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Corona Arms Pub Mid-May Quiz


Exasperated, not angry.
It's almost the middle of the week again, so lets have another pub quiz.

I must admit with this one, it is partly so I can check it works before hosting it for the regulars tomorrow night. This is partly why there are a couple too many questions! I will be cutting a couple, not just because there are too many, but because I hope to include a couple of musical performances on the night - one of which will be live if mrsb goes out of the room long enough for me to practise!

Other than that, it is ours pubs' usual rules - there is a theme, contained within the answers. The theme part to the answers may run across two or more clues. We always have a dead nazi involved somewhere, so don't worry on that score. Cryptic, but not too cryptic, crossword clues are a favourite too, so there is one of them. A couple of our newer drink partners are Portugese, hence a couple of inclusions - tho thanks to my pronunciation, they wont be at as much of an advantage on that clue as you might think. All stories are true.

If folk, upon completion, could tell me which clues they think are crappest, then I can cut them to make way for the music.

Winner wins £50 of virtual beer tokens.

Thank you.
1 I am one of the most popular songs by a recently deceased artist, recorded in 1956 but not released until 58. The piano intro was blatantly stolen from Ike Turners very early rock n roll hit Rocket 88.

2 What word has been removed from this advert?


3 Humans, elephants and what are the only creatures to have a neocortex (also called the neopallium and isocortex)?

4 What was achieved in the UK in (depending on who you speak to) February 1918, July 1928, July 1948 or not at all yet.

5 Sounds like a Euro winner enthusiast or a major, world cup year, disaster (7)
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6 What is the rest of the name of band leader Mark - whose band released 31 studio albums, 48 live albums, 48 compilation albums, 13 Eps, 46 singles 5 part studio/part live albums & 2 by said band leader between 1976 & 2018

7 - The only time Margaret Thatcher made anyone laugh (excluding when she resigned or died) was when she stated why she required her notoriously 'wet' Home Secretary to stay in her cabinet. What was his name?

8 I am important piece of attire in modern day versions of Twelth Night. In Portuguese I am (according to my pronunciation) 'may as ama relish' - what am I?

9 Food and drink -what am I? A particularly high content of β-carotene, a source of vitamin A, but it is also high in B complex vitamins like folate, and many minerals including calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. A pound (454 g) of carrots will yield about a cup of juice (about 236 ml). Like many products high in beta-carotene, it may cause temporary carotenoderma, a benign skin condition resulting in an orange-yellow hue to the skin. Drinking more than 3 cups in a 24-hour period, over a prolonged period of time may be enough to cause the condition

10 There are only two famous people with my name, when polled the third most popular is a character from Fireman Sam (in the UK) or one of the first two's father. Other people with my name include: Ghanaian footballer Hammond, Canadian world champion figure skater Stojko, and singer-songwriter Perkins - son of Anthony.
11 Which Star Trek character was, according to IGN in 2009 the 16th best character, the 18th acc to Screen Rant in 2016 or 12th acc to The Wrap in 2018. SR did at least say I was the 5th most intelligent. I inspired an inrcredibly well known catrch phrase despite it never being used in the series or films (tho it is in the animated series). I was born on March 3 2222 and am not known to have died.

12 What is going on here? Note: it has nothing to do with Big Ben or the News at Ten

13 I appeared in all eight seasons of Game of Thrones. At different times I gave alliegance to House Greyjoy, House Stark, House Bolton and House Targaryen. There is some debate as to whether I am a bit of a dick or a bit of a twat. What was my characters name in seasons 4 & 5

14 Japanese people apparently attach all sorts of meanings and characteristics to people based upon their blood type (!). Which bloody type supposedly has the following characterisitcs: as generous, passionate lovers with hearts of gold and wallets to match. THEY have a talent for financial success, thrive on parties and social engagements and generally sport a Latin temperament rarely glimpsed in the sober Japanese.

15 In Futurama what is Benders surname? It is a Spanish patrynomic, (with a Portugese version swapping just the final letter) with the first name originally meaning 'famous power'
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16 This is a picture of nazi war criminal Heinrich Stubel being arrested. He had been disguised as a Count Pfefferman (other photo). This scene is actually from a film in which he was played by Sig Ruman. But who were the main stars of that film? (If you get stuck I'll give you the name of the film, but it might be a giveaway)


17 Paintless. Some of you may have seen this on Facebook, where people recreate artisitc masterpieces at home, without any paint or other such malarkey. I would like you to name the artist of the original of the following picture. (Clue: said artist does actually appear in the picture themselves).

