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Compliance officer... Where do I stand in this situation?


New Member
Hello everyone, This is my first post on these forums so please go easy. I've tried to condense what I originally wrote as it went on a bit and might have been confusing.

Just before Christmas I received a journal message saying that I would be receiving a call in early Jan from a compliance officer. I suffer badly from depression and anxiety so this didn't go down well and actually ruined Xmas as had this hanging over my head the whole time wondering what I could have possible of done.

In Jan this year the Compliance Officer rings me and goes straight into questioning me on what bank accounts I have, so I mentioned the 2 I have in use. He then asks me about a 3rd, to which I say I don't have a recollection of a 3rd. He said there was an account in my name with over £16000. Alarm bells started ringing and when I questioned him about the account number, I was shocked to find that it was my mother's savings account. He said going on the information provided to him this account was in solely my name and he wanted statements from the last 3 years. He said he would be sending a journal messsage with further details and where to send documents. Upon reading the journal he mentions to send 'your' statements for the following account by 'said' date. After talking to my mother about this, she wasn't willing to send any statements until she had spoken with someone about what this was about. She knows nothing about UC and how it works and she is over 80 years old. I messaged the Compliance officer for a home visit due to her age or a phone call given that he was asking for account statements that were not in my name. These messages were ignored.

It transpires that back in 2015 my mother had added my name to her account as a joint account holder due to her age and being her only child. She was obviously worried she may become ill or die. She would of been in her mid to late 70s when I was added. She has no other family members and her partner died during Covid. I don't ever recall signing anything relating to her account as I've had to sign lots of things for her over the years, although I must of done at some point. She has never talked about any amount of money in any particular accounts of hers. I never had any access to her bank account nor had any reason to have access. I still live at the registered address with my mother although have moved out and returned at various times over the years.

I had only signed up for UC during covid when self employed people were allowed to and that had no other access to any money. I went through a really bad time financially with next to nothing in my own account. When I signed up for UC I double checked with my mother to make sure there were no accounts in my name that had any savings in that I was unaware of. She didn't recall any apart from my own. A couple of months into UC my mother recalled that I was actually on this particular joint account with her and she had forgotten to mention it originally. I hadn't recalled any account either as I have never had any details or statements in my possession. I literally no nothing about it. I tried ringing UC but during the height of covid it was impossible so I asked my mum if she could remove my name whist I was on UC just incase it caused any confusion. My mother did end up removing my name that same year but due to shielding during covid and having an ill partner she couldn't do this straight away and it took some months.

Where do I stand in this situation since the compliance officer didn't seem overly concerned it was a joint account when I explained it was my mother's own savings account and I had been added due to her age. He was more interested in the fact he had reason to believe it was my name solely on this account.

Since receiving the requested documents the Compliance Officer hasn't answered his direct line for 2 weeks and doesn't respond to voicemail messages. There has been no notification documents were received although they were sent tracked post. There was a coving letter from my mother and a letter from the bank included with statements. He hasn't acknowledged that he should still be calling my mother since all documents in his possession are addressed to my mother and only in her name. My name doesn't show up anywhere since I was removed in 2020. Both myself and mother have been suffering for weeks with worry and stress. I can deal with certain levels of stress but my elderly mother should not have to and should have been contacted from the outset, surely?

Sorry for the long post but any advice and help would be appreciated.
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sorry double posted what I've said already... Having trouble with posting via my phone. Please delete this post.
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Mickeym, Welcome to the boards ;).

Did this Compliance Officer provide you with proof of identity ? Did you communicate with this person via email (and hence have an email address) or via snail mail (and hence a physical address) ?

To me, it's apparent that you should have sufficiently allayed any fears the UC people may have regarding this account and it would be easy for me to tell you not to worry, but what I'm guessing you're after is proof the matter has been put to bed and there will be no further action. If it was me I'd probably be contacting the UC main number or email address asking for confirmation all is well.

I suspect that this officer is employed to provide evidence of fraud and cares bugger all for anything else and the fact you can prove it wasn't your account means they've moved onto investigating other people, it may be that you don't hear from this particular person again. It's really hard to not worry but you've done absolutely nothing wrong and you can prove you've behaved properly. I'm saddened you and mother have been stressed.
Thanks Izzy for your reply. That has at least made me feel a little better about things.

Funnily enough I received a call today after leaving another voicemail with Compliance Officer, only to find it was another investigator calling on behalf of the Compliance Officer I had been dealing with. They told me he had to go on leave, I believe due to personal reasons, and wouldn't be back in office for a number of weeks. I thought how nice... There's me and my mum suffering and he's gone on leave.

Since Jan I have been waiting to close my claim but was told by the Compliance Officer to not close the claim completely until an outcome had been reached. I wanted nothing more to do with UC after this episode and my intention was to just rely on my poor self employed income. I don't need the hassle of UC. I spoke with a manager via the journal and said I was not going to put through my earnings for month of January so as to partially close my claim and this way at least wasn't taking any further payments from UC. I expected this case to be dealt with and responded to by now. Now I'm told it could be another 4-6 weeks until he returns and replies.

The investigator today couldn't provide any details as they aren't in charge of this case but seem to think it's OK to close my claim.

I just don't know whom to trust as know if I close my claim I'll get a letter in post probably requesting to pay money back.

When calling UC they can't offer any help as they all say that Compliance Officers and investigations are above their authority.
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Sadly it sounds as though your original Compliance Officer was rather overloaded, this would explain the need to take personal leave and the absence of closure regarding your issue. I fear you may have to wait this out.
Just tell them it's your Ma's money and that's it. I'd definitely speak to citizens advice. They're used to dealing with things like this and will be able to point you in the direction of someone local who could help you with what to say to them.

Best of luck mate.
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