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Car insurance for non car owners


je suis teuchter
Help save me some hours on comparison websites.

I don't own a car and therefore don't have any car insurance.

However, due to multiple family members choosing to live car-dependant lives, I sometimes borrow theirs while visiting. And occasionally while staying with friends there is some situation where it would be useful if I could drive theirs.

I'm listed as an additional driver on one family member's car; this suffices 90% of the time and apparently it doesn't cost much at all to put me on that policy.

But I am wondering if
a) is there such a thing as a policy that would let me drive anyone else's car without having to register myself on their policy, or specifically register their car on mine
b) roughly how much would it cost?

Some cursory research suggests there's such a thing as "non owner car insurance" but it looks like it has to be attached to specific vehicles. And it looks like there is alternatively some kind of short term insurance where you pay by the day/month and can drive any car?
Don't know a lot about car insurance I think that was ffsears line However due to recent car shenanigans I got an app on my phone for Cuvva ( no doubt there are others) which I found startlingly easy to use.Its short term car insurance I am pretty sure you don't have to be the registered keeper but not hundred per cent and I found myself paying about eleven quid for daily insurance on an Astra.The hardest bit was taking a photo of the front of the vehicle because I kept losing the signal from the house😁
You can get short term policies, as you say for a week, days etc. It is horrendously expensive. When I last wanted 4 weeks insurance it was £100 more than insuring the same car for a year.

Also, it's attached to a specific car as named on the policy.
Check out Cuvva, insurance by the hour or day whenever you need it.

It wants me to enter a reg number and then will presumably ask me lots more questions before giving me a number.

Is it likely to be in the order of £1, £10 or £100 per day?
Don't know a lot about car insurance I think that was ffsears line However due to recent car shenanigans I got an app on my phone for Cuvva ( no doubt there are others) which I found startlingly easy to use.Its short term car insurance I am pretty sure you don't have to be the registered keeper but not hundred per cent and I found myself paying about eleven quid for daily insurance on an Astra.The hardest bit was taking a photo of the front of the vehicle because I kept losing the signal from the house😁

Missed this. Thanks. That gives me a rough idea.
It wants me to enter a reg number and then will presumably ask me lots more questions before giving me a number.

Is it likely to be in the order of £1, £10 or £100 per day?

From their website:

“What's the cost of Temporary car insurance?
It varies by driver and car, but here’s an example of how much the average Citroen C1 driver pays for their short term car insurance:
• £10.54 for 1 hour’s car insurance
• £17.27 for 1 day’s car insurance
• £48.29 for 1 week’s car insurance
• £65.38 for 28 days’ car insurance
These are the average prices that Cuvva’s drivers pay for their temp cover as of September 2022.”
It seems pretty obvious that the insurer would need to know what kind of car you're driving, so they know what their liability is when you drive it into a wall.
A one-day insurance policy as an added driver used to be very cheap when I used to do it about twenty years ago; the cost was about £15/ £20 which I thought very reasonable if you really only need it once in a blue moon.
The average prices quoted above look steeper than those I paid very recently but then I am older than the average🙂
It seems pretty obvious that the insurer would need to know what kind of car you're driving, so they know what their liability is when you drive it into a wall.
Is that the case for people who own a car and whose insurance covers them whilst driving other cars?

Because it's always seemed to me that car owners for the most part can drive each others' cars without too much hassle or filling in of forms. It's on that basis that someone will suggest on the spot that I drive their car and I have to say sorry but I don't have the insurance.
These apps seem to do the work for you Where once you might have pored over lists of vehicle insurance groups now it seems all the insurer needs is the vehicle registration.Guess if it was a MC Claren F1 that might give the algorithm pause but otherwise...
Is that the case for people who own a car and whose insurance covers them whilst driving other cars?

Because it's always seemed to me that car owners for the most part can drive each others' cars without too much hassle or filling in of forms. It's on that basis that someone will suggest on the spot that I drive their car and I have to say sorry but I don't have the insurance.
That's usually third party cover only these days, so while it's legal the cover is pretty limited. I've done it occasionally, but generally prefer to be added as a named driver if it's going to be anything more than a one off short trip.
Is that the case for people who own a car and whose insurance covers them whilst driving other cars?

Because it's always seemed to me that car owners for the most part can drive each others' cars without too much hassle or filling in of forms. It's on that basis that someone will suggest on the spot that I drive their car and I have to say sorry but I don't have the insurance.
I think it only covers you for third party damage and it’s not automatically on every policy.
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Help save me some hours on comparison websites.

I don't own a car and therefore don't have any car insurance.

However, due to multiple family members choosing to live car-dependant lives, I sometimes borrow theirs while visiting. And occasionally while staying with friends there is some situation where it would be useful if I could drive theirs.

I'm listed as an additional driver on one family member's car; this suffices 90% of the time and apparently it doesn't cost much at all to put me on that policy.

But I am wondering if
a) is there such a thing as a policy that would let me drive anyone else's car without having to register myself on their policy, or specifically register their car on mine
b) roughly how much would it cost?

Some cursory research suggests there's such a thing as "non owner car insurance" but it looks like it has to be attached to specific vehicles. And it looks like there is alternatively some kind of short term insurance where you pay by the day/month and can drive any car?
Normally most car insurence (attached to a car) allow you to drive other vehicals (with keepers permisson) but with third party cover only (even if comprehensive for the named car).

But i don't know if you can get one that is not linked to a car.
you could get motor trade insurance but its has so many caveats that giving you a cost is almost impossible
most like starting from stupid money to what you want to do to silly money

no point DL.. day insurance and you can still have to explain yourself to anpr cameras afterwards

save all documentation
You have in fact said something about the situation described, namely that you are not surprised about it.
I said I'm not surprised you're interested in driving, you're a famous hypocrite. And particularly stupid too, as this and your previous post to me show
Is that the case for people who own a car and whose insurance covers them whilst driving other cars?

Because it's always seemed to me that car owners for the most part can drive each others' cars without too much hassle or filling in of forms. It's on that basis that someone will suggest on the spot that I drive their car and I have to say sorry but I don't have the insurance.
That’s because the insurer knows that statistically speaking, an insurer driver is almost certain to be driving other cars only rarely and when they do, the car is very likely to be of a similar insurance class to their own and driven in similar conditions.

Your problem is that the insurer has no idea at all what cars you plan to drive, how often you plan to drive or how you will drive them. A lot of how these risks are normally estimated is effectively by taking the home address and vehicle as proxies — imperfect but surprisingly predictive. But home address is no good for you as a predictor because the one thing we know is that you don’t drive in daily life. And there is no vehicle at all to make guesses about your risk factors from. The insurer therefore has to assume you’re, I dunno, some kind of hard-drivin’ fast and furious type who plans to head off on a regular basis to thrash cars in dark and stormy conditions on urban streets.
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£17.27 for a day in a Citroen C1 is £6303 a year so they don’t have to think too hard about what level of risk each customer represents. Car model and age of driver are probably about all they need. I can’t remember what they asked when I last used Cuvva but it was nowhere near the level of detail required when buying annual insurance e.g. occupation, accidents in the last five years etc… none of that.
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