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Carmarthing August 2019


So existentialist and I had a vague plan for something quite low-key in August in Laugharne or Carmarthen or around there probably on Sat or Sun 17th/18th. Probably drink, drink, meal, sobering up walk or swim and not much else.

any escalation into nightime beach barbecue and sleeping bags or suchlike or something completely different could happen if there's any uptake.

What about Pembrey toboggan and a bbq?

William of Walworth miss direct planetgeli mwgdrwg et al

If people were mad enough they could get to Carmarthen from London and points west by lunchtime, and if they had the spare cash to do it.
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Definitely. And am happy to be local man-on-the-ground to enable/faciliate this.

I'll talk to some of my fellow Laugharne denizens to see what opportunities for guerilla-style camping there are, or there is a legit campsite up the road from me.
Pembrey has an awesome beach but was only any good for the kind of mayhem and things we'd 'ahem' enjoy when it was a disused military area. Now it has a barbecue area, that toboggan, shops, parking fees and presumably wardens.
So existentialist and I had a vague plan for something quite low-key in August in Laugharne or Carmarthen or around there probably on Sat or Sun 17th/18th. Probably drink, drink, meal, sobering up walk or swim and not much else.

any escalation into nightime beach barbecue and sleeping bags or suchlike or something completely different could happen if there's any uptake.

What about Pembrey toboggan and a bbq?

William of Walworth miss direct planetgeli ddraig mwgdrwg et al

If people were mad enough they could get to Carmarthen from London and points west by lunchtime, and if they had the spare cash to do it.
Oh I'll already have left Wales by then :(
I will give it thought, am often away in August and right now have something bigger to occupy my mind ( and wish I didn’t) but...it’s a maybe.
2312530.jpg existentialist My research reveals that west from Pendine there are secluded beaches that people could tell you more about. Of course they are secluded because they are a fair bit from the road. Morfa Bychan is over a headland from Pendine and is the first of them. The pub up on the road is near where people would need to park and walk down. So there is a pub.
Google Maps

On Weatherman Walking I saw sth about that bit of wall in the photo. It was built to be blown up by the allies when they were rehearsing for the Normandy landings
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I'd really like to get involved with this, and you're proposing a lovely area :cool:.

But we'll be at my nephew's wedding in the far South West of England all of that weekend :(.

Have fun though, all those who can make it :)
I'd really like to get involved with this, and you're proposing a lovely area :cool:.

But we'll be at my nephew's wedding in the far South West of England all of that weekend :(.

Have fun though, all those who can make it :)

Pity. Do you mind tagging anybody you know of from around S Wales or further that might be interested? I don't know for example who are Bristolians but you might.
As regards the guerilla thing, just to be a bit clearer, I was thinking more of chatting up one of the Laugharne Burgesses to see if someone had a field we could legitimately use as a campsite...it may not come to anything, particularly since there wouldn't be Facilities, but I thought I'd make enquiries.
So existentialist and I had a vague plan for something quite low-key in August in Laugharne or Carmarthen or around there probably on Sat or Sun 17th/18th. Probably drink, drink, meal, sobering up walk or swim and not much else.

any escalation into nightime beach barbecue and sleeping bags or suchlike or something completely different could happen if there's any uptake.

What about Pembrey toboggan and a bbq?

William of Walworth miss direct planetgeli ddraig mwgdrwg et al

If people were mad enough they could get to Carmarthen from London and points west by lunchtime, and if they had the spare cash to do it.

It’s a braver man than I that invites ddraig to a barbecue. :D
As regards the guerilla thing, just to be a bit clearer, I was thinking more of chatting up one of the Laugharne Burgesses to see if someone had a field we could legitimately use as a campsite...it may not come to anything, particularly since there wouldn't be Facilities, but I thought I'd make enquiries.
TBH the prospect of lugging stuff miles to be safe from the Bill and council workers was beginning to alarm me so something more civilised sounds far more sensible
When is it happening? I’m in the area around bank hol.

Will get ddraig in a headlock and drag him along...
17th/18th I'm not sure I can do (bit before my hols), but will bung it in the diary just in case. :thumbs:

Was kidding about dragging ddraig along - not sure he's keen on humans. Guess we could nick some of his stash of jewels and bait him along in a Toyota Hi-Lux, but that might end in a firey death.

Which is ironic given the BBQ intentions.
Maybe/maybe not and it'll be that way until quite close to the day. Atm I'm in recovery and anywhere past my bed is difficult. Plus I'm useless at planning ahead. But we'll see.
I'd really like to get involved with this, and you're proposing a lovely area :cool:.

But we'll be at my nephew's wedding in the far South West of England all of that weekend :(.

Have fun though, all those who can make it :)

Apologies once again -- see above. And we would have been at Beautiful Days 2019 anyway, those dates, had my nephew not dragged us away from constant festival-going this summer :hmm: :D

But again, do have fun with it all anyway!! to all people going :)
existentialist My ma has said she wants 'to get out of the house a lot' while I am in Pembs, now she has given up her car and needs her wheelchair for any kind of expedition, and asked especially if we could go to Carmarthen on the Saturday 17th, while she has got two burly chair-pushers. That would mean a very swift eyeball if you could make it to C'then at lunchtime that day.

A non-alcoholic beverage and a Welsh-cake.

It's probably not worth the hassle unless you make a habit of going to C'then on Saturdays anyway. Let me know.

Thanks to everybody who expressed their interest but inability to make something of this.
existentialist My ma has said she wants 'to get out of the house a lot' while I am in Pembs, now she has given up her car and needs her wheelchair for any kind of expedition, and asked especially if we could go to Carmarthen on the Saturday 17th, while she has got two burly chair-pushers. That would mean a very swift eyeball if you could make it to C'then at lunchtime that day.

A non-alcoholic beverage and a Welsh-cake.

It's probably not worth the hassle unless you make a habit of going to C'then on Saturdays anyway. Let me know.

Thanks to everybody who expressed their interest but inability to make something of this.
Not to worry - let's wing it and see what opportunities present themselves. I have learned that my brother-in-law-in-law and his wife are coming to Pembrokeshire from NZ that weekend, and still working out whether/how/how much to finesse my way out of/into that particular encounter, so you may even have spared ME an awkward cop-out. But let's see what falls out of it and who knows? There might even be a Carmarthen Cuppa and a quick natter involved...
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