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Corsica independence movement


I'll do it this afternoon
I was watching some videos and reading threads on twitter about the massive and quite militant demonstration today. I realised how little I know about this matter. From what I understand, over the decades the national independence groups have been a mixture of pacifist and armed and mostly left-wing. The youth protesting today are proper kicking off for sure. Is the movement still left-leaning?
I will try to link the tweets but I'm fcuking useless 😂

I hope that links to the thread so you can see just how nuts this demo is. There's lots of videos in the thread
The prosecutor has said the prison gym assault on Colonna lasted "more than eight minutes" and that he was beaten, strangled and suffocated :bigeyes:

I've just learned that Corsica's flag is like a cut down version of Sardinia's but facing the opposite way

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