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Denmark Street Photo Project: Street of Sound


It's grim up north (London)
Note to mods: I cleared this with editor before posting.

As some of you may know, I'm a bit of a photographer in my spare time, and also a bit of a musician; mostly bass, but sometimes guitar, mandolin and I've recently decided to get to grips with keyboards.

As a result of the the musical bit, I've spent a lot of time shopping along Denmark Street over the last thirty five years or so and a recent-ish office move to Covent Garden has put it right on my doorstep.


With the departure of the 12 Bar Club to the Holloway Road in January and a large construction project, St Giles Circus, about to swallow up the remains of Denmark Place just to the north, there's been a lot of press about Denmark Street being on its last legs, with a fairly high profile campaign to 'save' it.

What I found, when spending any amount of time talking to the people running the music shops, was that they themselves were rather more positive about things than that.


I'd already started taking photos of the shops along Denmark Street and I thought it was worth turning this into a proper project, exploring this and to document the street as it is now and, over the longer term, what happens to it as St Giles Circus is built. To my surprise, it seems that no one else is doing this. There's plenty of camera crews and journalists looking for a sound bite, but no one looking over a longer period.

To this end, I've started gathering stories from the people that work there and taking photographs to accompany them. I've a bunch of the music shops on the street already agreed to participate and I've set up a web site to publish them.


Over the course of the next few months and years I'd like to talk to the developers, the council, protesters, musicians who buy stuff on Denmark Street and other people involved in the debate about the street's future. The 12 Bar and Sax.co.uk who have moved out would be obvious candidates too.

One of the keys is that this is to be a long-term project. I want to revisit people during the development is going on and after the dust has all settled (quite literally) to see if and how their outlook changes as things unfold.

The first story is about Graham Noden, who's been repairing guitars in the basement of Andy's/Hank's since 1983


What a great idea!
I've just read your article, very interesting. Please bump this thread when you do another so I remember to look!
I've lined up Brian Howe, who owns the three Wunjo shops, for my next piece. Hopefully talking to him next week.
Another shopfront portrait: Wunjo Guitars

Interview with Brian Rowe, who owns it, is in the can. Both our holidays mean photos to accompany it will have to wait until early August.
Love this project. I find it fascinating seeing London shop-fronts and especially those in such an interesting and threatened area.

Keep adding to it!
The loss of the enterprise rehearsal studio round the back has destroyed more of the musicians community on Denmark Street than perhaps even the loss of the 12 bar. That would have made some cool pics. Where the 12 bar split out the back onto the ally drinking musicians. Secret musical underworld.
The loss of the enterprise rehearsal studio round the back has destroyed more of the musicians community on Denmark Street than perhaps even the loss of the 12 bar. That would have made some cool pics. Where the 12 bar split out the back onto the ally drinking musicians. Secret musical underworld.

Yep. I started this just a little bit late to capture the Enterprise before it went . :(
Superb stuff Rob. consider yourself bookmarked. The photography is spot on, and your narrative is excellent. I have a couple of friends posting photoblogs up on steller stories. Your blog format reminded me of a few things i've seen there may be worth you sticking some of this up there if you're looking for some more exposure?
Superb stuff Rob. consider yourself bookmarked. The photography is spot on, and your narrative is excellent. I have a couple of friends posting photoblogs up on steller stories. Your blog format reminded me of a few things i've seen there may be worth you sticking some of this up there if you're looking for some more exposure?

Thanks for the tip, I'll investigate.

Edit: I can't take a huge amount of credit for the narratives - aside from a little judicious editing, it's the words of the people I'm talking to, but that was kind of the point :)
you like orange.. :)

It hasn't been a conscious decision, but I something similar occurred to me this morning when I was uploading the pics.

I think it's just a coincidence that Wunjo use orange as their company colour and a lot of guitars are sunburst yellow/red.
Finally something new! The last few months have been busy at work and I haven't had any time to devote to this. But at last I have been able to do something.

Last weekend Wunjo Bass moved from their shop at 22 Denmark Street into the basement of No. 23, below the keyboards shop.

I've written a blog post about the move with a bunch of photographs on my Denmark Street project site, Street of Sound

A couple of pics as a teaser:

Tom the manager being proprietorial in his new basement


The new interior

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