Mrs maomao has very recently been made redundant. During her last period of unemployment six years ago she did the whole job centre thing and got contributions based JSA for a while. She got a job around about the point it became more hassle than it was worth (daily signing on ffs, wasn't like that in my day). She's been trying to start an online application but it seems to be all universal credit now. Is there any actual point pursuing it? We've had to take the little one out of nursery (he's still doing one day a week for the moment) so she's not going to be able to jump through all the hoops all the time anyway. The money would be a massive help but we're not bankrupt yet and the current situation is a lot less stressful than working five days a week and spending 80+% of her wages on childcare. She doesn't really want to go back to that situation and is looking for something that works for her rather than any old shite the job centre chuck at her.
So is there still such a thing as contributions based JSA anymore? And is it actually worth going through with it or is the whole rigmarole just too hostile now?
Also, she's a permanent resident but not a British citizen and currently has no plans to be one.
So is there still such a thing as contributions based JSA anymore? And is it actually worth going through with it or is the whole rigmarole just too hostile now?
Also, she's a permanent resident but not a British citizen and currently has no plans to be one.