Coming to terms with late onset Anarchism
Inspired by your posts, (Dan & Callie), i took myself off to Wandle Park this afternoon realising that I'd not actually seen what they'd done to rennovate the park/river. Have to say I think they've done well to 're-discover' the course of the Wandle through the park, and the boating lake/bandstand area looked pretty good even in winter.I dunno about you but Im not overly excited about drains especially boring ones. Theyve opened out the Wandle section through Wandle Park now and the council are looking to encourage more people to use the park. Theres a new play area, the rivery bits, the skate park, a bandstand and theyre opening a cafe there too.
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I went not long after they reopened the park with the rivery bits erm working? and it was OK but the water was very shallow. I expect its all filled up now so maybe the lake bit (was all just dry, low bits) is fully functioning now with the rain? Another place to go and have a look at. I have tried to include Wandle Park in my Wandle walk before but you have the Purley Way smack bang through the middle and its not very scenic!
Inevitably...(no groaning at the back, please)...I took a couple of photos...
The river entering Wandle Park...(with the elevated tram-line and Roman Way in the background)
and gently meandering in it's 'new' course...(looking roughly East)
and then leaving the park, towards the West to be culverted under the new(ish) "South Quarter" housing development, the Purley Way and the industrial estate to the North of Waddon Ponds...
The Wandle finally remerges from it's culvert a couple of hundred metres West of Waddon Ponds into the pleasant section of the Wandle Trail alongside Richmond Green...