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Define 'Radical'

It's a word containing the letters A, C, D, I, L and R in the following order R, A, D, I, C, A, L.

Hope that helps.
  1. (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
  2. characterized by departure from tradition; innovative or progressive.
  3. relating to the root of something, in particular:
  4. very good; excellent.
  1. a person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims.
  2. a group of atoms behaving as a unit in a number of compounds.
  3. the root or base form of a word.
  4. a quantity forming or expressed as the root of another.
'What definition would I use for "radical"? "To be radical is to go to the root, and the root is man," [humanity] as Karl Marx wrote in his early work. (Quoting from memory.) "Radical" is from "radix," the root, as I am sure you know. By "radical" I mean going deep down, below the obvious surface, and seeing the most basic forces at work. And by "radical" I mean making the most extreme, drastic, changes in how we look at things and what we do in action.'
from 'a learned friend' (hope he don't mind).
Okay. Perhaps a radical is a fixed point within a particular discursive framework, determined by a particular set of power relations.
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