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Direct Action

No idea what's going on, but this post of theirs on another thread doesn't make me think they know what's going on either.
I'm talking direct action and one of the effect afterwards, I haven't read all the posts, so I'm guessing a missed something, can you bring me upto speed please 😅
Dunno if this really fits with a "direct action" thread (some might suggest it should go on a "talking shops" thread instead), but Plan C are doing a Plan C thing in London soon, over the bank holidays:

The end of the world is already here, in fact, we’ve been living through it for a long time. Be it the threat of nuclear war, financial meltdowns, the collapse of care systems, racist policing and more and harder borders or ecological destruction: it’s the fully-fledged era of the crises of capitalism. The climate crisis has gone from something happening decades from now to a full-blown apocalypse in just a few years. Headlines scream flood and fire, and we’ve learned new words: firenado, weather bomb, parts per million, wet bulb temperature.
Every day it’s clearer that we’re passing the limits of irreversible damage. We’re not going to be able to save the world as it was – but neither should we want to save the society that we have.. The multiplicity of crises is not going to be uprooted by more of the same. False solutions promised by government and business are not going to save us, but neither are tepid policy documents promising ‘green jobs’, tech solutions based on increased neo-colonial resource extraction tied with human rights abuse, nor the nihilism of dreams of our own extinction. We need to move, not ‘to’ the end of the world, but ‘beyond’ the end of the world.
The solutions that we adopt to respond to the climate crisis can and must confront all others. They will require us to imagine how we radically transform the way our lives and societies are organised. What does this future look like and how do we get there? Where are the fault lines in the crises that we can crack open? Where are the overlaps of struggles that we can strengthen? How do we steer away from defeatist, nationalist, racist and even authoritarian responses? How do we collectively transcend the end of the world?
Plan C invites you to a Climate Justice Convergence, on the occasion of our belated 10th anniversary. Learn and educate ourselves across workshops, discussions and talks // strategise and plan together at a movement-wide assembly // eat together at collective dinners // party together like the world is ending.
1-3 June 2022
Pelican House, Cambridge Road Bethnal Green, London

Tickets are free but you need to register
Puke at that Tweet though. She was clever and hard working apparently.... can't the police just get back to their proper job of arresting the stupid and lazy? Urgh.

Fucking lol at her Mum's Twitter too, Director of Overstory Finance 2021, a purpose led business encouraging financial services to play its crucial part in moving to a sustainable future.
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Puke at that Tweet though. She was clever and hard working apparently.... can't the police just get back to their proper job of arresting the stupid and lazy? Urgh.

Fucking lol at her Mum's Twitter too, Director of Overstory Finance 2021, a purpose led business encouraging financial services to play its crucial part in moving to a sustainable future.
Yeah, I noticed that. "What were they thinking, she's middle class ffs." Fucking barf.
"Think of the planet… there are people who are destroying the planet, think about that … That's why I did it."


Perhaps XR Youth should have a go at the Fighting Temeraire, it even has a coal-burning engine in it.
"Think of the planet… there are people who are destroying the planet, think about that … That's why I did it."

View attachment 324738

Perhaps XR Youth should have a go at the Fighting Temeraire, it even has a coal-burning engine in it.
perhaps you should do it yourself
From facebook (Extinction Rebellion UK) :

BREAKING NEWS: Extinction Rebellion supporters have superglued around the Speakers Chair inside the commons chamber.

Everyone inside the building had entered legally via an official tourist booking.

The speech read out in the chamber said: “We are in crisis. And what goes on in this chamber every day makes a joke out of us all. We can not afford to carry on like this.

“It is possible to act on climate and costs in a way that is fair and supports everyone. But our political system is too out of date and out of touch to see beyond the next election cycle and do what needs to be done. We need a new way of making decisions, where more voices are heard, not just those at the top. We need the true diversity of the country to be represented.

“We need a Citizens’ Assembly, now. Citizens’ Assemblies empower ordinary people to make decisions that benefit everyone. Decisions that can get us out of this mess and make life better, safer, fairer for all of us.”




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