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Do you still keep your tape cassettes?


bloody furious
I still have an emotional attachment to me boxes of TDK C60 and C90. Just can't bear to chuck them out. Absolutely no reason to keep them.
Same as, I know there's some serious good old mix sessions on some, but never listen to them. I keep saying I'll get them into MP3 format or something, but never do.
I did keep them when I had a cassette player, when that went, didn't bother replacing it, and chucked them out, still keep my vinyl though, for some reason I can't bear to part with the vinyl even though I can't play them either
I have about 300 and still listen to them regularly...I am a dinosaur in love with the opening hiss on each side. Spent so much time in teenage years and beyond making mixes for various holidays/parties/festivals/break ups/make ups/decorating the house/lounging in the garden.....and still get a smile from them.
One or two, with classic mixes on.

Anything with individual tracks I have on CD or MP3 now have been long binned.

VHS have all gone too.
i still buy cassettes... usually 5p from charity shops, and loads of yer pretentious new acts are bringing out stuff on cassette only nowadays.

i'm thinking of releasing my debut single on floppy disc. :cool:
I've got loads in the attic.
Compilation tapes and John Peel Top Gear with bands live in the studio - how can I possibly get rid of those ?
I'm gonna buy a digi thingie and stick the stuff on an external hard drive.
I think it will take about two and a half years !!
i still buy cassettes... usually 5p from charity shops, and loads of yer pretentious new acts are bringing out stuff on cassette only nowadays.

i'm thinking of releasing my debut single on floppy disc. :cool:

I like this guy. He's kicking it old school with his homemade cassette turntables :cool:



Yes - still got all my Peel as well as pirate radio recordings on tape. Started to slowly rip them to mp3 but there's no way the original D90's are leaving my collection (and they all play as they did bitd!) :cool:
i still buy cassettes... usually 5p from charity shops, and loads of yer pretentious new acts are bringing out stuff on cassette only nowadays.

i'm thinking of releasing my debut single on floppy disc. :cool:

Better be fast...

Believe it or not, Sony managed to shift 12 million 3.5-inch floppy disks in Japan last year -- presumably to die-hard old schoolers. Alas, time waits for no one, and the venerable data transporter that started its life way back in 1981 is going to all but cease production by March of next year. Sony was the last of the major manufacturers to keep churning these bits of plastic out, but soon that too shall be no more. Having already shut down operations in most of the world, it's now noted the end of life for its domestic market, and thereby effectively consigned the floppy to the past.

I had loads untill the last time I moved, I was fed up of carting them around so binned them...twas emotional, really. :D
I'm (still) spring cleaning at the moment and being quite ruthless, but just yesterday I picked up a box of cassettes, opened it to see what was in there, thought "nah, keeping those" and put it back :D
Oh yes! got 100's mmm maybe more:hmm: loads ive had since i was a kid/teenager,loads of Peel shows,mixes,got loads of mix tapes out of some geezers loft couple of months back.listened to one!Still buy the odd one,got Club Ska 67 last week for 50p,which is my current making coffee n toast tape:)
I'm (still) spring cleaning at the moment and being quite ruthless, but just yesterday I picked up a box of cassettes, opened it to see what was in there, thought "nah, keeping those" and put it back :D
:D i reckon i do that at least twice a month:D
I have many. Plus a suitcase full of home recorded stuff starting from when I was 14 (my own music I mean, not stuff off the radio) that I am always promising myself to transfer and master but it is such a daunting job with little reward.
I still have lots of tapes and still on occassion buy them (usually at punk gigs in eastern Europe where they are really cheap) looking at buying a new tape deck at the mo as mine is starting to sound very strange:)
still got a tonne of them. i've got rid of most of my records and cds, but most of my tapes are irreplaceable being friends' mixtapes (often with artwork) or illicit dj/live sets. the former especially have a huge amount of sentimental value.
still got a tonne of them. i've got rid of most of my records and cds, but most of my tapes are irreplaceable being friends' mixtapes (often with artwork) or illicit dj/live sets. the former especially have a huge amount of sentimental value.

So true...forgot about the artwork...I have tapes done by friends I have lost touch with or in a couple of cases died...I couldn't part with these...even their funky writing and little cartoony bits are priceless to me.

All my vinyl has gone...too bulky to keep moving about maybe...and slowly replaced by CD...but tapes always seemed easier to fill a box with and transport. I reckon they're here to stay now.

And I still listen to the dj sets I made with the top twenty from the radio...oh those were the days...I interviewed 'stars' too and did all the voices...:hmm:
there have been several ruthless culls in the past few years but I reckon I've still got 200-300 kicking about. which is stupid really. loads in me mother in laws loft that'll I'll probably never want again too...

I do play them in the car though
For some stupid reason I threw out all my tapes (about 300) when we moved to NZ. I had lots of old KISS FM stuff Colin Dale and Favour, Rampling the lot.Old Fantasy FM tapes as well as friends mix tapes etc. I just took them down the dump of all places and chucked them:( stupid boy :(
Yeah I've still got quite few - never play em but they wouldn't be the same if I turned em into mp3s. Some I keep for old times sake, and I've got a couple of rare ones like the first tape only ACR lp and From Russia With Love, an arty Factory-Benelux release, which is one of my favourite things I own.
I had mine until about two years ago... then chucked them all when I got a new hi-fi sans cassette player. I replaced any albums I really liked on CD, but I could live with losing most of the albums.
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