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Denmark - seize migrants' valuables

If you're a genuine asylum seeker then yes . you wouldn't care about this and you would just be glad you were safe .

But a lot of people presenting themselves as asylum seekers seem to want to go to places which give them more money, and pass through numerous other safe countries in order to go there instead.
That's not what I meant.
I'm sure the mega rich would have left Syria many moons ago. Tedious and nasty showboating.

I don't think this is about the mega rich, but people who managed to salvage something with a modest monetary value from their previous lives.
It's shite like this which exposes the real face of European immigration policy. At both the national and EU levels it's always, always, been conducted with one eye on the need to appease the far-right.

The brief opening of the borders in the summer was an anomaly.
Really? I've heard that line used often enough in the reference to the UK, where you'd be a fool to imagine that you'd make out like a bandit on our benefits system. Are other countries so notably generous as to make payments a real incentive?

Where communities are, where economies are strongest, where residency is easiest to get, where local hostility is most minimal, where education is best/cheapest. All far more coherent reasons to choose somewhere like Denmark over, say, Greece.

But what your describing plainly isn't seeking asylum . It's migrating to somewhere nicer well after you've found safety . And with what looks to be most Danish mps prepared to back this move I don't think we can call the hostility minimal either .
It's shite like this which exposes the real face of European immigration policy. At both the national and EU levels it's always, always, been conducted with one eye on the need to appease the far-right.

The brief opening of the borders in the summer was an anomaly.

With respect over a million refugees last year alone in Germany is both an anomaly as well as a massive fuck you to anyone opposed to mass immigration. Which would include the far right . You're overlooking ...like many others here and particularly on the left..a very crucial aspect of society. Namely the people who live in it. Opposition to mass immigration simply isn't something confined to the far right, as Gordon Brown once found to his cost . Too many on the left are fixated with the far right and completely ignore the people who are, or we're once, the bedrock of their support . I'd argue these measures are populist and an appeasement of widespread public opinion. Not an appeasement of fascists .
That's a huge mistake to see it in those terms IMHO .
With respect over a million refugees last year alone in Germany is both an anomaly as well as a massive fuck you to anyone opposed to mass immigration. Which would include the far right . You're overlooking ...like many others here and particularly on the left..a very crucial aspect of society. Namely the people who live in it. Opposition to mass immigration simply isn't something confined to the far right, as Gordon Brown once found to his cost . Too many on the left are fixated with the far right and completely ignore the people who are, or we're once, the bedrock of their support . I'd argue these measures are populist and an appeasement of widespread public opinion. Not an appeasement of fascists .
That's a huge mistake to see it in those terms IMHO .
It's not either/or. The governments of the EU's member states were thinking that if they didn't keep the door locked and barred, then voters will turn to the little men with the Charlie Chaplin moustaches. And how did that work out for them?

E2A: And the anomaly is the fact that the episode last summer where the sheer number of refugees led some EU governments to bow to the inevitable was one anomalous incident in a wider effort to make admittance as an asylum seeker as difficult as possible.
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When we're talking about this, we have to bear in mind this is a country that deems this an acceptable political campaign poster.
But what your describing plainly isn't seeking asylum . It's migrating to somewhere nicer well after you've found safety . And with what looks to be most Danish mps prepared to back this move I don't think we can call the hostility minimal either .

Not being shot is only one aspect of being safe though. If you've no idea of when/if you'll ever be able to go home knowing that you can get a job, or go to school, or raise your kids without racist nutters attacking them are all aspects in having a 'safe' life. Or any life at all really. A camp in Turkey might be relatively safe but a life rotting away on someone else's tolerance with no chance to live anything like a decent existence is harmful in itself. Just look at the experiences of the Palestinians.

As to Denmark being hostile, I was talking more general motivations than there in particular.
Think theres only so many people a country can take in the events of nye by some fuckheads will sour relations while some people may scream racism if people belive they or their daughters wives girlfriends etc cant walk about their town without hassle from "others" then things will go badly fast.
Telling people not to be be racsist isnt an answer .
Arsehole western government in short sighted self serving supposedly vote winning policy shocker. Hope it backfires as spectacularly as possible.
Isn' it the case this is policy for all claimants?, I'm sure it is in Sweden, disabled claimants are treated pretty badly.

don't agree with either really, maybe the threshold should be more, as hard to believe it is here.
It's shocking. A Danish MP was interviewed who claimed that 'some' rich Syrians were arriving by private jet and claiming asylum and benefits. Must be loads of them, going over there, in their private jets, claiming benefits. :mad:
The BBC seems to be leading on this story. Not a peep (at time of writing) in the Graun...

Sorry to do this, but there was a report about it the day before you posted.

Denmark to force refugees to give up valuables under proposed asylum law
If you're a genuine asylum seeker then yes . you wouldn't care about this and you would just be glad you were safe.

Are you letting us know how all genuine asylum seekers think and feel?

The numbers for 2015 cover 1,008,616 asylum entrants for all the EU. That represents about one fifth of one percent of all the EU's population of just over 508 million people. What proportion are not genuine asylum seekers?
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