Has he stated that he will never do any more gambling adverts during his stay at Hamlet?
That's a different question though isn't it?
Logically there are three positions to have on this.
1. If you have ever done anything "against the Club's values" you can never work for the Club
2. If you want to do something "against the Club's values" and you currently work for the Club, you have to stop working for the Club (or not do the thing).
3. You can work for the Club and do things "against the Club's values".
It's fair to say you are in the 1 camp. I understand that and respect that. I would also for the record respect people in the 3 camp, on the basis say that millions of people across the country work for companies who do things they don't agree with and vice versa. I'm in the 2 camp, as is (on the face of what he's saying
blueheaven). As and when PC works for a gambling firm while working for the Club, he'll have fallen foul of the 2 camp rule as it were and fall into "that's not compatible" territory. But until he does, he hasn't, and he doesn't fall into it by not saying "I won't do ads" - or for that matter by not saying "I won't cross all these other things that the Club stands for". We didn't on day one make him sign a pledge to wear rainbow laces, to take one example. It's in the doing that he crosses the line, not in the not saying he won't do the doing.
I understand you really resent his presence, for this and for other reasons (maybe more for the other reasons, I don't know), but why not fight the issue not the man (and not the fellow fans)?
For starters, you could be one of the five supporters I need to get this gambling tax petition I just wrote launched...?!
Petition: Tax bettors' gambling winnings: reduce problem gambling by changing the product.