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DBS Cert v Subject Access Request?


Member of The Underground.
So, a while ago I applied to work for a charity. I applied for a DBS check as part of the application.

Now, some 2 and a half months later, I have found out that the cert has been sent to an ex, and it's proving impossible to get.

So, can i just apply for a "print out" of my pre-cons from the PNC, according to google, I can make a request.

Has anyone else done this as I'll be fucked if I am going through the DBS application again and then waiting god knows how long...
I'm a bit fuzzy on all the detail of DBS (I used to do stuff when it was just turning in to CRB) but don't think that a subject access request is any good as a substitute for DBS else everyone would be doing it.

This (certificate lost in post) seems like it might be the right direction (and if you're going to do this, get a move on as there's a 3 month time limit) - presume this happened because you moved house during the process? If so, you'll need to set up re-direction of post with the royal fail which also comes at a cost
What address did you put in your application? I work in a school and do DBS applications for staff all the time and they do make mistakes. If it hasn't been sent to the right address they will re-issue it.
You could get a printout under SAR but your employer will need a DBS anyway.
I'm pretty sure I was emailed a link so I could see it online. I think there must be an option to let other people see it too.
so, I have called them, and they have said basically that I would have to make a whole new application with my new address on to receive a certificate.

Or they can resend the existing one out again but only to the address on the application, which is my Ex's.

The charity I want to work for does get either free or discounted applications but I want to apply myself as I have already had them do it once and look what's happened.

Can anyone recommend a service that will do a fast turn-around, I waited over two months for this one.
so, I have called them, and they have said basically that I would have to make a whole new application with my new address on to receive a certificate.

Or they can resend the existing one out again but only to the address on the application, which is my Ex's.

The charity I want to work for does get either free or discounted applications but I want to apply myself as I have already had them do it once and look what's happened.

Can anyone recommend a service that will do a fast turn-around, I waited over two months for this one.
Can’t you set up a mail redirect then from your ex’s house to you?
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