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Do we really need to be able to make phone calls on the tube?

Call-free carriages here, thank fuck. Not everyone adheres to them, of course but for the most part, I can read a book or nod off without too much bother.
Yes. On my bloody tube train in the morning. I dont know what the fuck people have to talk about at 5.30 am and am normally extremely glad when the line goes u deerhound and they all have to shut up. I think I need to leave London.

Trained packs of deerhounds policing shouty phonecalls and other antisocial behaviour is definitely something we do really need on the tube :cool:
What a ridiculous idea. Honey badgers all the way.
Idk, I initially had doubts coz large dogs are all lazy and/or soft as fuck ime but they're physically intimidating enough to be able to just calmly take the offending phone or whatever and eat it without any resistance from most people.

Plus I'm not sure it's actually possible to train a creature with as few fucks to give as the honey badger. Releasing a few during rush hour for the lols, though...
Tell you what's really annoying .. when you're taking a really important call and everyone around you is noisy and you cant hear the caller. Example...got a phone call on a train and was being told my dad had had a heart attack...couldnt hear the next bot cos everyone was talking ao loudly. I asked politely if people near could just be a bit quieter as it was a serious call
Nope. Nobody was prepared to be quiet. I lost the plot..."can you tone it down Im trying to hear of my dad is dead" I shouted.
Complete silence that lasted...all the way home.
Tell you what's really annoying .. when you're taking a really important call and everyone around you is noisy and you cant hear the caller. Example...got a phone call on a train and was being told my dad had had a heart attack...couldnt hear the next bot cos everyone was talking ao loudly. I asked politely if people near could just be a bit quieter as it was a serious call
Nope. Nobody was prepared to be quiet. I lost the plot..."can you tone it down Im trying to hear of my dad is dead" I shouted.
Complete silence that lasted...all the way home.
Not liked for your situation, but for the atmosphere on the train afterwards...
You do need something to do with your other hand whilst eating your smelly/spicy/sloppy snadwich - so, yes - bring it-on..! :p :)
For data purposes yes of course I want 4G and 5G everywhere.

Don’t care much about voice calls really because I hardly ever speak except for VoIP like WhatsApp and FaceTime audio but that would be handy.
Very few people makes calls on my train these days. The tube Wi-Fi does not bother me at all. Might be useful for messaging or checking directions.

They do on the overground - I get it into work, and there's invariably someone having a call that could probably wait, you know, until they were at work..
Did you let them know if he was alive or dead or just leave them to stew and wonder?
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