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Central - Prets with Seats Outside

St Martins Place by Trafalgar Square has a few tables outside. The one on Tottenham Court Road corner of Maple St does too.
pret evil capitalist devils etc etc

but that subscription thing is probably the best consumer deal i have ever experienced
pret evil capitalist devils etc etc

but that subscription thing is probably the best consumer deal i have ever experienced

What do you get when you sub to Pret?

I can’t help making the connection in my head between subscription, and submissive.

I only eat/drink at Pret at airports, service stations, and when the only other choice is a Starbucks. So its got to offer me stuff that serves my desires, however humble they might be

It’s Pret that does Miso soup, right?
i am a disorientated divorced dad with a pret subscription. i love sitting outside prets in the summer vaping, reading, and thinking.

please keep them coming.

Don't bother with the Houndsditch one then, unless you like sitting in a canyon full of buses?
The one in south ken used to have loads of seats and every day after work i would sit there sometimes for up to 1 hours (if i didn't have my kids that eve) and it was glorious in teh summer. music in, vaping, people watching, reading, or meeting with a mate, and i always ended up in a good mood by the time i left. Just a nice place to sit and unwind. and as said with the sub I save so much. i.e.

3 coffees a day for me: is 1£10.50 at normal price.

Sub for the entire month is £30

So three working days of coffee and i have covered the sub price lol. it's a great deal.

But the twist is they removed all the fucking seats one day and my heart genuienly sank! Guess complaints from rich locals who thought it was looked messy.

Shared public spaces are so important.

So if I ahve empty evenings ahead and fancy just zoning out but not at home, i will refer to this thread with the summer coming up. Thanks.

I stop at this one in knightsbridge every mornign before work and chill and vape. but they bring their chairs in early so not an option after work.

Chancery Lane branch has seating outside but behind pillars. Would not recommend.
So three working days of coffee and i have covered the sub price lol. it's a great deal.

But the twist is they removed all the fucking seats one day and my heart genuienly sank!
What do you get when you sub to Pret?

I can’t help making the connection in my head between subscription, and submissive.

I only eat/drink at Pret at airports, service stations, and when the only other choice is a Starbucks. So its got to offer me stuff that serves my desires, however humble they might be

It’s Pret that does Miso soup, right?
It will likely be no use to you. I get the subscription if visiting somewhere with a few Prets and even in a week I save money with a month's subscription although it's usually shared between three of us. On the way home service stations tell us to piss off as they are concessions or some bollocks.
The one in south ken used to have loads of seats and every day after work i would sit there sometimes for up to 1 hours (if i didn't have my kids that eve) and it was glorious in teh summer. music in, vaping, people watching, reading, or meeting with a mate, and i always ended up in a good mood by the time i left. Just a nice place to sit and unwind. and as said with the sub I save so much. i.e.

3 coffees a day for me: is 1£10.50 at normal price.

Sub for the entire month is £30

So three working days of coffee and i have covered the sub price lol. it's a great deal.

But the twist is they removed all the fucking seats one day and my heart genuienly sank! Guess complaints from rich locals who thought it was looked messy.

Shared public spaces are so important.

So if I ahve empty evenings ahead and fancy just zoning out but not at home, i will refer to this thread with the summer coming up. Thanks.

I stop at this one in knightsbridge every mornign before work and chill and vape. but they bring their chairs in early so not an option after work.

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Had a few drinks on those seats after visiting the NHM or when avoiding the shops. Twats.
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