A case where all the 'right to life' twats stood outside the court - and assorted twats from Trump to the Pope - demonstrated that they have no respect for life at all. An enormously complex and horrible case in terms of the task of balancing the wishes of the parent against the rights of Charlie, but none of that was played out in the bandwagon jumping that took place online, right through to docs and nurses being threatened.
I was going to go through the motions of saying there should be no criticism of Charlie's parents. I don't have kids, so I can only see but not really feel the desperation they must have had. All that is true and, of course, let's not forget the nightmare they've gone through, from early concerns about his health right through to being told there was nothing that could be done. However, there should have come a point when they really listened to GOSH doctors. It's a horrible point that you reach, when being told that nothing more can be done and that carrying on might cause distress for the patient. But, at some point over the last few weeks they should have accepted what they were being told - particularly as it became clear the American specialist was a charlatan. In practice, they were being exploited, by the publicist who turned up from America and others. To be honest, its pointless being critical of them, but ultimately they weren't helping Charlie.