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25th foreigner dies on small, 8 square mile, Thai island: Koh Tao

‘Their bodies were found floating in the resort’s pool last Friday, just hours after they checked in.

Disturbingly, police on the island have said CCTV cameras at luxury Jamahkiri Resort and Spa “weren’t working” on the day the couple died, fuelling mystery around what happened to the wealthy pair.

After checking into the resort, the couple headed down to the pool for a swim while Ratish went for a walk on the beach.

A short time later, Ratish returned to the resort to find the bodies of his parents floating in the water.’
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‘ Medics declared there was "nothing suspicious" but the 48-year-old's friends claimed his death "did not add up" with no investigation reportedly launched and no post-mortem examination carried out. Police said he died from natural causes and there was no sign of a struggle.

The tragedy - said to have been the fifth to befall a dive instructor on the island in recent years - was not the first to befall a Birmingham dive enthusiast. Ian Jacobs, from Sutton Coldfield, travelled to Koh Tao, located in Chumphon Archipelago on the western shore of the Gulf of Thailand, for a diving holiday 23 years ago. But within two weeks the 35-year-old was found dead in a man-made concrete well.

"For 20 years I believed Ian was found in the bottom of a well with water in it. In the space of the past year I have spoken to someone, a witness on the island, who saw his body the day it was found and said he was found in a disused concrete well, located near the water well. The witness said there was no water in the well he was found in. In fact it was full of mud and litter almost up to ground level."

Mr Lock said he visited Koh Tao about two weeks after the death of his friend and was shown a well on the island. He said: "I decided it was pretty much impossible to either walk into it because the well had a lip and you would not be able to walk into it nor if you stumbled over it would you fall in it - you would fall across it.’
Ko Tao receives over 100,000 tourists a year. How many deaths have their been at Glastonbury festival, which probably has a similar demographic? And that only lasts a few days each year. If Glastonbury had unattended concrete wells and swimming pools etc, you can bet attendees would die in those.

‘Defense lawyers said there appeared to be discrepancies between DNA evidence held by Thai police and DNA tested by British police. A judge will decide on Thursday whether the defense can independently test the evidence, one lawyer told Reuters.’
Ko Tao receives over 100,000 tourists a year. How many deaths have their been at Glastonbury festival, which probably has a similar demographic? And that only lasts a few days each year. If Glastonbury had unattended concrete wells and swimming pools etc, you can bet attendees would die in those.

300,000 visitors last year, and you tried this whataboutism argument last time I posted on this thread, which encoured a somewhat small pile-on of sniveling cynicism
Ko Tao receives over 100,000 tourists a year. How many deaths have their been at Glastonbury festival, which probably has a similar demographic? And that only lasts a few days each year. If Glastonbury had unattended concrete wells and swimming pools etc, you can bet attendees would die in those.

I don't think Glastonbury's a known haven of organised crime and police corruption that would likely be under pressure from a corrupt central government headed by the leader of a military coup to hush up violent tourist deaths, though I'm not very familiar with local Somerset politics.
I don't think Glastonbury's a known haven of organised crime and police corruption that would likely be under pressure from a corrupt central government headed by the leader of a military coup to hush up violent tourist deaths, though I'm not very familiar with local Somerset politics.

How come it has far more deaths per person day than Ko Tao then? :confused:
Why Thailand is so popular with tourists I've no idea. Where shall we go to relax and unwind? How about this nice mad dictatorship where they throw you in prison for twenty years soon as look at you.
Why Thailand is so popular with tourists I've no idea. Where shall we go to relax and unwind? How about this nice mad dictatorship where they throw you in prison for twenty years soon as look at you.
Good question, but when you're on a beach miles away from the capital all of this seems irrelevant. Thailand is popular because it's tourism industry is advanced. It's easy and still relatively cheap for westerners. Indonesia has a democracy but it's way harder travelling there. There are plenty of other bad regimes in that area worse than what the Thai's have got.
Thailand isn’t exactly a paragon of health and safety culture. To be honest that is part of its charm for many.

Hopefully Joe isn’t going to start investigating road deaths on the thai mainland. He might blow a fuse when he sees the numbers.
Thailand has some amazingly beautiful places in addition to the islands. The travel system is quite advanced and easy, though some of it can be hard to get to due to geography. I hate BK. I hate the Thai attitude to sex, which can be quite visible. I've never been in a rush to go back. I have been back to other countries in that area.

