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Does anyone know of a batch renamer to change .m4a filenames based on their meta/exif data?

I have a bunch of .m4a files that I want to be able to quickly and easily rename to YYYY MM DD - HH.MM.SS - based on their Media Created information.

Does anyone know of a freeware Windows desktop app that can do this?

Many thanks! :)
I have a bunch of .m4a files that I want to be able to quickly and easily rename to YYYY MM DD - HH.MM.SS - based on their Media Created information.

Does anyone know of a freeware Windows desktop app that can do this?

Many thanks! :)

Only skimmed through this video to be honest but seems to be what you want?

Only skimmed through this video to be honest but seems to be what you want?

.m4a files are audio files. Specifically, the files used by my phone's Voice Recorder app.

Since posting this I've renamed them manually (there were only about 25 or so), but it would be handy to have it automated.
.m4a files are audio files. Specifically, the files used by my phone's Voice Recorder app.

Since posting this I've renamed them manually (there were only about 25 or so), but it would be handy to have it automated.

Okay, just had a watch of the first half of this video. It works, but it's a bit of a faff, innit.
probably need a script. Your best bet is looking at python. But the steep learning curve to just do this.
Back in tha day unused to use this to rename files based on their metadata, haven't used it in 15/20 years but it still looks like it will do what you want it to relatively easily
Back in tha day unused to use this to rename files based on their metadata, haven't used it in 15/20 years but it still looks like it will do what you want it to relatively easily

Thanks. Downloaded and tried it but it seems to be for photos only. Also, did a search for "m4a" in its PDF manual - no hits.
I Mainly used it to rename MP3 so it should manage music, and given they genrally put information into windows meta data I'd be supprised if it couldn't do what you need. However I wouldn't rely on searching for a file extension to be useful. I've had too much to drink to offer more constructive hints but I'd look at duration or. Time as search terms
I Mainly used it to rename MP3 so it should manage music, and given they genrally put information into windows meta data I'd be supprised if it couldn't do what you need. However I wouldn't rely on searching for a file extension to be useful. I've had too much to drink to offer more constructive hints but I'd look at duration or. Time as search terms

Okay, how do you even open files in that? I did File > Open and all it would accept was .bru files.
From my distant memory opening a file would be about how you wanted to rename files. You need to use the file navigator on the left to find the folder thay contains the files then look at how to rename files with widows metadata as that should have creation date and time somewhere
From my distant memory opening a file would be about how you wanted to rename files. You need to use the file navigator on the left to find the folder thay contains the files then look at how to rename files with widows metadata as that should have creation date and time somewhere

Ah, yes, got it now. Cheers, I'll be able to figure it out from here. :)
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