18 What was Sonic Youth's third album called?

19 What is the international vehicle registration code for Argentina?
20 What are these three people famous for: Stephen Gough (born 1959), the Countess of Mercia between c1032 & 1066, and Britains second most famous civil servant (after James Bond) Denis Charles Pratt; 25 December 1908 – 21 November 1999

21 In The League of Gentleman, what two words preceeded Job Club Pauline's phrase 'pig in a pokey'

22 What happened to Nelson Mandela in late August 1960 and on Feb 11 1990

23 What childrens TV series was broadcast from 1973-1985, with 'gangs' of child presenters (inc Pauline Quirk, Ant McPartlin, Gideon Coe, & Andy Crane) supposedly esponding to letters from viewers who wrote into the show suggesting games, 'makes' and days out.

24 Which Beatles single was credited to The Beatles and Billy Preston?

25 In 1994 I visited an establishment in the Angel, Islington, and had my first body piercing done. The woman who carried it out said I had the most inverted nipples she had ever seen in her life.That aside, all went well, until just after it had healed up, when I read that they had been closed down fdor not sterilising their needles properly between customers. hey ho, I'm still here. What I would like to know is - what was the name of the establuishment? (Two words, one clear from the theme, the other guessable considering the nature of the institution)

26 - Paintless again, what is the TITLE of this picture?


27 In 2004 I spent my first Christmas at mrsb's parents. I had taken a present with me from my ex-girlfriend (the one whom I had left for mrsb) which I opened trepidaciously. Thankfully it wasn't a small thermonuclear device, but the first autobiography by a noted left-wing comedian. Flicking it open I immediately came to page 188 and the following line: "The stagehand for the play was a lad from Sheffield called XXX and he was looking most perturbed when I met him outside the hall in Hammersmith." What is the name, not of that book, but of the authors follow up book, which dealt with the same period but from the point of view of a political activist rather than as a comedian.

I should probably add that XXX is a PQ regular, and mrsb's ex-boyfriend, which made it all amusing then and will be considered as such now (hopefully). I'm not sure why I have removed his name, considering it is in the book, but it looked weird if I left it in, so...... Everyone in the room will no almost immediately that said comedian was Mark Steel.
Q17 and a half - who both wrote and sang this song (there were others involved in both writing and singing, but only one person did both)

Hopefully that is playable - and please bear in mind I don't know how to play piano and have only had an hour to practise! And that it would be far too easy if someone competent played it.
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I can't see the last question. Says I need access.

They are mainly too hard for me but I'll guess a couple.

1. Tutti Frutti
2. Luckies
6. E Smith
7 Douglas Hurd
9. Carrot? Although if it's right, you probably need to change the wording
10 Elvis
13 Littlefinger
I can't see the last question. Says I need access.

They are mainly too hard for me but I'll guess a couple.

1. Tutti Frutti
2. Luckies
6. E Smith
7 Douglas Hurd
9. Carrot? Although if it's right, you probably need to change the wording
10 Elvis
13 Littlefinger
How do you get on if you know the answer to 27 (and thus know the quiz theme) is

Reasons to be Cheerful
1 is Good golly Miss Molly
2 is Camels
4 full employment?
6 E Smith
7 Willie Whitelaw
9 Carrot (bit of a giveaway)
19 RA
22 Something something walk to freedom

Are ones I knew or knew once checked. Others, not much clue, sorry.

Edit 4 - probably not
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Thats helped a little bit

1. Good golly miss molly
2. Camels
3. Goats
4. equal votes?
7. WillieWhitelaw
11. Scotty
12. A bong? Lighting up a chalice?
16 Marx Bros
20 Being in the nuddy?
21 Okey Dokey
22 Coming out of chjokie
24 Get Back
26 My Bed or somthing
1 is Good golly Miss Molly
2 is Camels
4 full employment?
6 E Smith
7 Willie Whitelaw
9 Carrot (bit of a giveaway)
19 RA
22 Something something walk to freedom

Are ones I knew or knew once checked. Others, not much clue, sorry.