Indonesia isn't difficult to travel if you use planes or even the train. The roads are horrific and fucking mental. Saw two really bad smashes while I was there. But again, if you've just climbed a smouldering volcano by jeep, horse and walk, you aren't thinking of Jakarta. Which is a massive shithole and becoming a rich tourist's plaything.
Thailand isn’t exactly a paragon of health and safety culture. To be honest that is part of its charm for many.

All the foreigners say that.. initially
Hopefully Joe isn’t going to start investigating road deaths on the thai mainland. He might blow a fuse when he sees the numbers.

What a totally snide attempt at trying to look serious whilst getting a dig in to farm a few likes.

I’ll see you on the transport forums being just as facetious with people there will I?
I hate BK.
I hate the Thai attitude to sex.

‘Hate’ is very strong word.

Indonesia isn't difficult to travel

It’s a nightmare, a total free-for-all with many towns/cities under the yoke of local transport gangs.

Saw two really bad smashes while I was there.

I guess that’s the randomness of life cos afaiac all of SE Asia (exc Singapore & Malaysia) is pretty much a muchness concerning road safety.

you aren't thinking of Jakarta. Which is a massive shithole and becoming a rich tourist's plaything.

Funnily enough London has been a rich (person/tourists) plaything for a while now.
I’ll see you on the transport forums being just as facetious with people there will I?
Calm down
Why Thailand is so popular with tourists I've no idea. Where shall we go to relax and unwind? How about this nice mad dictatorship where they throw you in prison for twenty years soon as look at you.
They're looking to welcome a million tourists from Russia this year. Thailand along with Taiwan, unless misheard on the news.

It's a wee bit controversial

Russian tourist numbers jump in Thailand.
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Calm down

I haven’t been threatened by somebody who said they were gonna stab me anywhere else in the world, anywhere else in Thailand except Koh Tao. Even in the place I grew-up I don’t recall anyone threatening to shank me: shoot, yes. Knife, nah.

I tried to draw attention to a place where two young people horrifically had their lives ended and the subsequent investigation and prosecution afterwards was a shitshow.

A place where there’s been some V V suspicious deaths.

To be what? Ridiculed? It’s very poor form.

eta: threatened to stab me
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‘Hate’ is very strong word.

It’s a nightmare, a total free-for-all with many towns/cities under the yoke of local transport gangs.

I guess that’s the randomness of life cos afaiac all of SE Asia (exc Singapore & Malaysia) is pretty much a muchness concerning road safety.

Funnily enough London has been a rich (person/tourists) plaything for a while now.

Yes hate is a strong word.

How about fuck off? I thought you were banned? Even I know it's pretty obvious who you were from before.
I haven’t been threatened by somebody who said they were gonna stab me anywhere else in the world, anywhere else in Thailand except Koh Tao. Even in the place I grew-up I don’t recall anyone threatening to shank me: shoot, yes. Knife, nah.

I tried to draw attention to a place where two young people horrifically had their lives ended and the subsequent investigation and prosecution afterwards was a shitshow.

A place where there’s been some V V suspicious deaths.

To be what? Ridiculed? It’s very poor form.

eta: threatened to stab me

Jay, previously never had any beef with you, but do need to stop making it all about you and your insecurities.

Obviously some travelers be targeted in other parts of the world. Could be socio economic factors, or racism, or opportunity. Shouldnt be complacent about it.
Jay, previously never had any beef with you, but do need to stop making it all about you and your insecurities.

Obviously some travelers be targeted in other parts of the world. Could be socio economic factors, or racism, or opportunity. Shouldnt be complacent about it.

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Who the fuck is Jay?

Did you bother to read my previous posts or did your sniveling self see A380 wrongly call me out on another thread and see this as your opportunity to strike?

Fella, you need to stop this. Now.

And dont be posting your tantrums on the profile page, ta.
It really is an insular brand of bullying on here isn’t is

No, its just that folks here are rightly wary and weary of returning banned posters stinking it up for the rest of us.

You're not fooling anyone, btw. Have a word, or take a break before you garner another ban.
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