctuous, though? It is beginning to sound quite interesting.

However, on a thread that is for Dundee, yep, I suppose Uddingston and its chip-shop wonders does not belong.

Fair enough. :)
My first visit to Dundee was to go and see some movie at a cinema that was showing it in 70mm format. It might have been the 1989 Batman. As it turned out we didn't get to see it, so.

My mate got the car parked and the four of us wandered into the unfamiliar city centre. The next thing there's a guy running towards us. He's carrying a whole load of clothes under each arm and he's being chased by two security guard types. They grab him and really give him a proper kicking. Like, brutal. An older guy intervenes to stop it, and then the police show up.

Once we were done with the polis it was way past the start time of the film, so we headed back to my mates car. Which, of course, refused to start. It wouldn't even start with 3/4 of us pushing the thing down a busy road.

So, we went to a pub, where the driver phoned his dad for help. With a couple of hours to kill, we had some pints and someone got us kicked out of the pub by sticking French Kiss by Lil Louis on the jukebox, errr, about twenty times in a row.

All the other times I've been to Dundee have been a bit more straightforward than this, and consequently more enjoyable.
Your first picture there, editor, (the Caird Hall?) suddenly reminded me of a time I had gone over to Dundee and was vaguely wandering along, thinking about 18th birthday present for my younger brother, when I glanced toward that whatever-its-name concert hall building and was struck by the fact that it was festooned with a whole load of hammer and sickle banners and couple of very big pictures of Lenin.

The Cairdie has been used in a few 'Russian' based films iirc, not that I can name any of them but it has happened a few times :)

Also when you are walking in that square you are walking over a shitload of rats, but then that could mabe be said of many cities?
Is that rats displaced from the redevelopment of the Quaya/Tayside house?

I heard chilling stories of what happened with rats pouring out the drains/pipe ducts etc when they started demolition down there - and most headed to the centre, there was no chance of catching any more than a small percentage..! <BRRRR>
Is that rats displaced from the redevelopment of the Quaya/Tayside house?

I heard chilling stories of what happened with rats pouring out the drains/pipe ducts etc when they started demolition down there - and most headed to the centre, there was no chance of catching any more than a small percentage..! <BRRRR>

Nah, there's been rats under there for years, I know cos Sandy had to go under there when he was at Brown's and they went bust long since. Think he's been at his current place at least 10 yrs
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