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Cottages in Pembrokeshire?


Can anyone recommend a cottage to rent in Pembrokeshire for an ex Mid Walian slumming it in London ;) who wants a quiet long weekend around the 21st Nov with his lovely new lady in one of the most stunning areas in the world. Needs to be quite close to the coast I guess, nice walks, pubs, villages...the usual you know.


Back in the early 80's we used to stay at my Nan's Vicar's holiday cottage in Cresswell Quay, was a lovely spot and great for trips around Pembrokeshire (Dyfed?!)

Sorry, not very much help to you - I expect it's owned by someone else now!
If you want an ethical choice I've been with under the thatch before and been really impressed:
They do some excellent places, and they have a policy of only renting out locally-owned places, and of renting out environmentally friendly homes, too.
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