Edit 4 - probably not
is that with knowing the theme or not? You should be able to work out the crossword clue (Q5) - especially now as I have slightly amended it

And if 23-26 are 'Why dont you get back [Something]' Bed - what could be missing?
I'll be giving supplementary clues, where necessary. Which looks like it might be quite often!
Sorry 5 is Aberfan (pronounced Abervan btw if I'm being picky), didn't notice it first time.

No I didn't know the theme until now.

Edit Did know 'Bed' (Tracey Emin)...erm something tattoo presumably?
Sorry 5 is Aberfan (pronounced Abervan btw if I'm being picky), didn't notice it first time.

No I didn't know the theme until now.
hmm, one of the newbies is kinda welsh, he might pick up on it. But I also think he is the most likely to guess the theme before the end (either him or one of the two people named in the final question) so he'll let me get away with it.

Supplementaries for final Q:
'Okay, here's a supplemantary for the last question - this phrase is also the title of various podcasts and shows, including one launched in 2017 with Ed Milliband and Geoff LLoyd, or a current TV show with Matt Lucas. You want another? Part three"
Why don't you get back in to bed? You went to a tattoo parlour called Into Tattoo? Or am I missing something?
Why don't you get back in to bed? You went to a tattoo parlour called Into Tattoo? Or am I missing something?
no, that is exactly it. I may mention some song titles that share the same actual name. I wouldn't go somewhere as boringly named as 'Into Tattoo'!!

I am hoping everyone is rather pissed by then so they find it amusingly absurd. 'Into' isn't a good word to clue for
1 I am one of the most popular songs by a recently deceased artist, recorded in 1956 but not released until 58. The piano intro was blatantly stolen from Ike Turners very early rock n roll hit Rocket 88.

2 What word has been removed from this advert?

View attachment 213501

3 Humans, elephants and what are the only creatures to have a neocortex (also called the neopallium and isocortex)?

4 What was achieved in the UK in (depending on who you speak to) February 1918, July 1928, July 1948 or not at all yet.

5 Sounds like a Euro winner enthusiast or a major, world cup year, disaster (7)
1. Good Golly Miss Molly
2. Camels
3. Reckon it will turn out there are more than three.
4. Women's enfranchisement.
5. ?
6 What is the rest of the name of band leader Mark - whose band released 31 studio albums, 48 live albums, 48 compilation albums, 13 Eps, 46 singles 5 part studio/part live albums & 2 by said band leader between 1976 & 2018

7 - The only time Margaret Thatcher made anyone laugh (excluding when she resigned or died) was when she stated why she required her notoriously 'wet' Home Secretary to stay in her cabinet. What was his name?

8 I am important piece of attire in modern day versions of Twelth Night. In Portuguese I am (according to my pronunciation) 'may as ama relish' - what am I?

9 Food and drink -what am I? A particularly high content of β-carotene, a source of vitamin A, but it is also high in B complex vitamins like folate, and many minerals including calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. A pound (454 g) of carrots will yield about a cup of juice (about 236 ml). Like many products high in beta-carotene, it may cause temporary carotenoderma, a benign skin condition resulting in an orange-yellow hue to the skin. Drinking more than 3 cups in a 24-hour period, over a prolonged period of time may be enough to cause the condition

10 There are only two famous people with my name, when polled the third most popular is a character from Fireman Sam (in the UK) or one of the first two's father. Other people with my name include: Ghanaian footballer Hammond, Canadian world champion figure skater Stojko, and singer-songwriter Perkins - son of Anthony.
6. Edward Smith
7. Douglas Hurd
8. ?
9. Carrots, and a careless copy-paster
10. ?
11 Which Star Trek character was, according to IGN in 2009 the 16th best character, the 18th acc to Screen Rant in 2016 or 12th acc to The Wrap in 2018. SR did at least say I was the 5th most intelligent. I inspired an inrcredibly well known catrch phrase despite it never being used in the series or films (tho it is in the animated series). I was born on March 3 2222 and am not known to have died.

