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Croatian island hopping?


Approved by toads
We are finally looking at booking our summer hols and looking at Croatia as it was one place gsv and I quickly agreed on. We quite fancy the idea of some island hopping along the coast for a few days of it - has anyone does this? Are there people who'll organise that for you? I don't fancy organising it all myself.

Any recommendations about this or Croatia in general gratefully received!
We went to Modem festival and the lands around it are amazing. Apparently this is the area.

plitvice lakes - Google Search

Sorry for the huge link. No idea about the rest. We weren't sure on Split, but we were only there for a couple of days so was hard to get a feel for it.

I think the whole coast is stunning to be honest.
It’s a lovely place. I’ve not done any island hopping but I’d imagine you just turn up and pay when you get on if it’s the type of boats that transport vehicles as well. Do some research but i suspect it will be easy to get between islands.

Look here: Croatia Ferries
I've driven the coast (and been to Plitvice which is a bit inland) but not the islands. Coast amazing, stupidly hot in August (38-40 every day).
I'm probably going to suggest we do the best part of a week in Split, probably day trip to some islands from there, then a couple of nights in an island further off just as I can't be arsed to sort out more than two stays! I've been waiting to see how much holiday allowance I have for my new job I start next month - have found out now, so I think we'll do about a week and a half there in total
Hvar is amazing, Brač meant to be good and Id love to go to Korčula and Viš in particular.

Idk how easy it is to island hop but a lot of the ferry routes are shown on google map so have a look. From Split most should be easy. Split is awesome btw.
Start from split and you should be able to use jaroldlinja ferries routes to map your way down to wherever. Very different islands eg brioni and solta are quiet,hvar and brac bigger and livelier. I personally like the smaller Ones but horses / courses etc. if you do end up in say Dubrovnik, remember that it’s not on the railway if you need to get back up north to get home. In Croatia atm btw, it’s more expensive than I recall but still good value
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I drove to Pag a few years ago which has a sort of barren majesty. If you're driving, Slovenia is beautiful with great food.

Other things about Croatia in August: it is hot af; the best lagers in the world are cheap and frosty; the touristy bits are very very touristy.
Well we've booked a lovely sounding villa on Brac for 3 nights/4 days - from our second day, it's right on the sea by a marina. Figured didn't want the stress of adding another moving part (ferries) to first day of travel so we'll just book an apartment hotel for 1st night so we can get there and chill, and take ferry next day. After that we'll head back to Split - looking at airbnbs, not surprisingly the probably nicest stuff has gone and most apartments are modern ones or in obvious tourist apartment buildings, but maybe we'll stay just outside town, as there seem to be nicer places (with pools or terraces) for less money if you just go 20-30 mins outside Split proper.
Have now booked rest of stay, so it's 1 night Split when we arrive, 3 nights Brac, 4 nights Trogdir, which is just 1/2 hour from Split but more chill (and also very pretty) and final 2 nights in Split proper. We'll have a car, so will probably do some inland exploring from Trogdir.
I had 2 weeks on Brac in 1990 with Yugotours. It was paradise to me. I stayed at Bol, bang on top of the beach/marina. Not much of a beach tbh, a bit stoney, so we spent most of our days at Zlatini rat, about 30 mins walk iirc. Searingly hot days on the beach drinking the local brew " pivac domac"? Slightly cooler nights in the few bars and clubs drinking the finest 5 year old Yugoslav brandy on the island:D.
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