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Coronation (and anti Coronation events this weekend in and around Brixton


I'm got precisely zero interest in the fucking Coronation but feel reluctantly obliged to post up info on Buzz given that it will be a big deal to some locals.

All I've got so far is this (with "DJ Music"!):


Anything else on?
Well there seem to be a few street parties with the Brixton Chamber Orchestra but aside from that I haven't seen much
The BCO+ stuff sounds fun (and I don't give a fuck about the coronation): BCO Coronation Carnival - and they'll be in Brixton Sunday / Monday

"Local partners will be adding to the carnival vibe; Vauxhall’s Neon Performing Arts will be dancing in the streets and Brixton arts organisation Bureau of Silly Ideas’ animatronic dustbins and pineapple car will be leading the procession."
Well there seem to be a few street parties with the Brixton Chamber Orchestra but aside from that I haven't seen much
43 according to Lambeth. I've decided I can't be arsed to write the article listing them all anyway.
I'll give the BCO a plug because I like them.

Labour Leader of Council says this,

“Our Volunteering Fair, which is being held as a follow up event in June, is a great opportunity to build on the community spirit generated during the Coronation, and serves to reinforce the power of celebrating together when it comes to building local spirit, boosting our sense of togetherness and improving our well-being.”

As someone who does a bit of volunteering I find it offensive to have community spirit and volunteering linked to an institution that represents entrenched inequality in this country.
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