12 What is going on here? Note: it has nothing to do with Big Ben or the News at Ten

13 I appeared in all eight seasons of Game of Thrones. At different times I gave alliegance to House Greyjoy, House Stark, House Bolton and House Targaryen. There is some debate as to whether I am a bit of a dick or a bit of a twat. What was my characters name in seasons 4 & 5

14 Japanese people apparently attach all sorts of meanings and characteristics to people based upon their blood type (!). Which bloody type supposedly has the following characterisitcs: as generous, passionate lovers with hearts of gold and wallets to match. THEY have a talent for financial success, thrive on parties and social engagements and generally sport a Latin temperament rarely glimpsed in the sober Japanese.

15 In Futurama what is Benders surname? It is a Spanish patrynomic, (with a Portugese version swapping just the final letter) with the first name originally meaning 'famous power'

11. McCoy
12. Coronavirus cure
13. Jon Snow
14. B positive
16 This is a picture of nazi war criminal Heinrich Stubel being arrested. He had been disguised as a Count Pfefferman (other photo). This scene is actually from a film in which he was played by Sig Ruman. But who were the main stars of that film? (If you get stuck I'll give you the name of the film, but it might be a giveaway)

View attachment 213504View attachment 213505

17 Paintless. Some of you may have seen this on Facebook, where people recreate artisitc masterpieces at home, without any paint or other such malarkey. I would like you to name the artist of the original of the following picture. (Clue: said artist does actually appear in the picture themselves).
View attachment 213511

18 What was Sonic Youth's third album called?

19 What is the international vehicle registration code for Argentina?

17. Napoleon crossing the Alps. Don't know who it's by and he must be hiding really well.
18. EVOL unless we are counting live albums, in which case Bad Moon Rising.
20. AG
20 What are these three people famous for: Stephen Gough (born 1959), the Countess of Mercia between c1032 & 1066, and Britains second most famous civil servant (after James Bond) Denis Charles Pratt; 25 December 1908 – 21 November 1999

21 In The League of Gentleman, what two words preceeded Job Club Pauline's phrase 'pig in a pokey'

22 What happened to Nelson Mandela in late August 1960 and on Feb 11 1990

23 What childrens TV series was broadcast from 1973-1985, with 'gangs' of child presenters (inc Pauline Quirk, Ant McPartlin, Gideon Coe, & Andy Crane) supposedly esponding to letters from viewers who wrote into the show suggesting games, 'makes' and days out.

24 Which Beatles single was credited to The Beatles and Billy Preston?

25 In 1994 I visited an establishment in the Angel, Islington, and had my first body piercing done. The woman who carried it out said I had the most inverted nipples she had ever seen in her life.That aside, all went well, until just after it had healed up, when I read that they had been closed down fdor not sterilising their needles properly between customers. hey ho, I'm still here. What I would like to know is - what was the name of the establuishment? (Two words, one clear from the theme, the other guessable considering the nature of the institution)

26 - Paintless again, what is the TITLE of this picture?

View attachment 213512

27 In 2004 I spent my first Christmas at mrsb's parents. I had taken a present with me from my ex-girlfriend (the one whom I had left for mrsb) which I opened trepidaciously. Thankfully it wasn't a small thermonuclear device, but the first autobiography by a noted left-wing comedian. Flicking it open I immediately came to page 188 and the following line: "The stagehand for the play was a lad from Sheffield called XXX and he was looking most perturbed when I met him outside the hall in Hammersmith." What is the name, not of that book, but of the authors follow up book, which dealt with the same period but from the point of view of a political activist rather than as a comedian.

I should probably add that XXX is a PQ regular, and mrsb's ex-boyfriend, which made it all amusing then and will be considered as such now (hopefully). I'm not sure why I have removed his name, considering it is in the book, but it looked weird if I left it in, so...... Everyone in the room will no almost immediately that said comedian was Mark Steel.
20. Being naked
21. Okey-dokey
22. Released from prison.
23. Why Don't You?
24. Get Back
25. Woolworths
26. Bed
Q17 and a half - who both wrote and sang this song (there were others involved in both writing and singing, but only one person did both)

Hopefully that is playable - and please bear in mind I don't know how to play piano and have only had an hour to practise! And that it would be far too easy if someone competent played it.

I know the answer to this one, but I can't get it to display properly.
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